Episode Description

In this episode, Dr. Shivani Gupta, an Ayurveda and holistic health expert, shares the importance of Ayurvedic principles for optimal health and fertility. She explains the benefits of detoxification, living in sync with nature, and understanding one’s dosha for personalized care.

Dr. Gupta contrasts Ayurveda’s holistic approach with conventional medicine’s focus on symptoms, offering practical advice on daily detox rituals and emphasizing intuition, self-care, and self-advocacy, especially for women navigating societal pressures around fertility and health.

Beth Gulotta

Licensed Mental Health Counselor

Founder of NYC Therapeutic Wellness and Host of Quiet The Clock.

Episode Transcript

we have so much interference so many environmental toxins so many outside factors pesticides poor watery poor


water poor air everything's kind of like in invading intruding the body is like I'm not releasing anything until you set


me up for [Music]


success I think it's no secret that I love the little words projects bracelets I have about six or seven on my arm ones


that have been given to me ones I've bought myself I love giving them as gifts I think they're so inspirational


for me personally they're nice little reminders throughout my day to have hope to be you know have strength to be in


good energy I just love the bracelets so much I love giving them I love receiving them and if you want to check them out


and you want to give it as a gift or get one for yourself you can use our code QTC for $15 % off your first order I'm


very excited about this conversation I'm so excited to have you here Dr Shani gupa we were talking offline and we've


been talking for like 15 minutes offline I'm like this is all great stuff I want to just start recording um so yeah I


mean I I think just to start by sharing who you are and what your work is and


again I started sharing some of my personal stuff and I'm like fresh off a call with my nutritionist about my GI map but I have been learning so much


post miscarriage about overall health gut health infl inflammation I've


discovered I have not one but two autoimmun and I just I always want to


give these resources to my audience because there are so many women that

Introduction to Ayurveda


either you know have infertility issues or are egg freezing and I think there's just so much to be done to set ourselves


up for Success like the the things that I've learned now and impatient sort of in you know can get that more in a


little bit but impatience did not serve me well in my journey but if I had known all the things I know now I would have


taken 3 months to do all of these things and then done a transfer so I'm so excited to have you here welcome to


quiet the clock and if you can just start by sharing you and about yourself and and the incredible work that you do


sure so I am from Houston Texas and I was born into a family that lived here in the US but had just come from India


my parents had just immigrated so grew up in Two Worlds would go to India every year live with my grandparents and my


cousins and visit there and live here and I bring that up because I lived in Two Worlds like two different worlds if


you look at how everyone does everything in India and how they do it here anytime I was here and I'd catch a cold and all


the things I'd catch because I felt like I did not have an immune system growing up we would just run to the drugstore


back then it was echards and we'd pick up whatever it was and pediatrician would just write a script for antibiotics and You' just take it and

Ayurvedic Healing Journey


when you went to to India the my grandma would just open the cabinet she'd be like okay we're going to take some turmeric we're going to take some ginger


we're going to make you'll be fine in a few days sleep rest so it's just a whole


different approach like the spice cabinet was the drugstore in India versus the drugstore here and so I


always thought like who's right what's right and growing up finally by the time I reached College I had such


catastrophic health issues really bedridden couldn't keep anything down


couldn't understand why everyone else gets to go out and have fun in life and I'm stuck and so it was in that moment I


realized I have to build my own immune system because whatever anyone else is telling me is not working and I have to


what were people telling you like were you going to doctors and what were they were they diagnosing you with something


were you taking medication there were no diagnoses every time I had a problem they were like


here's your antibiotics you'll be fine do want to take some birth control um you have functional hypoglycemia


you you're presenting like you're diabetic but you're not like we don't know what to do with you and I wish we


had known more about naturopathic or functional medicine back then we just didn't and so finally when I was in


India once and catastrophically sick I told my parents you know what we're in the land of ayurveda and yoga and I


think ayurveda might have some answers we're going on a journey and they were like okay so they took me on my quest


and I went to all the gurus of ayurva and immersed myself in that wisdom I


healed myself healed my gut got all better and then I was like why why is I


already not marketable like why is it that in the US we don't know it we don't apply it like there must be something


here where these people aren't explaining it right for those people over there back where I live and so that


became my mission is like how do I distill ivic knowledge in a bite-sized way that people will use and then how do


I take their tools and make them less stinky and hard to eat and do and bring them into the so we can apply them to


ourselves and that's been my work since College literally wow and amazing like I


just think yeah the power of healing yourself is can be so important because especially in in my fraility journey and


others sometimes you know I think I'm feeling like there's two camps that there's like the medical doctors and


then there's you know functional medicine and naturopaths and acupuncture and the the I don't know the


amount of I don't knows or we don't know or there's no answer or like don't worry about that is really disheartening and


and frustrating so I think it's amazing that you went on this Quest and you found your own answers and you you


healed yourself so I don't know much about this so if you can share what what


this actually is would be amazing sure so Iva is an entire system of medicine


health and healing from India that's over 5,000 years old and it encompasses

Ayurveda's Circadian Rhythm


different pillars of health so we have detoxification and annual detoxes that


really really are like the oil change you must do to have then we have circadian rhythm the


circadian clock is from ayurveda We're hearing it talked about a lot but it originally originates in ayurveda and


teaches us how to live in rhythm with nature as opposed to being out of sync with nature because a lot of times why


our body isn't fight or flight and always stressed and not doing the natural things we wanted to do is

Annual Detox and Health Preparation


because we're not on Nature's clock we're creating a synthetic clock that defies okay as you're listen these


things out maybe we can go through like what is each one like what I'm so


curious I'm like taking notes right now um what does an annual detox look like and I love how you put that like an oil


change because when I was growing up my dad that's like the one thing like when my sister I started driving like be H us


get the oil change because the Will D and actually had that happen to friend so I love that analogy of like it's the


oil change so what does that look like an annual detox so when I was getting ready to have kids I was about 29 years


old and I had been married for about 5 years and I knew that in Irv that we teach


that the body is a vessel and it's so important to prepare this vessel to be so healthy so vibrant so strong that


when you give birth and have this child and potentially breastfeed you're not going to give the baby everything and be


left with nothing and by that I had worked so hard on my health I was like I'm not letting some baby everything out


I'm gonna go in so ready that I'll come out perfectly awesome and ready to do my life the way it was which we all get


that Reckoning after kids I did this bunch of karma detox in


India there's a place called jindel naturopathy Institute it was in um naturopathic Institute in Bangalore we


have places like that in the United States we have Maharishi we have um the Irv The Institute by Dr Lad so we have


institutes in the US where you can go and immerse and do buncha Karma and bunch of karma is like this profound


detox in India it's a little rough when they do it because they're doing everything as like a medical treatment


so it's enemas it's colonics it's every orifice of your body will be releasing


everything you've probably ever stored or consumed from up here and down there


and everywhere and they're going to massage you and they're going to really like just get your fat cells in your


body to relieve and release everything and everything gets so cleaned out you


come out of there feeling like a new person oh my God I'm listening to you I'm like that sounds amazing I'm like I need to I need to look up these places


ASAP yeah and so just taking the time to detox and sometimes when you're not ready for the ivic version I've taken my

Health Benefits of Detoxing


family to places like hypocrates hypocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach I've taken my own family for three


weeks just so we would decrease inflammation get gut health clean and


cleared out and allow the body to heal itself because the body is self-healing


mechanism the problem is we have so much interference so many environmental toxins so many outside factors


pesticides poor watery poor water poor air everything's kind of like int invading intruding yeah body is like I'm


not releasing anything until you set me up for Success now now you mentioned you would


take your family for three weeks but like how long would someone is it have to be a three- week event or you know I


think compliance is always better than Perfection so one two or three weeks whatever you can do is worth it just do


it yeah know it's so funny because I was sharing with you Offline that I had just


got off this call with my nutritionist and we gone through my GI map and then I had a little bit of time in between that


and and meeting with you and I called Rob my partner and I'm like I'm just so overwhelmed like and the stress and all


the things and all these changes I'm making and he's like you need to take a break and now I'm like I'm going to go


take a week and go detox yeah that's the best investment when I when my family and I went went cuz my mom has been a


diabetic on insulin for over 30 years and I really whenever I take her to these things we reverse her diabetes


back to like wow Baseline diabetes you get such a profound result and I thought


this is the best way to Vacation like we think of vacationing as like let's go drink and hang and eat in these


beautiful places but what if we just made ourselves beautiful from the inside instead well and often times when

Living in Rhythm with Nature


they're vacations like other kinds of vacations you come back from those vacations meting vacations correct or


needing to detox so yeah exactly yeah sorry there's like a hopefully they can


drown that out there's like a weed whacker out there right now can you hear that I can God it's right outside my


window they they could probably do something with that um okay and then the next one you mentioned was being in


rhythm with nature and how do you how does one do that so the circadian clock


is a concept where nature the sun rises we're supposed to rise with the sun


we're suppos to run through our day the way we're going to being more active in the morning getting our best work done


by about 2 o'clock on that clock um in ayurva we teach something called the doas which I'll get into but say that 10


to two on that circadian clock is the most important time to eat your biggest meal absorb all your best nutrients um


get all your focused work done after two kind of take a break and then evening time settled down like wind down towards


that bedtime cuz 10:00 you have a melatonin release and you want to harness that to really sleep well and


10: to 2 10: p.m. to 2: am. is the best time to sleep and it's double as important to sleep at that time compared


to all the other hours in the night so sleeping at 10 is really key you're using your melatonin release you're


going to really clean and clear we call it btha time of day so it's your time to clear out all the inflammation support


the lymphatic system and clearing out to heal and rejuvenate and yes you are supposed to sleep your six to eight


hours so keep sleeping um but that's the most important part of the clock and so the goal there is adjust your day adjust


your schedule to support yourself instead of doing things like caffeinate and push through and jam through and


collapse at the end of the day because when we're constantly defying the body's natural


Rhythm we're not going to win and so sometimes I think of that as treat yourself like an athlete an athlete goes


at it but has recovery and so you deserve the recovery because you need it


after the level of work that you're doing so where can you build that into your schedule more it's so interesting


listening you share all of these things because I think about you know the guests that I've had on and the


demographic and where these women live and it's you know very high- performing


type a super ambitious super successful women living in places like Manhattan or


LA and it is like so hustle culture and so like


caffeinated like you said and grinding and like definitely not going to bed by 10:00 probably going out at 10: p.m. or


having dinner at 10 p.m. so it's just interesting to hear really how we should be living versus how we're actually


living true and it can sound kind of impossible if that's the schedule on


like I'm in a phase of my life right now where my company is growing and scaling and 3x in and you're like wait I love


the success and it goes extremely against my ivic rhythm to travel to conferences and speak at medical

Balancing Work and Self-Care


conferences and run and so that's why I take the athlete analogy more seriously now if I'm going to be on camera for


five hours a day I'm taking an hour to or 45 minutes to walk in nature I'm


taking my time where I dial it back and recover and then if I do have a dinner to go to okay fine but really limiting


the alcohol inflammatory foods and trying to remember that most nights can I do finish dinner by 7 finish all


activities and work by 8 get self-care in the house wrapped up by 9 and then really wind down for bed by


10 so much harder to achieve now that the company's grown um but if we don't


which is amazing congratulations on that thank you but if you don't do it you're going to pay a price and I can see the


price I can see that I'm more inflamed you see it in weight gain you see it in brain function and those are your tells


your signs from the body hey guts off health is off you got to re you know you got to reel it back of


it okay so yeah I know and and and I've shared with you and I've shared on here


like I have made all these changes and it can be overwhelming but I think I'm trying to strike a balance of because it


can be so rigid and it could feel like you can't have fun or live your life but it sounds like you can find a balance


there and that maybe if it's like a majority of the time you're in Rhythm or you're detoxing that you know there can


be room for for fun and maybe a drink or a later night absolutely and I customize


that to people I do calls with people all the time and I'll customize three four what about three days on four days

Understanding Doshas


off five days on two days off like how can you make your weekend so nourishing


that it balances your 100 m hour pace of your week um really kind of Repro programming our own mind around what is


fun because to me fun now is like epic self-care radical self-care feeling good


not being hung over exactly okay what else so we have yeah


annual detox being in rhythm with nature what are some other tools number three would be your DOA so in ayurva we teach


about the five elements we teach so much about nature and using the elements we have everyone take what's called a DOA


quiz and the DOA quiz lets you know if you are a Vata a paa or a GAA and those


three represent different body types different Tendencies different traits and once you know your DOA you can


actually leverage it you can switch how you eat when you eat how you sleep how


you how you do self-care really and address your own body to balance yourself so vaa is more air and wind so


that's your person who's more like a tornado they're like an Energizer Bunny they're thin and wiry they're never at


rest they have a tendency towards anxiety disturb sleep disturb gut health so VA gets its own protocol of how to


balance itself interesting then there's B people the btha people are more fiery


this is someone whose medium body tends to have early graying in their hair tends to get hangry spit the people I'm


one tend to run inflamed we tend to explode on the people around us if we're not supported and keeping ourselves cool


and calm and so knowing can be very important because then you can balance yourself and that's fire and water and


then gaffa is Earth Earth with water and The Gua people are more solid big boned


they have a slower metabolism they're very one thing at a time curly um oily


hair rounder feates and so guffa needs support in getting up and moving to get that metabolism moving for the day and

Balancing Doshas


not catching colds or having too much mucus and and drainage stuff and then they need supported support and


balancing so that they honor their body type and all the things that come with that wow I just think how amazing it is


to know like to would it be to know those things because I think sometimes we can hold these narratives as like something is wrong with us right or why


if you're if you're the last NOA that you said like you know I can't get out of bed I'm so lazy or all these things


but no like this is we just need to understand this and then support it in the right way exactly and that's the


thing a lot of guas come to me and they're like why why does society think I'm lazy I'm just me and I'm like don't worry let's talk about it let's talk


about how much you're going to accomplish before you sit down for the day and then you just cannot get up and


it's important to know if you're imbalanced so what if you were a b and then your life your um like let's say


someone passes away you become nurture or you have a kid and that puts you into that nurturing mode sometimes we get


shoved into a guffa imbalance and we need to walk our way back towards being


our original DOA to feel like ourselves in our body yeah I think that's that's everything


with you know and mainly we talk about we talk a lot about like egg freezing but you were sharing stories with me and and Milestones about people you know


close in your life that like this podcast and this content would relate to is like when we go through these


processes we don't feel in our like we don't feel comfortable in our body our


body doesn't feel like our own or even maybe if you're not going through egg freezing I think again I'm learning so


much about inflammation and gut that had no idea and I thought I was living a


relatively healthy life and I mean to be quite honest I don't think I would have gone down this road if I haven't you


know been experiencing fertility issues so I can't imagine how many women


because I think again our time demographic I think again type a very healthy like they're drinking the green

Gut Health and Ayurveda


juice they're going to all the boutique like workout classes and we think we're doing all these healthy things but then


not realizing all the ways maybe we're living at a rhythm or all the things that are happening like in our gut or in


our body true and Iva has such a big focus on gut health we teach gut health


as meaning the gut digestive fire and that fire is to be honored like a campfire so every morning you light that


campfire up and you have certain practices then you manage that through the day with food no snacking and we


have certain ways to eat and certain ways to prepare the food so it's actually nutrient dense and nutritious


which we're lacking a lot of nowadays and then at night settle that campfire down you can go to sleep and and move


into the next process which is healing and repairing overnight but I do have some stories I have um one person close


to me who did egg freezing and afterwards she felt so out of balance with her body she's a p and she always

Drilling Down into Ayurveda


feels more guffa through this journey because you have weight gain in this process and a lot things like that and


so I had her do an ayurvedic detox and then she got back into alignment and now feels like on purpose with her energy


back the way she wanted and feeling the way she needs to in her body as she goes on to the next steps in her IVF journey


I have another woman who reached out to me who did six rounds of IVF and still wasn't able to conceive had already gone


to functional medicine thought she had fixed everything and then heard about me we did a session and I was like we've


got to fix gut we've got to do some deeper work here and now she's pregnant with the baby and I'm so elated I'm like


yes of course sometimes it's really weird tiny things and you need the right


practitioner to go drill down and investigate into like what is the one thing that is the problem here and then


sometimes it is bigger like I see a lot of women where we think we're being healthy because we're doing our best and

Ayurveda vs. Functional Medicine


because we don't have the right toolkit in modern day Society we're we're almost


like chasing our tail and so even I myself fall in that trap sometimes and I'm like you know ayurveda just use the


ayurvedic toolkit it'll get you there um and so that that process of detox


aligning to your circadian rhythm knowing and balancing your DOA fixing gut health and then I like using super


spices and herbs can get you into the right flow and then then we're more set


up for Success amazing how does this yeah cuz this is all new to me but how


how much does this different from say like functional medicine or working with like a dietitian or hormone specialist


like what sets aeda apart from that you know from what I've seen our dietitians


people who are nutrition look at the world through their lens you have a problem and we fix it with food when you

Functional Medicine and Ayurveda Integration


go to functional medicine there's a huge variety of types of practitioners sometimes you have to go to one finish


your work with them and then move on to the next level and the next level based on the level of Health you want so like


I'm already on my second and third functional medicine dock where I'm like all right let's work on the next thing let's do my genetic testing and and


that's more for optimization once you fix the the building block issues that you might have going on in gut and


things like that but in functional medicine I find they investigators they're using a toolkit um


of diagnostic testing to try to discern and understand what's wrong with you and then they're going to put you on different protocols that you do for


periods of time to win at that problem whatever deficiencies you have whatever


imbalances you have if it's heavy metal mold gut you know blood work vitamin mineral deficiencies all those issues


they'll address them but the problem is once you're done you're going to recreate the exact same problem if you


haven't learned a new lifestyle right my's going to show those deficiencies for life if I finish the protocol and


then I'm done and I haven't changed how I eat when I eat how I absorb it all


those different things so that's where I think functional medicine needs to Bridge and meet ayurveda so that


ayurveda can take over teaching the lifestyle that holds all those results that we


want I love that yeah and I think we can be so solution focused that we do just want


like attack the problem and fix it and I know I can speak for myself but probably a lot of women listening is you want to

Fertility and Lifestyle Changes


fix the problem so you can get a successful retrieval or successful transfer or successful pregnancy so it's


like I I'm not looking at that I'm trying to really look at it of like these are Lifestyle Changes this is over


about overall health like sort of the bigger meaning and purpose of all this is that I am awake to my health now but


I think when you women are like you know hyperfocused on the egg freezing or the fertility it's like I'm going to do all


the things I'm going to do it for three months and it could be really easy to slip back into Old Habits sure and when


you're on the clock you know you want the solution fast and so I'm a big believer in like let's let's tackle it


with the things that work the fastest let's put the fires out and so that's why I'm so passionate about turmeric and


adaptogens like let's just put it out and now that we have now we can talk about lifestyle because otherwise you're

Ayurveda and Fertility


asking a lot from someone if someone's in pain you're not going to say oh let's go eat an anti-inflammatory diet we're


going to say let's get you out of pain first and then let's go adjust all the things that will be the building blocks


to get you this result without a supplement or without a tool yeah have you and I know you've already mentioned


some cases but do you see a lot of women coming to you for fertility or or egg freezing and you know would you make


their say someone's looking to freeze their eggs would you recommend a protocol for a certain amount of months


before doing that to optimize outcome I mean in IR that we love more time rather


than less unfortunately nowadays the only time people find ayurva is like when you're at the last door possible


then you find ayurva which is why my whole mission is to share it I love this I think this is like we need all of this


information you know it's been so I opening through my own journey and doing this podcast how little as women we know


even just about egg freezing and our fertility and now that I'm diving into all these other things so little we know about our health and like these these


things with in us are got inflammation autoimmune that's affecting fertility so I love that you're putting this out here


and and unfortunately I'm F I'm at the last door is when I'm finding it yeah


but I built my own little team I have a Doctor Who's like a doctor house he's like he is an MD functional medicine


doctor he's been very powerful in helping my clients discern like what's that one thing that one button that we


had to push and now that's why one of my pregnant my clients got pregnant and then I have a health coach who's


phenomenal and so she's able to support with how do we maintain a healthier pregnancy this pregnancy that we've


invested so much time and money and into so we can keep it so we're we're a little three-part team right now who are


working well with a few people on their metabolic Health on their gut health on on the whole system so that the few


women I do have in my little little practice right now are doing well most people come to me for gut inflammation


and that kind of thing but I actually love the topic of pregnancy and fertility because when I started my


whole journey into ayurveda it was to write books on ayurvedic pregnancy and I


wrote one called the conscious pregnancy years ago it feels very 101 to me now


but when my editor was editing my book she's like you should have called this irva for fertility everything you could


have done beforehand and I said yeah I just don't want to make them feel bad so I broke primers and you could do it


through your pregnancy or get that wisdom beforehand but I'm very passionate about


in this lifetime continuing that work because I think Iva and fertility is a


area that's not being discussed but could give people so much um time saving


and Savings in the pain and the heartache on that journey and money sa I mean the pain for sure 100 but money


saving I know you mentioned you know someone that went six times I mean that's that's a very expensive journey


and I've learned you know so many journeys of since since my miscarriage like five six times before then finding


this one thing that medical doctors didn't check for that could have like safeguarded them from like multiple

Challenges in Fertility Journeys


miscarriages I personally went to a reproductive immunologist to learn more about um the high thyroid antibodies and


the guy was like don't worry about it don't stress it come back to me if you have another miscarriage and I'm like


how is that the answer like I want to know what's happening in my body I want to know what's going on I want to know if this is a reason I I Mis and I think


it's I I love that you're doing the work that you're doing and that we're making it more accessible for women to hear


about this stuff before it's for five six failed transfers or three miscarriages yeah and that's a lot to


take a toll on the body as well you know the body is going through huge fluctuations at that point and so I


think it's even more important if you're going through that Journey that this investment in gut health investment in


managing your inflammation and all that's happening because you're you're really pushing a lot into the body at

Autoimmunity and Inflammation


that time yeah oh my gosh yeah the the mental motional stress and weight of it


the hormones the injections all of it all of it I want to talk a little bit about yeah autoimmunity and and


inflammation I I have my own interest of course but how would you know without I


I was even saying to my nutritionist that like and I think I was saying to this before you and I hit record was I


would have known none of these things if I wasn't going through this fertility journey and so on this podcast we talk a


lot about going to get your fertility checked right at least getting get checked and what can women do to learn


whether or not they are inflamed or whether or not they do have an autoimmune prior to it being you know


looking into it as a result of of fertility you know in our regular checkups with our primary care we're


supposed to get those answers we're supposed to get tested for these kinds of things the problem is a lot of


doctors aren't testing us at the level that we need and it's just not part of the daily protocols and when you're


younger or a woman things don't present the same way and so I'm finding that right now autoimmunity is exploding we


need more answers if you can go to functional medicine I very much would go to functional medicine because they take


the Deep dives into your stool test your blood work your food intolerances the foods you're eating that are horribly


inflaming you like some people can't eat turmeric they can't eat ginger they


can't eat broccol you think those things are are healthy for you my nutritionist had said to me to stay away from because


of the co toxic copper toxicity to stay away from kale and spinach and you're


like like those are I eat that a lot and those are supposed to be healthy but for me with the high toxicity it's not right


so if your body is giving you answers like swelling uh fevers these are


inflammatory um signs from the body gut disrupted brain fog frequent headaches


if your body's always feeling fatigued these are signs from your body that you're inflamed and so it's so important


to go to the doctor and say hey I think I'm inflamed something is wrong I don't understand um and or go to functional


medicine even chiropractors acupuncturist a lot of them are practicing functional medicine as well


um but also just take a DOA quiz and and talk like understand for yourself how to


bring yourself into balance and I find that too is a powerful way to just get yourself back to your Center and


wholeness and nourished feeling and from there you can kind of go further but


autoimmunity is is very much prevalent right now and I think it's important everyone goes to their doctor goes to


their rheumatologist gets tested gets their numbers and sometimes why do you think it's why do you think autoimmunity


is like exploding I think it's multifactorial uh water quality skin care products and the


toxins in there cleaning products air quality mold exposure heavy metal


exposure um the environmental toxic burden on the body right now is just too much male and female so we're seeing


huge impacts into fertility um and I think it's only going to get worse we're going to watch the next couple decades


it get much much worse um that is so scary yeah I look at fertility as an


investment that you should make on your newborn before they're born and that's how I looked at it with my kids my kids


are 10 and 13 when I had my kid I had already pre-planned no nothing that like


down to the diapers down to the Fabrics down to the cleaning products like reduce the toxic burden on this little


human because they're already coming into a toxic world yeah oh my God I know that's one


of the things that I did too after my miscarriage was a complete like overhaul of of all my products my son's products


our kitchen cookware everything yeah exactly and in Irv that we teach a lot


about how to eat which involves don't use the microwave you know baking and cooking the food eating more balanced


nourishing meals we teach something called the savic diet and the saic diet is this very yogic diet that is balanced


it's an omnivore diet not these very onrack diets that are so restrictive and


then we don't have the gut microbiome and diversity that we need to maintain a


healthy body wow where can someone do the quiz I


have the quiz on my website at okay we'll have to link that in the show notes because I I want to do that I'm sure everyone listening is going to want

Healing Autoimmunity


to do the quiz it's fun it's like any personality quiz you're like oh what's my sign what's my this so it's it's very


Illuminating and then you can take it further and understand what your DOA was at Birth what your DOA is now and then


the goal is to bring you back to your original DOA birth oh my gosh I'm so curious about that in terms of the


autoimmunity are some of them some can be can some be healed or some kind of


you will live with them or if you make certain lifestyle changes you can reverse them


in iyura we believe you can heal from everything I love that yeah the body


wants to be healed if the body is battling with itself we have to go figure out why and then undo the things


that are causing the body to battle with itself like I had leaky gut I and I was like wow thank you for finally giving me


my answer of why I was like this and then whenever I get a diagnosis like that I'm like thank you for the answer


I'm going to go over there and go find my own Solutions I don't need yours thanks and I took that answer and I


created my own protocol I used ghee which is iation of gut it's medicinal


it's so healing I used turmeric I used Ginger I used all my anti-inflammatory stuff out of ayurva I used my detox


self-care that you can do every day so it's not hard once you build a lifestyle


that's your Rhythm and then all you have to do is maintain the Rhythm and you come off the Rhythm you'll feel it


because it's not going to feel good and you'll just get back on the Rhythm and that's my goal is let me show you how to live on a different Rhythm that Det


detoxes you every day lets you feel whole and nourished every day Builds an anchor points for self-care and then


you're golden like you you've created a rhythm to win at your health yeah and I think that's such an amazing way to look


at it like once you sort of learn these new ways and then it's being in Rhythm so it's so easy because I think and I

Daily Detox Recommendations


kind of didn't all at once Panic all at once Panic through everything at the wall so it's been a little bit


overwhelming but I think I am starting to find my rhythm and I think that's re a reassuring message to to people out


there that it doesn't have to be so hard and I also think when you start to see the results of that work like you it


really keeps you motivated to to stay in it true very true you mentioned what are


some besides the food and the ginger and what are some other daily detox recommendations you make so in ayurveda


we have something called theia and that's the 12 self-care rituals that we can do every single day one of them is


using a copper tongue scraper and your case maybe not copper but I know are there I actually saw that on your


Instagram I know I was like I need that but is there ones that are not copper yeah you can use steel they're steel


scrapers steel tongue scrapers um but you can take a tongue scraper every morning and you just have it stacked


this right on top of brushing your teeth and you gently scrape the tongue seven to 14 times you might have to rinse it


off a few times because there's this white film that forms on our tongue that's called Amma and Amma is all the


toxic residue and buildup that exists in our bodies and ayva teaches us that just


like on the feet in reflexology all the organs of the body are reflected on our feet that's why you have to be careful


with who presses on your feet all the organs of the body are reflected on the tongue and so what you're doing is


you're gently massaging and detoxing all of your organs by scraping your tongue


you're also clearing your um taste buds so they work better so you'll actually taste your food and be satiated earlier


and you'll be cleaning up your oral microbiome which is part of your gut microbiome and so it's so important that


because gut microbiome starts up here we are keeping the oral microbiome healthy


and so tongue scraping followed by oil pulling which if you can't do both just do the tongue scraping but if on the


weekend or anytime you have time for oil pulling oil pulling is an ayur the CIT where you take organic food grade oil


take about two tablespoons so it can be coconut oil we love cesame oil the most but you can use your olive oil from your


kitchen you put it in the mouth and keep it there for five to 20 minutes what I like yeah what I like about this one for


my busy women is you can multitask so you can take your shower you can make your coffee you can get dressed as long


as you're not trying to talk to your children you can be oil pulling while you're waiting and um then as you go


along all you have to do is swish it around the mouth move it around your gums and spit it out not in your sink


your toilet or your shower make sure you spit it in the trash so you don't clog the pipes of the home but what this is


going to do is it's going to collect all the bacteria in the mouth and all the harmful bacteria put it all into that


oil and remove it so again it's so supportive of oral microbiome and we know gut microbiome is key to all health


and it's detoxing so and those are easy things to do those are really easy things to the tongue scraper you buy


once and the oil is pretty much nothing so it's like almost free health habits so that by the time you do go to do that


big old detox you're going to show up and be like oh there's not much to do I'm already cleaned up oh my gosh this


is so fast it's it's just interesting and maybe you know I'm linked to the game and more people know about this stuff but the


these are simple little things that can make such a big difference in our overall health and I just feel like it's


not front and center I think we're just so you know it's so engrained T us to go


to the doctor and like you're saying this to when you grew up being here and then you know in India and just like go


and get the script and take the medication or take the antibiotic there's a whole debate now on on birth


control and how you know whether that's good for us or not yeah just this is the stuff we grew up


knowing to be the right way to take care of ourselves and you know adding on top


of that we know Women's Health right now is not studied as well as Men's Health we know that all the testing that was


done even on menopause and a lot of things wasn't done on women at the level

Women's Health and Intuition


it needed to be so I kind of look at Women's Health right now as you know what we're in the wild wild west you


have been saying you have answers I no longer trust a lot of those answers but I know that ancient wisdom is tried un


true I know an is timeless I know that women have innate wisdom we have


intuitive wisdom and so if we can just tune into that we will get the answers


we need to do what's right for us because we're so bioindividual and so so


much of my work is let me give you the toolkit and the toolkit's actually going to sharpen your intuition and your


intuition will constantly tell you which tool you need next like I learned recently that I do this all day I'm on


camera and teaching so in between I literally get in bed and have tea for five minutes chill out


decompress I can come back on but the recovery is as important as the action


and so I teach just intuitively my body will tell me you know what you need water you know what actually today you

Tuning into Ourselves


need that adapt aent tea you know what you need a snack with healthy fat or you need chocolate you're a f and you're


going on too many cylinders and you need to slow this down and sugar will calm down anxiety so that's why so many


people are sugar addicted wow so if you know that Q you're like okay well I know I'm asking


for it I know I'm reaching for it I'll just have two dark chocolates and that's okay so it's just interesting when you


understand yourself you are your own Sovereign Advocate and you can dictate


this plan yeah above I think that's what yeah I think that's what's missing is


the the sort of tuning into ourselves and I think a lot of that is the function of just like we're a hustle


culture we're moving very quickly I think sometimes it can and I can speak for myself sometimes it could be hard to


give ourselves permission to take that break or slow down or we jam-pack our schedules like this was literally the

Intuition and Efficient Path to Health


conversation I was having with Rob before I got on here and giving ourselves that time to be intuitive and


to tune in and and I think that coupled with these type of conversations and the


you know your platform and sharing more information being equipped to go to doctors and say hey like I run the


thyroid panel or let's do another saing ultra sound like something is you know and having to be our own Advocate and


really having that intuition to then have the voice to to push for these things absolutely because in the end


it's that intuition that's going to win your intuition knows best it's your body it's your cells that are screaming

Lifestyle Transformation and Fertility


answers we're just not hearing them and our job is just to learn how to hear them and then we can direct this path to


get us to the goal faster so it's more efficient it's easier and we'll get to the result we want that's how I


feel yeah and yeah easier sooner less expensive um and then creating a


Lifestyles that would just transform your health forever past fertility past egg freezing past having


children true very true and you know this is that beginning part like we're


talking about fertility which is a huge part of it and then there's pregnancy and how to maintain that really healthy


pregnancy that you just did all this work building and I think like you said you're getting all this knowledge that


will all apply for that pregnancy to keep the healthy pregnancy and then post


for us to recover and and get back to our lives the way we want to requires that same level of stamina and endurance


and health that we build at the beginning yeah yeah yeah and I think


yeah it's bigger than the problem solving like identify the problem fix it and move on it's like thinking more big


picture more holistically of like just how do you support your health period to have Optimal Health to live a life where


you feel good and healthy and you're not dragging ass through the day or feeling like crap yeah I think this is I'm so


incredibly fascinated by all of this work and I'm so incredibly fascinated about all the ways that we can have


within our control to heal our body and think this conversation and the conversations you're having and and the


messages you're putting out is so helpful and reassuring to women because I think what's happening is a lot of


women are getting that I don't know I don't know what's wrong let's just go back and do another cycle of egg


freezing like okay we thought you were going to get this many eggs and you only got this many eggs and why and I just think you are equipping women with more


answers and more ways to look at what's happening in their body that might be you know causing results that are not

Depletion and Stress in Women


ideal absolutely and and my sister always makes fun of me she's like you're so fertile and I was like well I just


live the ayurvedic lifestyle I was like it's the whole point of the ayurvedic lifestyle is for the woman to be so


whole and nourished and that I think is what leads us to having that level of


fertility vibrancy energy everything that we want to have that's why I love


teaching it I think we all deserve to feel amazing and vibrant in and I think in so many ways we're so


depleted we're so depleted in so many ways and emotionally and you know again


a h of culture nothing is ever good enough there's more to be done someone else is doing this and I have to do this


and especially the demographic of women that we speak to is there is a lot of comparison of like I am 34 and I didn't


meet my partner yet or I'm 30 you know this this is my AG is 37 and I'm freezing my eggs I don't know if I'm


going to be a mother and and that pressure of like the timelines and you know I think it leaves us in this like


hyper state of hyper vigilance hyper stress total depletion and just thinking


about ways we can you know counteract that absolutely yeah it's it's a big


journey and I wish our modern day society would keep sending the message


instead of hustle culture which impacts all of us of some balance in between


because I think there's like like the Homestead life versus this like gr I've


been following stuff on that that looks great but also so over that's like 10 jobs in one I feel like to live life


like yeah well that's what's so hard is that there's a convenience to other ways of living right like a fast food or


quick smoothie or you know we're always in such a rush and I think in myself included you know before diving into all


this stuff I would like be in between sessions and I would like make a shake or just like toast a bagel and you know

Self-care and Intuition


getting no nutritious value and so I think convenience is sometimes the priority


but then it's not allowing us to you know make good choices for oursel and you know Rob and I obviously had a long


conversation before this call we were talking about a lot of things and I was saying the cooking takes a lot of time


you know and like I'm not I said I'm not just like popping a bagel in the toaster I'm like getting the pan out and putting


the coconut oil and then you know the meat and all and it's like lots of stuff to wash and so it's just so


but can staying connected to the why I'm doing all those things is so important yeah and find ways to make it easier the


meal prepping the buying things washed and ready like as much as you can sometimes all my salads come in from the


store ready like I go to Sprouts and I love their prepared salads so that's what I eat I just break it into two and


I eat one every other day and so sometimes it's just like how do I get the level of nutrition I want but at the


convenience I need while it nutrient dense and another favorite uh self care


tool I have thinking about what you were just saying I teach something called tea time is me time where every single day a


couple times a day because I'm literally on business calls and working from the minute I wake up email text social it's


all up all day now I laugh at how much my phone blows up upon waking and I'm like you know I wish for these days I


wish for the days when my business would do this so I'm not going to complain but oh my God and so tea time is me time is


my habit where I just tune into myself and I ask myself how are you feeling how are you doing have you set up today so


you're going to get to eat is there anything this week you need to cancel or move so you survive yeah and my brain


will be like you know what you can't do all that on Saturday you'll die cancel cancel that and it's it's your own


intuition just needing enough space to give you an answer and so I use as my QE

Empowerment through Saying No


five times a day I have a cup of tea and I'm always like okay and then I I get


really powerful ANS on what to change and what to adjust and then


that at the end of the day yeah so interesting like the cancellation or or


saying no I've worked with so many of my clients on that it's just like looking at the calendar and like because everyone's over scheduled and and


looking at where you can say no to something can be really really like the saying no is saying yes to yourself is


what I would say to my my clients right exactly yeah well please please please


tell everybody where they can find you where they can take the qu where they can maybe reach out to you and and do a consultation or potentially work with


you sure so my website is my name Shani g.com sh sh i v ni GTA and my quiz my


quiz my cookbook my guides they're all there on that site I have Instagram at


dr. Shani gupa and I'm on all the social and then I have a podcast fusionary Health podcast where I interview doctors


and practitioners and everyone in the space to show us how we can shift our health amazing amazing I appreciate you


being here so much I appreciate everything that you shared with the audience today thank you thank you thanks for having


me if you're someone struggling or relating to the topics that we're talking about now and you're feeling the


anxiety or the stress or the pressure of feeling like you're running out a time you're behind and you want some extra


support check out my group therapy practice in Midtown Manhattan NYC therapeutic Wellness we have an amazing


team of clinicians ready to support you in your journey to help you feel more grounded to help you feel more grateful


to help you feel like you're just exactly where you need to be so check us out at


www.nyc therapeutic wellness.com hey guys I'm Beth thank you so much for


tuning in to quiet the clock if you want to hear more episodes and learn more about how to dismantle societal


timelines live life on your own terms live life fully And authentically subscribe to our Channel on YouTube and


you can also follow us on Instagram and Tik Tok at quiet the clock pod



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