Episode Description

In this podcast, you will experience a whole lot of relearning and unlearning as we shift from the Newtonian Age to the Quantum Age, and discover what it means to create your own WELLTH - well-being and wealth.

We all know Danielle, the Serial Entrepreneur; Danielle, the Millionaire Maker; Danielle, the creator of Course from Scratch - but every new ceiling requires a new identity, and for the longest time, Danielle had hit her highest and could no longer see a future she could create.

And for the first time ever, Danielle had to face the most terrifying question: How do I get out of self-judgment, loneliness, and, worst of all, the hopelessness of reaching my full potential?

In this episode, Jessica Hurley, host of the Rich in Real Life podcast, switches seats with Danielle Leslie and takes a deep dive into Danielle’s journey of being a student once again as she embraces her seasons of silence to integrate the lessons she had learned and to finally put them into practice.

So join us in this episode to find out how she made her pivot into her fully-expressed self, time travel with Danielle to 10 years from now, and get to know the Danielle from the future. It’s time to go behind the scenes with Danielle from SINCE3000.


“The more healed people are, the more playful they are.”

“The best friend; The biggest love of your life, is yourself.”

“It was a simple question. Is this in service of my highest self? Is this helping me be fully self-expressed? The answer was yes.”


  • Danielle’s Dark Night of the Soul [6:05]
  • Putting in the Work - How Danielle made the pivot into her true self [14:00]
  • The Expert is now the Student again [21:00]
  • Did Ego ever get in the way? [29:00]
  • Danielle’s “cry in the car” moment in business [37:40]
  • Time traveling to Danielle 10 years from now [47:55]
  • Breaking ceilings, the power of proximity, and leading in femininity [1:03:32]
  • The Breakup Letter [1:08:08]


Jessica Hurley

IG | @jessicahurley__


GO SUBSCRIBE to SINCE3000 on All Streaming Platforms

Danielle Leslie

Owner, Culture Add Labs

Danielle Leslie is a believer in infinite possibilities and the founder of Culture Add Labs. She helps people uncover their Culture Add, collapse time, and launch an iconic online course or business around it.

Episode Transcript

0:00I am integrating. And I'm saying what does my voice sound like? If there was a superpower, we had a CEO0:06retreat, and we're talking about superpowers that we wished for when we were kids. And I asked the table, what's one that you0:13want now as an adult, and mine was the superpower of deciphering? Is this my voice? Or is this someone else's voice?0:20Is this the ego, which to me means society, significant other parents, coaches, peers, like Whose voice is this? That will0:27be the superpower. And so since then, I've been practicing that muscle. And I realized what helps is to remove the outside0:34voices, I'll say, I wouldn't have gotten to this point. Without all the coaches and the investments I made, I wouldn't0:41have as many lessons to integrate. And so I want to honor and thank every single coach mastermind investment,0:47they got me to this point. And I think all of them I think, the previous version of Dani, who made those investments. And now0:55I get to embody all of that, and ask myself, okay, Whose voice is this? And what do I want? Welcome back to Since3000. I'm1:02Danielle Leslie, and I am so honored to be sharing the sofa today with Jessica Hurley, you are going to meet her in just a1:09second Jessica producer extraordinaire, she has produced the most amazing podcast for the most amazing people and I'm so1:16excited to talk to you today. Can we do a cheers1:23cheers, the Since3000 Cheers to all your success, everything that you've accomplished, and everything that we've got to1:29witness. Cheers to you, being you and giving us all permission to be ourselves. And for that to be our brand. I really1:35appreciate that. Personally, I appreciate that. And I know your audience appreciates that. Thank you.1:49Today's interview is about you. I'm interviewing Danielle Leslie. Well, I want to talk about your success, your story.1:56And so I'm switching so switch, are you? Yes.2:03I'm so excited to bring you today's episode. But before we do, I need to make sure you've heard about member up. So2:10community driven products are the future. But Facebook groups are a thing of the past. And after 10 plus years in the2:17online education space, I've taken all my learnings and I've built this incredible platform member up. It's a customizable2:24easy to use all in one platform where you can build a premium course community or membership site without the tech headache.2:32Gone are the days of having to duct tape together, your content, your community, your payments, all on different2:39platforms. I want you to do me a favor, do yourself a favor and head over right now to member up.com Ford slash Danielle. And2:47you can get started for free today. I promise you, I can't wait for you to see this platform. It's beautiful. Okay,2:54the design is amazing your community is going to feel at home here and you are going to take pride in your online2:59business. It is the place to start, head over to member up.com Ford slash Danielle. Now let's get into the episode.3:07So I have to start here. Because this is like a dream for me. And this is my full circle moment of starting a show four and a half3:15years ago, my own podcast show with the intention of interviewing entrepreneurs because I had two failed3:21attempts as an entrepreneur. And when I finally was ready to give it all up, I was like, You know what, I just want to start a3:27show where I interview incredible entrepreneurs. And ask them I get their accolades already know, because I chase3:34them. I follow them. I love it. But I want to ask them about the moment they felt the most stuck. I want to know about the moment3:39that they were crying in the car. I want to know about the moment where they were on their knees, they thought they could not continue. And I want them to explain how they got through it.3:47Because those moments seem inevitable and someone that had failed multiple times. I was like, How y'all doing this?3:53Because I don't understand. And you were the first course you were the first digital course I ever watched. And I was like4:00this woman is incredible. Oh my god. So to be sitting on the couch with you. I'm having my full circle moment of like,4:09interviewing the ultimate entrepreneur, that everyone's measuring stick for success. So many women, and I'm interviewing4:17you so thank you, thank you for sharing. Oh my It's been amazing to work with you. Thank you like so this. This is amazing. So normally4:26you're behind the camera and you're helping guide and so I love that like, I'm just like what's gonna happen? It's gonna4:32be magic. I hope so. I hope so. There might be a female there might be a little nervous because this is like a big, this is a big full4:39circle moment for me. Because my favorite thing behind the camera is to pretend to be the audience. I'm like, if someone4:44is listening, because I am the ultimate podcast listener, I love it. I love the art. It's an art form to me. So to sit behind4:50the camera and hear all of it and think what is the audience thinking how are they perceiving this? How are they receiving this and to not sit in this chair with you? is fun. So we do5:00Opening you ready? Let's go. Deep End. 11 feet I love is that where we are, I5:05don't know, I like it. So deep, my feet can't touch the bottom. So let's go 3000 feet. So one of my favorite things about you is5:12that you are like people don't understand the level of freedom in which you operate like you are playful. You are free5:19spirited, you live life, to me. And I say this, in all the ways5:24you want to see it, you're like drunk off life. Oh, you be living. You hear me like you be living. You be living. It is my5:35favorite. And I remember reading this one liner in a book and it made me think of you instantly it was like, the more healed5:42people are the more playful they are. And so I was like, Man, that is a high tail sign of the work that Daniel has done is5:49because then you stop judging yours. Like really, it's ultimately that you stop judging yourself. Yes. And so I when I5:54see you in the way you move, like, there's even times where you've called me to do things like dance in public and do that. I'm like, oh, no, I'm not ready for that. And it's where I6:02see that ultimately, you have completely stopped judging yourself, which means not, you know, not completely, we always6:07have our moments, but that you've stopped judging yourself, you've done the work because you are so playful to the point6:12where you allow it to inspire you. And so they also say it's darkest before the light. So in order for you to have gotten to6:20that place of doing the work, and we will talk about that you've done so much work. What was that dark night of the soul6:27moment? What was that moment where you were like, life was good until now. It's like a before and after it's an6:33unforgiving moment of ourselves, like, life was one way in this moment. And then after this moment, I decided to change.6:41What was that moment that sparked your healing journey? Oh, that's good. It's interesting. So I have one moment that comes6:49to mind. And by the way, I love how you articulated that because I would say my biggest Achilles heel has been the self judgment,6:57I think, only until recently, I had the language around it. And then the first iteration of that language was I'm afraid of what7:03others will think, until it was actually my therapist who said, Are you afraid of what others will think or afraid of what you7:09think about your song? I was like, Oh, you right. Okay. So you articulated it. So well, that has been my Achilles heel7:16and it I do feel like freer and like I am building that muscle to just be your I'll just back up. So it was really like a7:25series of moments that were dark for me. One moment that comes to mind is so I was on this path. I was in a relationship. I had the7:35whole thing. We knew what we were doing. We knew what we were where we were going, the business was going and knew7:40where that was going had pretty much everything quote, unquote, figured out. And then that relationship ended. And it was7:47like a shakeup. And it was like, the universe was like, Oh, you thought you're new? Oh, you bots you gonna learn today? And it7:53was like, Oh, we're gonna put you into this practice of asking, Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? So I remember, one8:00evening, and I was I was actually doing a trip. And I love going on journeys. Because it is what it does is it reaches8:10things that are there. And they are beneath the surface. And they are influencing every decision we make, how we show up8:18how we hold back. It's in some of these journeys. And there was this one in particular, where I mean, I saw it and I felt it, I8:26felt everything that I had been like, you know, pretending wasn't there. And so I remember, the resounding story was you hit8:35your ceiling, you hit your ceiling, you've hit your ceiling. So I would say that was probably my darkest moment.8:40Because my whole life was one of infinite possibilities. I mean, I was an overachiever. I was like, we could do anything, we8:47could create anything with our word with our thoughts with our spirit. And in that moment, I no longer saw a future that I could8:53create. I saw I had already hit my ceiling. I thought it was the end. I was like, No, we already did the most we gonna do like9:00we're done. And I remember what I saw. One of the visions I saw in that journey was the multiple levels of judgment. So it was so9:08clear to me, I had a visual of me judging myself. And then I was like, Wait, but why are you judging yourself? So then I was9:14judging myself for judging myself. And then I was judging myself for judging myself for judging myself. I saw four layers of judgment, like visually in front of me, and I9:21felt it and I was like, Oh, so that's what we've been facing. Okay, got it. And then I saw the ceiling. And I'm sitting9:28upstairs in my office and my the way my desk was set up at that time, it was like a spaceship. And it was like, alright, we're9:34command in the universe. And that's the vibe I had when I first moved in. And when I first sat at that seat, But fast9:40forward to these months later, and I was like, no, no, this physical ceiling right here, already hit it. It's done. Like9:47there's nothing else to do. And in that same moment, I saw first the layers of my judgment, and then I remember like crying9:55profusely and seeing a visual of this excavation site where I saw The like six layers going deep. And I saw an eye for that moment10:04I said, Oh, my goodness, and I was crying. And I was like, these are not my tears. These are the tears of my ancestors. And I think I realized two things. One was, I am here to be10:13able to express everything that they live that they went through, and I'm a vessel in this moment. And it was a great10:20moment of detaching from the tears and the emotion I was feeling. And it was so freeing because I said, Okay, I'm here10:25for you. I'm expressing this for you. And it was that, that commingling of that moment. And then the moment where I'm like,10:32okay, they are trying to free you. They're saying, yo, girl, like you're the vessel you get to express without being10:38attached to this. But then there was the moment before when I was feeling chained to my judgment and feeling like I had already10:45done everything. I can't create anything else. That was the moment for me when I was like, I don't know what I'm doing with10:51my business. Next. I don't know, you know, am I going to find someone else to be with in this lifetime? What does my future10:57look like? Thank you for sharing that. So what I heard was, you had to,11:05um, become so you could recreate that you had to meet yourself where you were like, Okay, this is what I think about myself, I11:10recall someone saying that. There's a lot of CEOs who remember what I was listening to. But there were all these11:17CEOs that had executive coaches, high level CEOs that had executive coaches, and the executive coaches said that the11:23scariest place for these high level CEOs is when they're at the peak of their success. Because when they're at the peak11:28of their success, they are immediately following it with this will come to an end eventually, because I've gotten11:34to my highest vision, I've gotten to my highest place. So that means there's only down from here. And so knowing that11:40you're at the top and you're about to start rolling down is a scary place to be. And so it's kind of unbecoming. So you can11:46recreate a new vision because you don't have to go down you can just elevate to a new or a different place. Yes. So after11:53that, what were some of the things that you did to like kind of begin that journey, because I think who you're referencing in12:00that moment to who you've become is a very freer, amazing,12:05spiritual, lively, playful, still incredibly intelligent,12:11powerful. See, I owe for you to become the CIO, the free version12:17of yourself, the spiritual version of yourself, the person that you've truly embodied, which eventually led us in 3000.12:22I first want to talk about like the the tangible work that you did, like maybe the most powerful books, you read some of12:29the actual spiritual experiences you had? Or were some of the things that you were like, that literally was where I pivoted,12:35and was like, okay, yes, oh, my gosh. So the first thing that came to mind was12:41changing and then removing my measuring stick. So that was a huge first mindset shift that I needed to embody to then be open12:49to the tools that were calling me. And what that meant was my whole life, I had that measuring stick, which was first get12:56straight A's, then it was the president of every organization. So I was prom queen, ASB president ICC president. So the13:01president of all the presidents at all the high school, like talking about achievement to the highest level, like I was like, Oh, we don't want at all. And so I had a measuring stick my whole13:09life. So when I entered into entrepreneurship, and I said, Okay, well, what's the measuring stick with the course business?13:15It's the revenue. So that's when every moment the North Star, the measuring stick was revenue, it was okay, when can we hit the13:22million? Okay, now we need to hit 10 million. And I remember being like, you know, getting calls for articles like, oh, we13:27want to write, and I'm gonna No, no press like, no, a million is nothing, we need to do 10 million, then I'll be ready for the press. So it kept moving, the measuring stick kept13:36growing. And so what I had to do first was change the measuring stick. So first, I changed it from the revenue to number of13:44hours I was working per week. So it changed to actually living and life. And so what I did is I focused on how can I instead of13:51working the 50 hour weeks, and it's well, because at this time, the company was doing really well, I had a whole official13:58team in place yet I was still doing all the things. I was stuck in the DIY, I felt like I had to touch everything because14:04I was afraid of the judgment of myself. And I'm like, I still got to write the I still got to approve everything. And so14:09therefore, I had the amazing capable team there. But I still was working the 5060 hour weeks. So I said, Okay, the next14:15measuring stick is let's get this down to 10 hours a week. Once I focused on that, got it done in two and a half months.14:23So now we're like, oh, okay, we got this cool. So the final shift was realizing like we all need no measuring stick at all.14:31And I was like, out of here, okay, I'll be here. And what14:37became what I wanted to be what became my no Northstar was am I14:42feeling fully self expressed from moment to moment when you think about that as a quote unquote, measurement, or a north14:49star that is truly infinite, and that truly has no judgment. It's about how do I feel? Do I feel fully self expressed? So that14:57became my new Guiding Light after my A relationship. One book that was great. my really good friend Tara Reed15:04recommended it. And it was called love, freedom and aloneness. So first it was me learning that there's a15:09difference between feeling lonely and embracing aloneness. And one of my biggest stories growing up was I don't have any15:16friends. I feel so alone. And I realized that I was carrying a story that belonged to my mom. And because I remember telling15:25my spiritual adviser this rosemary, and she said, Well, wait, you What do you mean, you don't have any friends? She's15:30like, didn't you tell me you were just in LA visiting crystal, your best friend? Did you just get off the phone with Tara? Didn't you just told me that this weekend, you're doing15:37these things? And I was like, Oh, she's like, where is the no friends thing? And I was like, oh, okay, well, what? And she's15:46like, so where's this coming from? And I realized I had done a truth session. So this was another resource, Lolita by15:53Estero. So she's amazing. She has these truth sessions, and it's a two hour three hour session with just you and her.16:01And I had done one. And what she does is she speaks to you asked you questions for that time. And at the end, she reintroduces you16:09to yourself. So she says, What stage would you love to speak on? And at that point, it was the TED stage. I was like, Your16:15girl is on a TED stage. And she said, Okay, I'm going to reintroduce you as who I see you as right now. And a part of that16:23was my book that she had envisioned. And she said the name of your book is I see you and you belong. And almost like,16:30oh, and then I gifted my mom a true session. And because she loves learning, she does work and she loves learning. And16:37she's like, okay, and she's, she's about the sheets. So I was like, Okay, mommy, here you go. She did her truth session. I hadn't shared what happened in mine. She did hers. And she told16:45me she's like, Oh, Danny, it was amazing. And yeah, she told me, you know, the name of my book. And the book is going to be16:51called belonging. And I said, wait, we wait. And I shared this with rosemary. Rosemary said, Wait a minute, your book is a16:59message and in response to your mom, you are telling your mom, I17:05see you, you belong. All this time you have been carrying your17:12mom's story of not belonging, you know, grew up in Panama, went to American school and never quite felt like she fit in17:18always talking about I don't have any friends. I don't know where I fit in. And I took that on. And I really believe that was my story too. As soon as Rosemary said You, you, you are17:26here as the gift to tell your mom I see you and you belong.17:31That is a gift as soon as you told me that I literally felt lighter. So my story of feeling lonely my whole life. I got no17:39friends. Listening to that book, love freedom and aloneness and learning the distinction between loneliness and aloneness. I17:47learned that aloneness is beautiful. aloneness is making friends with yourself. Like the best friend, the biggest love of17:53your life is yourself. And I hadn't realized that. And that started me in realizing oh, okay, I can surround myself by18:00beautiful things that inspired me, you know, this painting the tulips, people like you people like how shout out to hell. And18:09it really taught me that, you know, the joy is within and I have the opportunity to be my own friend. And I started18:16relishing in that aloneness and started asking, Okay, what makes me happy. And then I started this practice of being in the18:21pursuit of pleasure. So another book that was great is pussy reclamation, by mama Gina, and she has a second book, and I18:30read the second book during that time, but it talks about just our, our gift as women and our divine feminine, how we can show18:39up and just flirt with life. You know, as my friend Grace says, and she's on one of these episodes, you know, life is18:44romantic. And so it shows you can flirt with life, you know, go get a coffee and just just flirt with you know the person18:50and just be like, Hey, how are you? And nothing attached to it all. It's just you being in your being and flowing. And so I18:56really embodied that. Okay, how can I flirt with life? How can I dance? I remember being on a call with you one time and I think we were19:02talking about relationships. We were in our content strategy sessions. Yeah. And we were talking about and we were19:10talking about relationships. And you said, I think I said something about when a man asks a certain question, and the face19:17you gave me when you were like, oh, no, I I'm the muse. Like I'm19:23the man's muse. Like I'm the muse in every room that I walk in, including any man that I choose to like share my life19:30with and like I've been doing this alright. But you have truly19:36like created that in your life. I've watched you constantly choose your magic within like live in flow, Live Inspired like19:44you talk about always being fully expressed and I don't know anybody that practices that better than you like I so enjoy19:51watching it and I think it's coming to life literally coming to life, you as the executive producer, through your sensory19:571000 brand. And for so many people But watching and this is coming from a fan, a follower, were from this healing journey.20:06How did you go okay, not only do I want to live life fully express, but I feel like your next level of execution of it is20:14through your sensory 1000 brand. And so how did you go from course from scratch the story you were telling yourself around20:20course from scratch, and this brand new brand, fully embodying20:25your past, present and future self. It's interesting because I think what we'll find is what since20:313008 is all about embodying your past, present and future self now. And one thing I realized is we often end up returning back20:39to ourselves. And so this brand has always been inside of me, everything I've done has been a reflection of this. I just20:46didn't have the language or the consciousness of it. And so it was a natural next thing, what helped is the proximity piece,20:55you know, I was being you know, newly single, I had more space21:00to surround myself with more friends, new people who are also future as visionaries. And so the first piece was putting21:07myself in proximity with other like futurists and visionaries. And I was like, Oh, wait, what's this whole web? Three NF T.21:13Okay, interesting. What's this whole spiritual? Okay, interesting. So that was the first thing was really like,21:19calling in and being open to and being moved by, and putting myself in proximity with with folks like that, who already saw21:25the future and reliving it. And then it was going to events like conferences continuing to learn. It was going on the unplanned,21:34last minute trips, where I got to, like, express myself and dream through these ideas. And so with since 3000, you know, it21:41started as an NFT project. And it started with this vision of how can we create the first collection that really reflects21:49who we are because I don't see a collection that looks like me, and that has the essence and has like the fashion overlap and21:57like the physical and the digital, the digital fashion, because your fashion is on point A if you don't tell those people to get out of my DMs, they're like, where are the BTS footage22:05of her shoes and her jewelry and like all the things, so your vibe continues shout out to Germany, collaborator shout out determining the22:13century. So it started there. And then it moved into, alright,22:18I want to do a show I thought about I was seeing this shift where I was feeling resistance to being the quote unquote,22:26expert in the room and being the teacher all the time, this identity of I'm the teacher, I'm the expert. So creating a course22:32creating course from scratch. You know, I am the teacher, I'm the expert, I go on my Q and A's, I am the expert. They are22:39asking me all the questions. I am there to give to deliver to give the answers on my team. I was the CIO, I was the leader,22:47the CEO at that time before I rebranded it in a way that inspired me. And they were coming to me for the answers.22:53And and I felt, you know, I created this narrative that I had to give them all the answers. So it was me going to23:01hosting masterminds and being the expert, the one that everyone's asking questions. So I saw, I wanted to be a student23:07again, I'm like, I love being a student. And I thought back to the original, you know, business project I created, which was23:16called the do love project. And this was a decade ago, it was in like, 2012 When I was living with my mom, and I was dreaming23:25up what I want to do. And it was one of my first projects was called do love therapy sessions. So I wanted to create an online23:32course and I said, Okay, I want to, but I want to talk to the people and I want to be a student of what their biggest23:37fear is and doing what they love for a living. And so I remember just interviewing people, and I just loved interviewing people.23:44And then I did a podcast with my best friend, Crystal, brand new nation. And this was a decade ago, I was like girl, you know,23:51if we would have kept doing that thing we would have been so I know we could should have kept going. But it's the people that started 10 years ago, locked right23:57locked in, but it was so much fun. Like we got to be students24:02like we would say, Who do we find interesting and fascinating. Let's bring them on the show. So we had zoom on there. We got to ask her about travel hacking and how she's24:08creating this cool life for herself. We had Arielle on there who had just gotten cast on a reality show but really made it24:14her own. And was like breaking down all the barriers. Like we had so many amazing people on there. We got to ask them24:19Jabari, how are you doing these r&b colors, parties? How is event businesses and actual business? How much are you24:26making? How much are you taking home? How are you? I don't have to be a student. And so with this, this show, I was like,24:32wait, we wait. I'm going back to where I started, which is what I frickin love. I love being a student. I love sitting on the24:39couch and being like, So tell me, how did you do this? And then I love taking what they share and you know, digesting it24:45and synthesizing it into a framework a fun as acronym that you know really vibes and resonates so that others can do24:51it too and helping create the blueprint. So when I started creating with doula project, was these press playbooks so the24:58first like version of my course was called press play. And when I did it, it was so funny because I'm like, Girl, you're25:04supposed to be creating your first course, in the course of creating my first course, I ended up doing these webinars25:10where I would host other people and I would have other people on, and I would interview them. And I was supposed to be selling25:15my course. But this was a decade ago, there was no course on webinar, like I didn't know what I was doing. So I ended up turning my supposedly like sales webinar into an interview. And I25:24would just get deep into their stories. And I was like, You know what I can do? I can do these press playbooks. And so I25:29had like a rel moody on and he's like this, like world renowned speaker. And I was like, Oh, I could do a press playbook with25:35with around and interview him turned into a framework. And we could collaborate on this playbook that others can use to25:42become speakers. So when I started, I really like yes, I was creating, and I created my first course press play. But at25:49the same time, like what brought me so much joy was also interviewing others and helping them create playbooks tell their25:56stories. So that was a big shift for me was saying, I want to be the student. Again, I want to have the show, I want to play26:03dress up and talk to my friends, which is literally what you've been doing. It's so fun. So fun. I26:09have to highlight what you just said. Because I think in the industry that we're all, you know, so many of us are in which26:15is this influencer guru, it is this fight to the top. Like you always talk about your Northstar being at first it was revenue. I26:23think people when they start making a significant amount of money and a significant amount of impact, for you to say that26:30you wanted to become a student, again, I think it's so important to highlight the purpose behind that because to me, and when you26:37really get done a lot of these books we read, right? When you go on this journey, they talk so much about the intent and Gamal,26:42your guest talked about this as well, of building wealth, building something, whether you love it or not killing it,26:49crushing it making enough money either exiting or making enough money to invest in something else. And then that now gives26:56you that because so many people that are in survival don't have the time or the space to actually focus on like, what is it that I want the book wanting, right? And you put yourself in a27:04position where you could take some time off and go, Okay, I did all the things. I'm evolving, I can feel my identity27:12shifting. And I want to be a student again, because maybe I don't know what that next thing is. But I can feel myself no27:18longer identifying with course from scratch. Daniel, no longer this high achiever, perfectionist, and you still are27:27incredibly talented, and you kill it every time. But saying, Okay, I want to be more fully expressed, I want to be more27:33free. And what is this going to look like for me, and then being a student of it and being a student of yourself? I think27:39there's so much ego out there and people just don't stop long enough to go. Okay, what's next? And let me sit in that. And so27:47my question for you is there was a process that came with that. And Gamal talked about this? Was there ever a time in being a27:53student again, where your ego got in the way where you were like, I'm not achieving enough right now? I'm not doing enough.27:59I'm not being seen enough. I'm not where you had to kind of check, self check. So far.28:06I think one very recent moment, is when I was thinking about28:12this show. And I found myself getting into the same pattern of28:17If This Then That. So when we have the show, and my strengths finder, have you done Strengths Finder, Clifton Strengths? Oh,28:23so good. So when I did Strengths Finder, my top ones were number28:29one was futurist you literally live there. That's where you live. That was my number one. And so that means I'm motivated28:35by what could be by the future. The second one was activator. So that is when you can make a roadmap that goes from point A28:41to point B. And then the third one was Maximizer. And that's when you think about how do we maximize every situation? So28:48that's amazing. And also what I found is it became limiting for my self expression, it became limiting for that question of28:55who am I and what is fully self expressed me look like? So when creating the show, my mind automatically went to what comes29:03after? What's the opt in? What's the call to action? What's happening, like, where are we sending people so we can maximize opportunity. And I was talking, I was about to build a29:10whole new I was like, Oh, we build a whole new platform, it's gonna be this don't cost this. He added the timeline, the29:16spreadsheet, there's more about to do monthly recurring revenue. And I talked to my business manager and he said, I want to29:24have you try something on because he's very spiritual as well, which is really dope. And we can go months without29:31talking. And he will say what I have been feeling and I'm like, oh, so he said, you know where I see that where you are right29:40now. Is that it is is dark and you've talked about this you've said like oh, it's Oh, no, what's happened? Oh, no, was29:48there and he said, it's dark for a reason. Like before any of this was created. It was dark. It's calling you to create29:56what's next. You're not going to create in the light. It needs to be dark. because it's waiting for you to build, and he said,30:02you, when you think about early civilization, you know, the east coast was developed, you had New Jersey, you had New York, those30:08colonies were developed, there was nothing out west, there was nothing out there, like you needed to go and build it. He30:15said, I find you going back to the east coast to those early colonies, because that's where you feel grounded. That's where30:21you feel safe. You think I've got to create this another business like, this is what I need to do. And he said, I want to invite you, I want you to know that you don't live on this30:29earth. You're not supposed to be a part of the colonies, you're not supposed to be in the house. You want another planet, you're supposed to go out west, it's supposed to be dark where you30:36are because you're here to create, bring the light and create what's next. And he said, so what if, with this show, you30:44see where it goes, if you have a quote unquote plan for it, and you have Okay, step one, is this and then it's going in this? How30:52are you allowing what's really like, beyond your comprehension gonna happen? How are you allowing the rock to see you,31:00Dwayne Johnson, he's amazing. How are you allowing him to see your show and be like, I want to partner with her. If you already31:09have a figured out when you're sending people over here, and so everything you're doing is nevermind because like, we got to structure the show in a way that takes people here we got to31:15say this because they need to go here. The rocking gonna be messed with that he gonna be like, okay, cool. No, no, no,31:21no, I want to be a guest on her show. Because it looks so much fun. Oh, okay. Because they're fully expressed. Danielle is me31:29fun. Wow, she's a party starter. She's literally a blast. And so for them to watch and be like, that looks like so much fun. And31:35she looks so different. And I want to be a part of that. The optimizing maximizing perfectionist Danielle would not31:42have and I saw you go back and forth in that process. I was there. I was there. Because I remember the text message. And I31:49was like, We gotta have a call. And it was when you hit me with the curveball. And you're going back to everything that we said31:58we weren't doing. And I was like, Wait, and then I said, Okay, I'm gonna go with the flow. And then you found it on32:03your own. I almost said something. And I was so happy. And then I was like, Nope, I'm gonna. And then one day you text32:09me? And you said, Am I overthinking this? Am I, I'm thinking that I have to maximize and sell this and make it the32:15best thing and the most possible, the best opportunity for my audience and all the things. Am I overthinking this?32:20And I was like, Yeah, I was like, I was gonna say, the32:28version of you that I see now in this space, is you're doing exactly your StrengthsFinder you doing exactly what you're called32:34to do. And where this is going, we don't know. And I always say, God gives us like slight previews or, or visions that32:43only are meant for us. And it's literally for us to just obey or commit to, because his vision is so much bigger than anything we32:51can conceptualize. We are narrow minded in the fact that we cannot conceptualize what he can conceptualize for us. Sometimes.32:57It's just, here's a little snippet, which was probably your original podcast idea, which is I just want to have fun with my33:02friends. I want to go back to remembering all the fun I had in these interviews. And then you got caught up in what's made33:08Danielle successful, your original story. Who made Danielle Leslie you did but how and what what all the things33:14that worked for me optimizing and maximizing every opportunity. And so you went back to that, and then I was like, but what I see in this for you and what you know, like your33:23business manager said was, you're gonna lay the foundation, you're gonna lay the future for what's next. For so many people33:29through this show. You're gonna be like, this is where we're going. Women are now investing in NF T's. Everyone can have33:36their like, you're literally laying the foundation for what's next. The first time I came here and met you and heard you talk about this stuff. I was like, I had my moment that you had of a33:44new ceiling. I was like, Oh, this ceiling is new. Like the ceiling has lifted, because hearing you talk and you're33:51where you live, which is 3000 I was like, oh, New Zealand new33:56place like I have had it all wrong. Take it to the next level. What sailing? Correct. You have none. Like you're past34:04the moon and beyond the stars. That's where you live, but hearing you in that space was what helped me elevate. And so I34:11was like, I've been I've been known stay the course Danielle Leslie. Like, I you're taking me to the next level. And so you34:17operating in that space has been. I've watched you resist the journey, and then embrace it. And the more I see you in34:25here, the more I'm like, oh, there's something so big coming. It's so massive. It's your bigger big?34:31Yes, it's been proven that procrastination can be one of our biggest enemies to success. Now contrary to belief,34:38procrastination is not based on a lack of time management or organizational skills. Procrastination is directly34:44linked to our emotions. Now, the reason I know this is because of Patti Johnston. Patti Johnston is incredible. She's of course34:51from scratch, remember, but even more importantly, she's built multiple multimillion dollar businesses once she learned how34:57to overcome procrastination. So she She's created a program where she shares her system on how to overcome procrastination.35:04And it's based on emotional intelligence, neuroscience and accountability. She's going to show you step by step how to35:10overcome negative feelings. So you can start taking action and start seeing a difference from day one. So text this number35:18right now to schedule an appointment with Patty and her team to see if this is right for you, and what steps for you to35:23take to overcome your procrastination 813-789-1097.35:29And again, the number to text right now is 813-789-1097. Let's35:35all overcome procrastination together. Now let's get back to the episode.35:40So this one is for your audience. Because let me be selfish. This is for me. And then if this resonates with you,35:47you're welcome. I love it. This is for me. So three and a half years in entrepreneurship. Like I'm literally a toddler, right?35:53I think about child like walking can function fully. So function No, not really like needs some assistant needs help. It needs36:01to constantly be empowered and motivated. Right? So three and a half years and entrepreneurship and there are days where I'm36:08Yonsei like you can't tell me shit. money's coming in. I'm in the like dancing in the car to give me all the sales calls.36:16Watch me work, baby. And you get this vibe of like, this is the rest of my life. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. The way I feel right now.36:24Oh, yeah. Me for the restaurant. Yeah, I'm gonna feel like this forever. Nothing cuz you're literally invincible. Nothing36:30could stop me. Yes. Just kidding. And then, and then36:36y'all know this one, then you find yourself crying packing a bag because you think tomorrow you're gonna have to go live36:41under a bridge. Because now nothing makes sense. I remember being asked live with Ryan the back. And he was like, Why do36:48entrepreneurs always think when we have a bad month that we're immediately going to have to go live under a bridge? I was like, oh, that's absolutely the case. So you're packing your bag, and36:56you're like, my journey is over. This was not meant for me. I was not created for this. I have failed miserably. And I have to37:02go tell my mom and all the people that doubted me that they were right. So let me prepare my death of the ego over here.37:09Story. My letter, right? Yes. We talked about your dark night of the soul, which is personal. But for your business? Did you ever37:16have the armor pack my bag moment? Like, I can't pay my and I'm talking about deep like, because we said darkness the37:23soul is usually a breakup or like it's a renown identity moment. For business. It's like I can't pay my staff or I37:31thought that investing $100,000. And that was going to work and it did not. So I'm not as smart as I thought. Like, what was37:37this? Crime The car moment for your business for you? Oh, wow. So I'm big on investing in coaching and mentors. I37:46remember my friend Anna from homemade cooking, shout out to Anna, she's amazing. And she would joke with me and be like,37:53Yo, I'd be joking with my husband. Like, I've never met anyone who spends so much on herself. And when I say herself,38:00it's not on the shoes of the person is it's on a coach. It's on a program. It's on I'm learning. Like, I think at my38:09height. At one time, I was talking to my therapist every Monday, I was talking to my business manager every38:15Wednesday, my spiritual advisor every Thursday, my business coach every Friday. I mean, if you're38:21losing the money that you had made, not at that point, okay. When I first started working with like two coaches, yes. When I did my38:28first six figure month? Yes. So when I did my first six, absolutely. My motivation was horrible. I don't want to screw38:33this up. Like, I've never had this much money. What am I doing? So yes, at that time, the motivation was let me find38:39people who have been there before. Let me find the visionaries. They've already walked the walk. Let me partner with them. And at this time, at the height, I actually did it38:48from a place of the this is what I do to level up like I'm always I guess, one of the things I'm motivated by is the learning and38:54is the like collapsing time? How can I get there in a fraction of the time. And what really took me out was when I made a major39:02investment in a coach, and then worked with another team and39:09made a major investment plus was offering rev share to this team. And after working with them. I was like oh, this ain't it? And39:17then I'm like, wait, oh, this is not getting better. Oh, wait, this is really not getting better. And me realizing that I39:24guess I had just worked on certain skills, but not there was the skill of like listening to myself. And knowing my voice39:34is the most important voice to listen to. And in seeking the learning and how do I collapse time, I had adopted a philosophy39:42that what that looks like is working with coaches and working with mentors and giving them all my money and giving them this and given the mat and so I didn't have as much liquidity as39:51before, you know the margins were different because I was putting it over here in this bucket instead of if I had just39:59paused and said, you know, let's, let's just take a little break. And I liken it to my journey with medicine. I've gone40:06on like a few journeys. And last year was my year of journeying. And then this year, I said, this is my year of integration. So40:15all the learnings I got from working with the medicine during the journeys this year, I'm going to integrate those40:22lessons. And I'm going to listen to this voice that they helped cultivate, they helped curate, but also it's my voice. It's the40:31highest voice, I'm going to listen to that of God of universe give me the highest voice, I'm going to listen to that. And I'm going to go and I'm gonna be great. I'm gonna40:38integrate all the lessons. So same thing with these coaches. I said, Okay, we're gonna pump the brakes. So right now is the40:45first time in my whole adult life. I don't know how long I guess maybe, yeah, since started my business, since I work with40:52those first coaches where I'm not working with anyone. So I paused my therapist. So it's been a couple years, I'm not40:57working with my therapist, not working spiritual advisor, you know, not any business coaches not partnering with anyone not41:03paying anyone for masterminds. Like I am integrating. And I'm saying, What does my voice sound like? If there was a superpower,41:11we had a CEO retreat, and we were talking about superpowers that we wished for when we were kids. And I asked the table, what's one that you want now as an adult, and mine was the41:21superpower of deciphering? Is this my voice? Or is this someone else's voice? Is this the ego, which to me, means41:27society, significant other parents, coaches, peers alike, Whose voice is this? That would be the superpower. And so since41:36then, I've been practicing that muscle, and I realized what helps is to remove the outside voices, I will say I wouldn't41:42have gotten to this point. Without all the coaches and the investments I'd made. Right, I wouldn't have as many lessons to41:48integrate. And so I want to honor and thank every single coach mastermind investment, like they got me to this point.41:55And I think all of them and I think the previous version of Danny, who made those investments. And now I get to42:01embody all of that, and ask myself, okay, Whose voice is this? And what do I want?42:06I hope y'all heard that loud and clear. There's such a message out there that is like, don't hire a coach, it doesn't have a42:12coach and don't, you know, you should constantly be learning and you should constantly be paying someone. But if there's42:18anything I've learned more so on my healing journey, is there is a season, and you're using the word of integration, which I42:25love. But you will slap yourself in the face every single time, when you are in your darkest moments, or having a like lapse,42:32I feel like I always say like your your only is healed is your next best trigger. And so you will be in a triggered moment.42:38And be like, Wait, it is it is astounding, when you realize like, wait, I feel like I can't get out of this. But I can,42:46because I've learned the tools. I've actually, in fact heard that several times. But I never stopped long enough to integrate42:53or to apply the lessons. So we're consumed, consume, consume, consume culture, but we don't actually practice anything42:59that we learn. And they're the only way to do that you talked about earlier alone are being practicing aloneness, and43:07integrating, saying, okay, like how are you going to learn all these tools physical and or mental, and for your business,43:13and for your like breath work, you know, for me the breath work and like, then for me to have a moment and be like, wait, I'm43:19not doing breath work anymore. So no wonder I can't self your self regulate through this moment. Because I'm not43:24practicing any of the things that I learned. And so the practice of simply integrating and getting really quiet,43:31because we're always trying to fast forward through, fast forward to the success and then I'll practice those things.43:37Because I was talking about how like success can't silence the noise. So you have got to people try to like fast forward to43:43success. And then I'll implement the things because I just need to be at a place where I can stand still, well, that will not43:48come. So you have to create it. So for you to have a season of integration. I hope y'all heard that clearly. Because that is so43:55powerful of like, you need a season of silence. You need a seasons of season of silence.44:00I love that the season of silence, because, well, there are a couple of distinctions that I think will help, like44:08help me in my journey. And it's asking what I need most now in this season. And so it may be a season where there is a new44:15skill you want to learn and therefore you buy that program to learn that skill. Yes, you mentioned breathwork and this44:20was set it off for me. I was like yes, Wim Hof come to me, yes, breathwork breathwork course, because I'm like, I44:25don't know how to do it all but I've learned like so that is a skill in which I would invest in a program and I would learn that44:31and then there is the other type where it is the coaching, where you are entrusting and hoping that this person is asking you44:39the open ended questions that allow you to go inside of yourself as opposed to projecting onto you what their44:44version and definition of success is. I was CEO was not supposed to do anything as he was supposed to outsource44:49everything you're supposed to be out you're supposed to do and it's like okay, maybe some of these things, but not all of44:55them and you get lost in doing that. So I think definitely making that distinction of okay, what do I I need most now,45:01investing in that the season of of silence. What that made me think of is even a day to day practice of the silence. So that45:09would be you know what Deepak Chopra calls the gap. It's like Dr. Joe calls the space in between, but it's the45:15meditation. It's the even, you know, if you're just sitting listening to music, what messages are coming through,45:21because that has been so, so big for me creating that, like on a, on a micro level and a macro level,45:27your journey is my favorite. And the way your brain works is my favorite. Okay, get your drink, because we're gonna have some45:33fun now. Because to get to ask, we do what we do. That sounds45:38like fun. I was gonna do this. After two more solo episodes, absolutely. A No, but to ask you45:46to time travel, you really embrace this course from scratch to send 3000 You're totally embodying this to me, you're45:53fully embodying this right now. There's a next level after that, I had to. There's a, it's like, you always tell me this. There's46:00a new Big Boss, right? So like the Mario game, it's like we get there. And we're like, we did it. We went down the tunnel. And46:05then out comes this new land. And you're like, we the bosses bigger. And I remember for me, it was changing the name of my46:14show. So like four and a half years I was the stranded face, and to be crying in a hotel room in Miami on the balcony and46:21being like, Why do I feel so unaligned to get to the moment of like, wait, I'm marrying this story. Like I'm marrying. I'm46:29literally marrying the idea of being stuck when I'm literally not anymore, other than in my mind. So like, I'm embracing46:36these stories to feed an audience that I fed when I was stuck. Well, I'm not stuck anymore, but I'm keeping this46:43story in my head. So what does the new me look like? And that was embracing rich and real life.46:50Come on rich and real life. Y'all better follow us subscribe. But to get these JABSOM Jess,46:55it was rich in real life. Like being rich and everything. It was community connection, spirituality stranded phase two47:01rich and real life? Yes. Oh, I love because it was my birthday theme. And you inspired that. You inspired when you talked47:10about the birthday party when you told me that story about your freaking birthday and that Helen threw this party and it47:15was themed. I literally called my girlfriend the next night and I was like, Okay, listen to this story. And I was like, and I was47:22having my 33rd birthday. And I had just went through my most most transformative year ever in my life, like my dark night of47:28the soul, like crying in a bathtub, all the things and I was like, Okay, I'm coming out of that now. And I want my47:33birthday to reflect like my new year. I want my birthday to be my new year. And I was like, what? And she was like, Okay,47:39well what is the phrase and it just came so fast, like rich in real life? Because there's all these influencers and gurus and47:44the flashiness, all the things that brought me joy and got me out of a dark place where sisterhood, it was connection,47:50it was being written, spirituality was being rich and faith, it was being rich and just like fun and finding things47:57that brought me joy, and just like, and then when you are in that state in that spirit, the money comes. Oh, yeah. So it's48:03like, then you get to be rich. So congrats. Like being rich already there. It was waiting for you to open your arms and catch it. The48:11money machine, you know, when it flies up all the money. I mean, literally, like that's what we're living in moment to moment, and we don't realize it like we are in the money48:17machine. Every moment. There's my flying around everywhere, energy, energy. And all we got to do is get in there and catch48:23it, grab it, grab it.48:30So what is 10 years from now for Danielle? Like, what does that look like? Time travel? Where are you? What are you doing? Are48:38you married, do babies? Definitely all of those things. So I recently went to celebrate48:46my sister's birthday. Our friend Amira threw like a celebration for her at the Museum of ice cream. And there was a girl we48:57got in the ballpark. We took little photos, the glasses on it was fun. And they're in the Museum of ice cream. There's49:03like a prompt, like a wall of prompts. And the prompt said, What is your biggest dream for this year? And so Amir is like,49:10why don't you go first? And I said, it's to be engaged. And49:15she was like, Oh, wait, what? And I think she was expecting a49:22business goal and all of that. And I said, you know, I know that the business goals are going to happen. I know all those things are going to happen. The demonstration of my49:30biggest personal growth will be me, attracting connecting and49:36solidifying a relationship with a person because that will mean that I have truly gotten out of my own way. Because of something49:43I realized recently is I do struggle to receive love. I'm49:49the first to put me like six feet and not even know I'm doing it by being like no no, like, I'll see you in like a week. No,49:55no, I don't want you to be here for that. Oh, sorry. Can you leave in 10 minutes I got this thing to do. I'm feeling a little stressed. about my work, can you go instead of being50:02like, How can I partner with this person to, you know, help me create this thing. So for me, that realization was okay. If I50:10am with someone and engaged that means I have truly gotten out of my own way. And I'm able to receive like that filter. And50:18it's open and I'm able to receive and also I have released this glamorization, right. So I, what I realized is I have a50:26measuring stick in relationships. So in a love relationship with a potential life partner, I do glamorize it50:34and I expect that we will never have a disagreement. Anything that I that, you know, doesn't vibe with me. It's unchangeable.50:41You're not going okay. Oh, Disney is like the, you know, the men always say that,50:49like, Oh, you have a Disney fairy tale love story. Yeah. And like, because Disney only shows us like when they choose each50:54other, and they get mad. Yeah. And then it's like, oh, are not realizing it. That's what I have. Right? Because I'm51:01an eternal optimist. So I'm like, of course, it's going to be amazing. without me realizing no, no, like, you will have51:07disagreements, and you will have difficult conversations. And I grew up not having difficult conversations. There was no51:13like, confronting conversations. So now those feel very uncomfortable. And I just I just when I see something that51:20doesn't vibe, I'm like, let me go over here. Exactly. I'm like, you can't change it. Let me go over here. So now I've learned51:27the practice of okay, let's have a conversation. Oh, oh, you are willing to change those things. Which is so weird coming from me51:33because I'm I am a growth mindset type of person. I'm constantly improving. And I attract others who are51:40constantly improving and who value self awareness. So well, why on earth didn't I believe that this person could make a51:46commitment to say, oh, I can create the possibility of showing up in this way instead of that way for that to happen,51:52even you know, in the next year would be huge. So when we fast forward, we time travel. You know, she already live in 1052:00years from now, Danny's already live in? So yes, she has an52:05amazing husband who is self aware. We have conversations for like four hours, I lose track of time. We're like somewhere else.52:13We laugh all the time. It's like intellectual conversations. We vibe we connect. I am his muse. Certainly, every day I walk in,52:20he sees me he's like, it's like the first time he's seeing me. He's like, wow, wait, let me take this. Your pants. Oh my52:27god, this brace. You just like that every moment. Every day52:32that's happening. We have kids so to to probably to let me52:37know, too. And what Oh, and the kids are awesome. So because52:43they're their own beings. And I'm like, Oh, what are you here to teach me I get to be a student again, I wouldn't be let52:48me sit in the student seat. They're creating their own worlds. They're inspiring me. I'm fully in play. So we52:56probably have homes in different parts of the world maybe. So I love London for maybe like four months of the year. You know,53:04I'm saying like, Oh, like a spring summer situation. So potentially spending some time there. Love New York's definitely have a main home here. Most likely, with a lot of53:11greenery, and some version of homeschooling with the kids,53:17potentially unless we can find a school that really like aligns with our values. I've always had this this vision of like my53:25friends also teaching my kids. So we do a summer camp or we do like a quarterly camp where all of my amazing friend you won't53:31be there. You're there right now. Okay, y'all, y'all are there to grow and have babies. Oh we're paying top dollar. You watch53:45these babies, you know, I'm saying we're doing a summer camp. And you're helping them you're interviewing them on the podcast. Your own53:53show, Helen is leading them in like a visualization exercise. Like what do you want to release? What do you envision?54:01Write down is there any showing them how to actually like, produce their own show. And so some of the kids are producing54:09while some of them are learning from you and being on the podcast, Sean is there teaching them how to tell stories, Robert54:16is there and he's showing them how to perform and show up and and maybe produce their own kind of TV show. We've got all the54:23friends there they doing all the things Tara is teaching them how to build an app and also teaching them how to dance and54:29be fully self expressed through dance. That is what I see for my kids whether it's quarterly but some kind of learning experience54:36that is really pulling in my community because that's where we came from was communal living and then we isolated ourselves54:41and we're like oh, let's let's live in this box with all individuals and try to struggle and make it work and force appears to move or invite them to move to where we are to help54:48out like note taking it back to the community and realizing that friends are family. So bringing them in by then I have you know54:56books out. I have shared a lot of like My mindset, my quotes,55:01I've done a lot of writing I write almost every morning I wake up and I do my morning pages, I'm still doing a show in55:08some form or fashion, like, perhaps I do a tour and I go to these different locations. So we can world school, the kids that55:15can see these different places. And while I'm there interview really interesting people, I might be studying something in particular. So one of the things I like really wanted to do was I55:23was like, oh my god, it'd be so cool to go back to D school. So Stanford has the design school and learn about design, because55:29design is under everything, right? I mean, everything like not only furniture, but how do we design communities? How do we55:36design buildings for maximum colliding of different personalities, different people? So maybe I've like gone and55:43studied something. One other thing I wanted to do was like, I was like, Wouldn't it be dope? If it was almost like I was like, Okay, if I was a student again, and I was in college, and55:49I was designing my dissertation, what would that look like? And if they gave me like a budget for it, okay, or not, I just made it myself. Because that's what we do. The money is55:54everywhere, catch it. Okay, we got the budget for it. So it was a project where I would go to the schools with the top56:00educational programs, and not rated by like a weird metric stick, but actually, like qualitative education, like out56:07of the box, like learning the mindfulness meditation, the coding, because it's not about learning the coding, it's about56:12learning the mindset that it's okay to fail. If you think about coding, you put in some things, and then you click refresh. And56:19then you open up the page and see what it looks like. And if you didn't quite get it, you're like, Okay, let me go back. And let me just change his character and refresh it. And I learned56:26that in my web design class in college, and I'm like, Oh, this is a great practice in just like, taking risks and failing56:32and knowing it's okay, you can iterate as you go along. And then having that logical thinking that if this, then that reasoning, okay, if I do this, then this will happen. So, you56:40know, like studying the schools that are doing that, interviewing the principals, interviewing the top curriculum56:47designers in those programs, and finding out and, and going and being on the campus and being like, Oh, the design of the56:53campus is so that the playground is in the center of the campus. So when they walk to their classroom, they need to walk56:58through the playground, so they have a sense of play, and are things they can interact with. So they can be in motion and be57:04in their body, and, you know, collide with a friend and do a quick dance. So there's a dance session, I was like, that'd be super dope to just study and interview these people and57:11figure out okay, what is leading education look like? What does what are the new, you know, edges of that. So perhaps I'm57:17doing something like that. And my show is showcasing that where I get to interview them. And you know, perhaps it's on Netflix,57:24or it's on Discovery, or own shout out to Robert, because you already have your show you go you go just like me writing Are57:31you following Jasmine Sue, which is children's show? Oh, that's another thing my kids are being also raised through my friends57:37and things my friends have created. Because Jasmine's children's show is going to help raise my kids. That's going to be the new, you know, Blue's Clues, Gullah Gullah Island,57:45whatever, fill in the blank kids show, Sesame Street, Mr. Rogers, and they get to see a woman who looks like their mom, teaching57:51them these practices that we didn't learn. So my kids are actually are going to be raised by my friends and the people57:57I've even had on since 3000. On this show. I see all of that. And more,58:03you painted this vision for me. And I saw so many things. I saw like when you said this, I was like, Okay, we're doing a58:09patent, you'll have a podcast room. So just like the sex room, you'll have a podcast room. Studio. Audio. Oh, absolutely.58:17And then, like Robert talked about with a sanctuary o in section two. Sorry. So we have both podcasts? No, they're not. That's, that's not an easy58:25transition. So those toys and tools are different. So you have58:30the sex room and the podcast room, you have your since 1000 Studios where you can produce help other people produce their58:35content as well. Because now you've literally created this sounded like a university, because you surround yourself58:42with people that constantly inspire you. So you have everyone readily available around you that like, you're58:48like they can inspire it. Not only do they inspire me, but they can inspire my children, they can continuously inspire my life. And I can surround myself with this on the constant in my58:56sanctuary. I was like, oh my god, I can see all of this. And then one of my favorite things about some of the most popular59:03podcasts is when they don't try to be someone else, when they59:08say, here's where I'm at. And here's the journey I'm gonna take you on. And if you intend on going through the seasons59:14with me, you'll grow with me. And so taking them from where you are now at the beginning of sensory 1000 to saying okay, bye59:20in 10 years, we'll have sensory 1000 But I'll be you'll be 10 years forward with me where I'm interviewing people about the59:26design and the art and the, the way in which they create things on a whole nother level because that's where I'll be in my own59:31personal life. People love to track that journey with you. So59:38that's all I got for you. Thank you for asking me that question.59:43You asked all your guys what was inside saying you need to be59:50honest, so you can see everyone else's future. And that's where59:57you live. I was like, I gotta see this I have to see this. And1:00:03so before we get into tell the truth, I have to just take a moment to give you your flowers. And you have inspired me so much1:00:10from afar, but just doing life with you, in the last eight, it's been about a year. So don't don't tell it on don't know, for1:00:20the, for the short time that we've worked together, I have to give you your flowers for a couple of things that you just1:00:26really put into perspective for me on another level. One, you broke the ceiling. So ceiling is completely different. In your1:00:34mind, it doesn't exist in my mind, it was on my forehead. And I needed it to get out of the way. And so watching the way in1:00:40which you operate really broke the ceiling for me, to you took, I read, I read the power of proximity and every book that I1:00:47ever embraced, but to see the way in which you do it, you took that shit to another level. And it made me take it to another1:00:54level because you don't even realize that you are so committed to I don't know that it's being inspired or what it1:01:01is. But you make sure that your team, everyone on your team is really bringing something to you that they elevated the level1:01:09that which you aspire to be your team, your friends, the people1:01:14in the influencers that you associate yourself with you take power approximately the next level because to me when I would read power, power proximity, I'd be like, Oh, go to conferences1:01:21and pay for masterminds got it, like just force yourself to be in rooms that you're uncomfortable in. But you make1:01:26your life by design, inspiring, which is like you make sure your proximity is always in the future. So that was I have to1:01:35give you flowers for them. Three, this is a big one is I1:01:40would hit barriers or walls or self sabotage so often that I1:01:46would think okay, every successful female CEO I see just has this state that she's in or this way that she shows up or1:01:53this way in which she operates. So I need to the woman I was I was idolizing I'm like I need to become that. That's my block.1:02:00And being around you and seeing that not only is your brand new, totally being, but you stay feminine and soft. And that was1:02:12so inspiring for me because I was like, and I say this in a way but I was like I don't have to be this Babbage to be like, I1:02:19mean, I'm gonna be a Babbage, okay? But, but like, I don't1:02:25have to be this assertive, aggressive, demanding woman to stand out in my space, I can just be more of me, and allow1:02:35the people to come and you being fully you and being feminine and soft, but just fully expressed while doing it made me like, oh,1:02:42I don't have to change. I just have to be more of who I am. Yes, more of who I am, and allow myself that space. And I think1:02:51the fourth, there's so many things I could go on for hours. But the fourth thing I have to give you flowers for is just,1:02:56you are wildly successful. Like you are my measuring six, you are my measuring stick for success. And so knowing all the1:03:04success that you've had, and still seeing how you love people, and how you show up for people, I hate using the word1:03:10humble, but you just you love on a different level, the way you allow people in your space, like you said, all these coaches are1:03:17like, you know, outsource, outsource, outsource, like I had coaches, like, Don't ever let people in your car. Don't ever1:03:23let people in your home when you do this when you do that. And like you're like, No, you come in my house, like, let's go to1:03:29dinner, like all these things that I saw you do with your clients and your students. And I was like, you literally just1:03:35trash all the stereotypes in the best way where you're like, No, no, I'm gonna do this this way. And I was like, Okay, I do get1:03:43to do business the way that I feel the best doing it, or else why the hell am I doing it? Like you inspired in less than a1:03:50year, I have to give your flowers, your flowers for those things because you change the way that I did business and the1:03:56way I showed up personally and a lot of ways so and I can only imagine what you've done for a lot of your listeners. Oh, wow.1:04:02So I hope you receive that. I only receive that I do all1:04:08the way you make it very easy to receive it. Oh yeah, you like1:04:13create a safe, a safe space for people to receive it. And to show up in that like receiving energy. Give it so generously.1:04:22And genuinely. You make it easy. Okay, so your inspiration your tattoo is tell1:04:29the truth, which I love. Because I am the ice call myself like the queen of vulnerability like I was so inspired by Brene1:04:35Brown, like I was like, hey, this journey might be shit at some time. But I'm gonna tell everybody I don't care. I'm not gonna sugarcoat anything you're gonna see it like why because we1:04:42go in there you get in the truth like it is what it is. No, I almost feel it today and I cried and it was hard and it's giving1:04:48fuck the chips because I love that no matter how successful1:04:55you become tell the truth is at the center of your world. So you've asked every single one of your guests. So I insist on1:05:02asking you, what is your most recent truth? Or what is1:05:08something that you are working to tell yourself the truth about?1:05:16I have something coming up for me. It's this breakup letter should I share about the breakup letter? Oh, you sipping your1:05:26tea? Yeah. Let's go. That's a truth. Let's go. Okay. So I was on a trip. And on that trip, it came in, and I1:05:37said, Oh, no, I'm, you know, I'm dating someone. And I said, we got to break up. If it's six feet away, again, exactly. It's1:05:47not doing the things I needed to do. And so I wrote a letter. And it was a breakup letter, I knew that if I got in person with1:05:55him, and attempted to break up with him, that I would either just follow my face and my delivery, you know,1:06:03communication on things like that, I'm still honing and exercising, things that are potentially difficult. So for1:06:12me, my strength is writing, that's my best way to express my pure raw emotions. So I wrote a letter. And you know, I started1:06:19out with all the amazing, wonderful things that we've shared all the amazing things I love about him. And then I moved1:06:25into and, you know, we talked about because we're sitting right here in this living room, and he noticed that we could1:06:34occupy three different types of relationships. And he's like, I don't know, if we could be all three, maybe we could be two,1:06:41maybe one. And the three types, you know, and the three types of relationships, we're best friends, because we would have a1:06:47blast, like, We are twins. I mean, we're so similar. We think similarly. And so we can be best friends. And we're like, really,1:06:55like so honest with each other, share everything. He's like, I usually just say this with my boys. I don't know why I'm telling you. And I was like, You're welcome. Hello. So we can1:07:03be best friends. He's like, the second is we could be business partners. He's so business savvy, like wildly intelligent,1:07:10and an executor, visionary and operator delegator, just incredible. And or we could be life partners. And you know, we1:07:20could get married and have a family and live life together. So those were the three and it was like our second or third1:07:27date. It was our second date. And he shared that. And it was like, Okay, and so in the letter I said, you know, I realized1:07:35that in this lifetime, we are not meant to be lovers. We are not meant to be life partners. So I want to ask, you know, can1:07:43we be best friends? Can we be business partners, and I know you don't want to hear this, and you're gonna be like, hell no.1:07:49However, I'm gonna take us back to our second date and say, you know, can we create this possibility and still love on1:07:54each other, appreciate each other and be there for each other. So I write this breakup letter, and I come back home a few days later, and we're sitting on the couch, and I'm1:08:03like, I wrote you a letter. And he's like, Oh, my gosh, and then I was like, I would like you to read it. And he's like, oh, and1:08:10he's like, Oh, this isn't a breakup letter. Ha, ha, ha. And I was like, oh, ciao. And I was like, Okay. He starts reading1:08:20it. And he's like, okay. Okay. It's a breakup letter. And so he1:08:26says, Are you open to an exercise? And I was like, Nah, I1:08:32mean, it's not going to change the outcome. I'm like, no, he's like, Are you open to an exercise? And I was like, Okay.1:08:39He's like, okay, and then I had my like, easel and my, like, little white notepad set up in the living room, where do my1:08:44business doodles, and he's like, can we use that? And he's like, I've never used one of those before. How do we use it? And I'm like, This man. He doesn't most complicated things. And1:08:51then certain things. He's like, how do we and I'm like, It's because your boss and you operate your home. Because your1:08:58play command and worlds. And so I'm like, just bring it to the couch. We'll do it right here. So brings the easel right here.1:09:04We're sitting on the couch, and he draws a tee on it. And then he puts plus and negative, he hands me a green marker, he1:09:11takes the black marker, and he says, Okay, write something you love about us on the left side. And so I wrote down our1:09:17conversations, they're illuminating. They're inspiring. They're long, they're fun. And then he writes down, laughing,1:09:24you know, we laugh, like 90% of the time that we're together. I feel like I'm a little kid when I'm with you. And then I paused1:09:30and I was like, Okay, if we keep on this, we're gonna end on the negative note. So maybe we should shift to the negative side and write down what are the the gaps we see in the1:09:36relationship. So then I write mine down. And it's something that you know, we both shared that we need to work on that I1:09:42see as an ingrained part of my personality. You know, my personal reality. And so to me, this is like almost like1:09:49unchangeable because I'm like, I mean, this is this is me, and that's you and I, we can't we can't change this. We can't fix1:09:55it. So I was like, there it is. And then he writes one and I wrote one. And then he wrote, he's like, I can't think of1:10:03anything else. And then I'm like, why not a few more if you cool with that? And then, you know, and I'm like, okay, cool.1:10:09And the important thing about this exercise that I learned is it was easy to sometimes we look at the symptom. And we could1:10:18have written down symptoms, when in reality, there's a root cause there's like, a root, whether it's a way of being, right. And1:10:28so when I told him, I was like, let's make sure let's because he was about to write something else, like, Oh, hold on, no, that's a symptom. That's, that's not the root cause. And it's not1:10:36about the symptom, because if we don't address the root cause, then he's gonna show up in a different way and a different symptom. So we were really careful about okay, what are the1:10:42foundational root causes that might be part of our personality? changeable? Exactly. So did that and then1:10:50this side, the plus side was way long, okay. And so we sat there, he's like, Okay, let's take a look at this. And he's like, all1:10:58these things. I'm gonna change them. And he's like, and I'm not changing them for you. I'm changing them for me, because1:11:04actually, you're the first woman who has called me out on this. Like, you're the first woman who has said, yes, you're ambitious.1:11:12And also, I noticed that you can be dissatisfied, that you're not there yet, and project that pressure onto others. Other1:11:20women have, you know, glorified me for my ambition and didn't realize like, there's also this dissatisfaction that was coming1:11:26with it. So I want to change that. Thank you for calling that out. And whether we're together or not, I'm gonna change that1:11:32anyway. Because that's in service of my highest self. And what I found was the things we wrote down on the quote unquote,1:11:39negative side, were things that were really in service of us as individuals in becoming our highest selves. It wasn't me1:11:46choking on your letter. Right, exactly. Exactly. So he committed, he's like, I commit,1:11:57Consider it done. It's, it's already transformed. And I was like, Are you he's like, Yeah, and like, Okay, well, I'm1:12:04willing to change this one, sort of, but yeah, I can. And I was like, Well, yes, I commit to this one. And that was it. And1:12:13he's like, Okay, can we create, so we did break up, that's the catch, we broke up with that one version of our relationship. Or1:12:22breakup letter was perfect. We broke up with that version of us. And now we're inviting in, and we are welcoming the new1:12:30version of us in this new relationship that we're creating. So what I realized is, there is this belief I had that1:12:38if it feels difficult, I will not have the conversation about it. And instead, I will run away. And I have met someone and1:12:48been in spaces with someone who is not afraid of that. And he's like, let's talk about it, put it, lay it out, put it out on1:12:55the table, let's talk about it. Let's excavate it. And I will be self aware. And I'll name it and then I'll work on improving it.1:13:02And he invites me to do the same holds me accountable and says, Is this in service of your higher self? What does that look like? So I'm like, okay, so that is a recent truth that has been1:13:14huge. You spoke earlier in the episode about really having to strengthen the muscle of listening to your inner voice,1:13:20instead of listening to someone else's, that similar to me of like, I've always had to ask myself, like, is this God? Or is1:13:26this my ego? How did you know in that moment, that that wasn't?1:13:32Because sometimes we'll get in like, we'll start, we'll start protecting ourselves of like, I'm not trying to hear your opinion, because I'm married to mine. How did you know that this1:13:39was you were accepting feedback and criticism was still honoring your inner voice. It was1:13:45a simple question. Is this in service of my highest self? Is1:13:50this helping me be fully self expressed? The answer was yes. And that's all you want at your core of life. Everything else?1:13:59It's attracted because of that. Amen. Oh, good. Thank you. Thank1:14:07you for sharing your truth. And your time travel, asking thank you for letting me be on the interview seat. This is fun.1:14:14Thank you for letting me be in the interviewee seat. You're welcome. So where can your lovely guest learn more1:14:20about you and find you right now? We're, I'm glad you asked because I'm talking to so where are you? You1:14:27can find me at since three thousand.com right here where1:14:32you are listening to this and or watching it. and on Instagram at Danielle Leslie are at since three thousand.co.1:14:40Thank you, thank you. Listen, sometimes life be life in and we do not know what's coming down that road next. Well, that's what1:14:49happened to me in 2016 when I was unexpectedly laid off from my job, and I was six figures in student loan debt. I had no1:14:56savings and I didn't know what was gonna happen next? Now luckily, I had this little voice inside of me at that time that I1:15:04couldn't ignore, and it was telling me to take the leap. It was saying, use this as your opportunity to build your1:15:12business. Use this as your opportunity to create your dream life. And so I believe that life happens for us, not to us. And1:15:19that nudge in my spirit, I should listen to it. Luckily, I did. Fast forward to today, I have a business that's made over1:15:27$20 million. And I've helped over 10,000 people create their online businesses and their dream lives. So do you want to1:15:35learn how to turn your story into an online product and launch in 30 days, head on over to1:15:41coursefromscratch.com/Since3000. I want you to join us on this journey so you can listen to that little voice inside of you1:15:49too. So go now Do yourself a favor of coursefromscratch.com/Since3000.EnglishAllFrom Danielle LesliePodcastsConversationRelatedListenableLiveRecently uploadedWatched

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