Episode Description

Join us LIVE to discover why it's easier to stand out with movement-building content and NOT education content.

It’s time to take a stand for what you believe and fully commit to the brand mission you’re called to build.

Video Supply will help you clarify, create, and communicate your vision for a happier, more meaningful life, business, and community.

Most people and brands struggle to get the visibility and attention they need to stand out and grow their business. Often, this makes them feel overwhelmed as they try to do all the things to grow a business that matters while serving their audience with great products and a powerful message.

It's difficult to be successful with video without a clear plan and knowledge about how video, marketing, and messaging actually works to attract and genuinely sell an audience of buyers.

Josh Crandall, Dallin Nead, and other guest experts explore many actionable tips, strategies, and behind-the-scenes secrets from their most successful video marketing campaigns inside the Video Supply™ Agency — all to help you grow a brand that people love using the power of video.

Topics include creativity, messaging, scripting, marketing, gear, film production, editing, and many more stories and strategies in between!

At Video Supply, we teach you everything you need to know to grow your business with video — VideoSupply.com

Dallin Nead

CEO, Content Supply Co.

Award-winning marketing leader, director, and entrepreneur.

Episode Transcript

hey everybody uh welcome back welcome to the video marketing made easy podcast where we believe that video


is the most powerful way to monetize your message stand out in the market and grow your business um in this podcast we talk


about practical strategies to grow your business with video so if you struggle with growing your audience and getting the


the word out about your podcast or sorry your product service we're doing a podcast


we're here to help you uh i'm josh crandall and i'm joined with uh dallin today and what's up


everyone hey and uh yeah today's today's topic we wanted to talk about


why you should be making movement building content before educational content in order to


stand out um and down our specialist here marketing specialist basically and


whiz is gonna share some insight on uh on why that is it might at least to me


it was kind of a new concept down it's pretty interesting to bring up uh but let's talk about it for a little bit why should you be creating


movement building content rather than uh educational first so

The problem with education content


yeah definitely well what i find is that a lot of brands entrepreneurs no matter what


stage they are in their business don't stand out and they don't stand up


because they are trying to publish too much education content how-to content because they're catering


to the algorithms all the seo work which definitely has


its time and place and for sure you should be doing that otherwise you won't be discovered organically or for free you know on


google and youtube but in doing that you're putting out all of this


facebook live content you know we're actually doing one right now and recording this put in all this youtube content this is


also youtube based as you should right to get that attention but what happens


is that if you're talking only about how to do something right those 10 steps


um which sometimes become a catchy blog article but uh what happens at the


end of the day is that anyone can go and put out education content and a lot of education


content is gonna look the same because there's only so many ways to do something you know if you're gonna tell


someone how to write a blog on wordpress and that becomes your education content


how many other types of videos are you going to find on say youtube or blog articles that are going to be


about that topic that's not going to allow you to stand out because everyone can talk about that


topic in almost the same exact way and so what happens


is you struggle to really be different you struggle to really build a movement


around your content because really at the end of the day in order to create content that does stand out and this


when i say content you know we're talking about videos podcasts blog posts social posts whatever it may


be that involves the written the visual the audio form of content any content


in order to stand out you need to invite people into a story that's about them you need to


speak to their identity you need to help them feel the sense of belonging and that's why we called it movement


building content because when they can feel that sense of belonging and connection to what you're talking about


and that you understand them deeply and you build that con that connection with them


they can feel like oh my goodness like it's not just helping to feed my my mind but it's


helping to feed my soul and the heart behind what i want to do or you know what they're up to because


uh if you think about some of your favorite brands today you are not following them because they


are educating you on how to do x y or z but they are helping you become a better


version of yourself um and if you think of some of the most recognized movements out there whether


it's social political religious business based


the most popular ones are built around this idea of a movement and they give people a sense of identity


what we do is we call our clients and our audience visionaries because at


the end of the day we believe your vision is only as powerful as your ability


to communicate and talk about it and uh you know it's in in part of our our


mission in fact that relates to movement building content is


the belief that we believe it's time for you to take a stand for what you believe and fully commit to the brand mission


you feel called to build we're here with our video supply


brand to help you clarify create and communicate your vision for a more happier


meaningful life business and community and that's only done through your ability to


communicate a clear message and invite people into that story that you're telling


and that's all about the movement building content well josh joe what have you seen um so for some


contest i guess um i hired josh probably about six months ago


pulled him away from his previous uh career employer to be like hey come


come work and help me build this this brand and in his previous work and you know he


still consults and works with them um he did a lot of nonprofit work right


josh so how would you say non-profits um and those who are all about brand


awareness and communicating and messaging in people to buy into a cause um how do non-profits


or brands like that um create movement building content that is a good question um

Feeding an algorithm


the so so what's really neat about um you know and you were talking about um


feeding an algorithm right and so it's like what content you got to put out there to become relevant right so there's i think you know and and sometimes it's


perspective sometimes it's um whether it's misinformation or or or whether it's a strategy i mean sometimes


you need to feed that animal you need to feed the um the algorithms in order to to get out


there and to stand out but but yeah it's so important to build that that content um so to answer your your


question how do non-profits so i did i did work with um i worked with uh ul firefighter safety research


institute um focused mainly on firefighting um increasing firefighters knowledge in


order to you know let them be more effective and in turn that'll save more lives and protect more property which is what firefighters do


um and so um these non-profit organizations have got


a special mission to achieve and it's only as relevant as you can make it right and so


i got brought on as a full-time video creator it was kind of a special role because it was extremely unique i didn't know um


i i don't know of anybody who had the the first the money to invest in a video


department um but then also to put the time and effort into that that marketing messaging and so


you know we created content that was very educational very i guess documentary type ish but then we


you know we had a we had an opportunity to promote kind of a life-saving message and it's called close before you doze


right so and that promotes closing your door before you go to sleep at night or closing your doors if you leave the


house or whatever it is and so that because doors can act as a barrier to stop you know


products of combustion heat fire whatever from moving throughout the house right so it's um so you should close your door before


you go to sleep at night there's a free plug for them but um but uh but basically we wanted to


promote this message right we want to create a movement around close before you doze because um you


could stop drop and roll you think about how many people combust spontaneously right you know you always hear about


stop drop and roll case you get on fire i've never been on fire i don't know many people maybe one who


needed to do something like stop drop and roll but um but we wanted to get this message out right it was we wanted to build this


movement behind it so what did we need to do right and it was um it was one of our efforts to create


this public service announcement basically um and we made a different approach to our regular


approach right so we are so used to putting out this edu educational content we said what if we


speak to what if we speak to the individual here and try to reach them try to make a


connection with them through video because you know if you really think about it the the videos


that really stand out to you at least to me i can say this for me but i think the videos that stand out for most people are ones where they've felt that


connection they felt part of a movement they felt um like wow you know i could be a change


for something better in the world right and those really really stand out and so


um so i approached the director of the institute one day and i said hey


look what if we approach it in a different way and i showed up some examples of brands that have reached out to


their audience to make a you know more of a connection um and i told her i used the example of


dove they did the best a video on where they connect with their audience through they did an artist


right they took an artist and had him draw somebody based on how they were describing themselves and then they had somebody


come in and draw them based on how that person saw them and there were two very different


sketches one was very self-critical and then the other was a lot you know more pleasant and so then


they showed it to them it was very heartwarming and and it was by dove right it's dove is a


i think it's just a soap company right yeah it's got shampoo and conditioner but yeah the product


itself is very simple right like how many shampoos are out there but what did they do what you're speaking to right is like


they spoke to a greater movement uh that transcend product itself yeah so


what we did so i approached him with that i said what if we i literally said what if we build a structure we can burn


inside of it which is what we typically did there we actually to do our fire experiments we build structures set them on fire and film them and study


firefighting tactics but i was like what if we built a structure that we can take the walls off and basically show like here's what it


looks like with your door closed in a fire here's what it looks like if it's open right and and then we'll take


individuals kind of do a focus group and then show them that experience right


and it wasn't it wasn't i mean it was intended to be educational but it was wrapped in more of a movement type thing so it's


we wanted the viewer to connect to the father who has children sleeping at home or the stay-at-home mom


who you know also wants to protect their children but um but really there was learning through


this experience um and it really allowed the viewer to connect and this this campaign


um this particular year went crazy viral um good morning america caught on to it


and we actually built another structure to do another one of these burns in uh the the year after and and the reach


of that um was you know through the analytics and the marketing analytics that we did um was the reach was uh around a billion


is what it was um that's insane yeah so i mean it was it was absolutely


insane and um a billion impressions is what it was so


the um it was just it was just a fantastic change to um the the simple


educational content like hey here's another fire safety message right rather than like hey look at this and this is how you


know real people feel about this here's here's how you might feel about it here's you know this experience right


and so that movement that it created i mean there was so much behind it


uh and i think and you might have to help me remember i don't know if it was um is it story in motion or something


like that i i remember somebody saying you speak to the heart to move the mind and really that was the premise behind


doing this whole thing was to show real people make a connection


and you as a viewer with your invested time you experience that change with them you


know so so yes like uh yeah so as you're building


educational content you know why are people gonna come to you they're gonna come to you because they


trust you right and so you get people to trust you um you got to make that connection so you


know yes building um movement building content before


educational content is going to help you greatly uh increase your impact so that was a long


answer to your question darling no that was such a great answer though because what's powerful about this is

We all have a cause


maybe not everyone out there i guarantee you not everyone out there are non-profits but what you can pull from this example


is the fact that we all have a cause and a mission we're seeking to build whether we are monetizing off that or


not um we all need to sell people on ideas and the sense of belonging


and connection uh because in doing that and then you can build demand you know uh josh through this campaign


and this movement building content that he built over in this particular instance was all


about kind of building that that demand and that attention around this idea you know it wasn't


uh it's not you you approached them and you know and you built out this project with like hey let's do this educational


video around how to close your door before you sleep um step one


you know approach your door step two close it step three climb into bed you know dry

What is your movement


pretty dry contact pretty dry and and anyone can go and create that but what uh is harder to do but often


and almost always i would say far more impactful is the focus on how can we be more


creative and different with this but in a way that gets people to really stop and pay attention and so as it


relates to your business and what you stand for is obviously before you can even create movement


building content you need to understand what is your movement actually about who are your


people uh what's your message what's your vision for the future for yourself for


your business and people that you serve because you can't create movement content


until you're clear on that because as you get clear in that and as as josh had mentioned you know


then you can talk to people's identity you know in this example of close before your does that


kind of movement you need to speak to the identity of the parent or


whoever you know exactly was spoken to in this type of content because um that identity is where


it's it's that's really born out of the heart in order to move the mind um and you


know you find this in religious movements um you know religiously you know christians identify as children of god


right it's a sense of identity and belonging to um a larger family that's bigger than


themselves and when you do that in your business and invite people into this movement


that is bigger than them that's bigger than you and you can continue that conversation


beyond just the education and the learning from you um granted you know let's say you're a


coach or consultant or course creator out there a lot of times the education content you put out there


is to better their lives and it improves them and it gives them a sense of identity a little bit and a lot of times people


find that inside of your programs your courses um but you need to be able


to attract them through a sense of identity-based messaging and so get clear


on that i mean the step one before you go and create hit record in anything is you need to actually know who you're


talking to and what the right what the identity is and what the movement is and oftentimes


you know the description of a movement you think of some of the again the famous ones out there good or bad whether it's the nazi movement or you


know a positive religious movement or social movement you know they all do something that


follows similar formula of movements that are being built uh they gives that they give


people a sense of a future vision or a future cause to believe in like hey if i follow this movement if i


do these things my life will look like this and so really painting that picture is


really an essential piece of a movement characteristic of a movement then there's a an attractive hero or heroine


a leader that you can follow and stand behind religious movements have you know um


maybe it's a prophet maybe it's uh someone else who leads it you know political movement


it's usually the candidate uh social movement it's usually uh the main voice


behind it you know you think of mlk martin luther king and uh and so someone who is not


attractive in the sense that they're physically attractive attractive in a sense that people want


to be more like them um and that's why i think online courses and programs are so


powerful because there's a sense of transformation inside them where you're offering people to


follow a similar path that you have followed to be successful um and so they're looking to you as that


coach or that leader to guide them to success and then so yeah those are two


um key characteristics um but then also there's a sense of a plan to follow


um as a third character characteristic of a movement so that plan should be simple should be easy to


follow like easy in quotes uh the journey may be hard but like easy to understand so you're not going to want to give


people like hey in order to be successful to say become a visionary or to follow this


movement you're going to have to follow this 50 step plan and you can't arrive there until you complete all 50 steps


that's going to overwhelm and complicate things and people are going to go find some other movement to stand behind


and so keep it simple uh keep it to three steps um i would say


and then maybe within those steps there are more micro steps uh to follow um but yeah i would say


three to maybe five steps um it keeps it simple anyone can understand


it but then as they're doing that they can look to you as the guide as a leader to follow


and then know that the place they're going to arrive at is a future vision of a lifestyle of a


lifestyle of a business successful business what have you you know religious kind of


speak to you know the afterlife uh right and so it's it's that kind of future that you can believe in um and


share that belief with those around you within that movement so


yeah yeah the um in talking about uh and like you were saying before um you want to create messaging that

Creating messaging that stands out


stands out to them right so i guess kind of can you how would you help differentiate you know


someone who wants to build a movement type uh you know whether it's an ad or or build


a movement just in general like uh how can you help distinguish


like talking about yourself versus like talking about the movement and and which one to push right because


when do you bring yourself into the picture etc like um because you and i don't we've talked about a little bit about on the podcast


too about like you talking about all yourself and like creating oh here's my brand story you know people aren't going to be in as


investors not about you yeah exactly so can you talk a little bit about that like how do you distinguish you know like talking about


yourself versus your movement totally well uh you know i hate to use

Movements are based on perspectives


this as a reference but let's speak of the nazis real fast you know you think about earlier because i didn't expect that yeah so sorry yeah


you're like oh that's pretty that's awesome oh no it's true like


that's why you got to recognize you know um movements are all based through perspectives the


belief systems and so those often in a movement could be brainwashed or view their movement as


in quotes the right way to do it um and while others view it as the wrong


movement and even if like you know with common sense with like morality


decency integrity like all those great attributes you know and and there's a truly a positive movement


that is better in people's lives there's still going to be opposition no matter what um


there's always you know as as much as there is a hero of a movement that exists there's


always going to be the villain there's always going to be the villain people who oppose it and so as far as the the leader


that people gather around and not making the story about them i would say you should always


particularly if you want to build a movement and you know and focus on the standout type content movements


because uh because one of the third pieces is that leader element you need to if you want to be that


leader and build that movement you need to be part of your content you need to be the face of your content


because if you don't if you don't give a face to this movement and people are belonging to something


that um doesn't have that human connection behind it um


if you're trying to say like make 50 people or the entire audience the entire movement


the leader then there's going to be confusion as to like well who's running the show or who can i look up to um who's truly


painting the vision of the future that's you know steve jobs right is someone we think of with apple and he built that that type of movement


of thinking different um and he became that face walt disney became the face of the front runner of


storytelling and creativity um and that's why those brands still exist today is because they establish


the movement to then exist without them yet even if you pass you're still remembered um as the


leader of that movement and so you should be in the content but when you talk


about this movement you you deliver messages within


this this movement you need to speak about it from a way that's not all


about i i or me me me um because then you come off arrogant and self-centered


um and it's you're far more personality driven and you need to be about you you um and speak to that audience


and so that's it's a tricky line to to follow um because there there can be a lot of


arrogance through the process and feeling like it is just about you and and sometimes um the the movements because um


the movements that are truly meaningful um and leave a lasting impact in a


positive way in the world and that's one one reason why we speak to that you know in our mission statement and our vision for the future


is um you want a more meaningful life business and community that is not about just one person but


it's about the many um it's about the people who are part of it and


i mean you can think of you know politicians are the polarizing type that they yes they they build a movement


sometimes it becomes about them and sometimes it can be um you know it can attract um the wrong


things you know and and the right things at the same time i don't want to make this political though but you know


politicians definitely become a clear leader of a movement um and you can definitely think of them


you know we won't call them out but you definitely think of current ones today um that have both good and and bad


intentions sometimes um but uh that's going back to this idea though of


movement building content and then you may be asking yourself okay this is all great


i'm all for this um i bought in i'm ready to create content around identity around


transforming beliefs around building connections but how how do i do that


well that's where the tricky part comes in right because we're speaking at this from an identity


um standpoint from a movement building standpoint but when you get to the how of how to


actually create this content guess what that turns into the education side yeah the education


content that doesn't help you stand out uh but that's where it's recognizing okay


there's a time and a place for education type content to exist


and so once people can i um agree to stand with you and be part of this


movement to believe in your mission as much as you do then what you're going to need to do in order


to help them more deeply understand this plan as part of the movement is you are going to have to educate them


that's why um policies exist that's why scripture


exists in religious movements that's why um mission statements exist that's why


people put out more and more content and that content will then be themed around this idea


of furthering that movement and um and so the education content you put out though


shouldn't be like every once in a while yeah maybe it's just strong catering to the algorithm and the seo to be more searchable but


as quickly as possible you want to make sure that people can identify um on a deeper level than say


just hey i'm intellectually bought in but i'm not emotionally bought in um it should be combination of both yeah

How do you begin a movement


for sure and uh yeah i think about like how do you how do you begin that movement you know how do you


start um that you know if you're already knee-deep in your educational content right like how do you change it up right


so i'm thinking about um i don't know why i'm to give this example but uh in idaho where i live um a few hours up


the road is a place called spencer um and they have an opal mine and my wife and i went there one day to find


opals and there's this guy who is like the old sage of like opal ticking right so they bring


these rocks they put them in a heap and you stand out you're like you just dig in there and you're trying to find this hopeful


this guy approached us and he goes all right here's how to do it you gotta find a spot and dig like a badger


right what are you talking about he's like you find one spot and you go straight down like focus on that one spot and you're going


to find something and sure enough like we've that's that's how we did it you can't find them on the


surface you got to kind of dig down deep right and so i think sometimes if you start diving down deep into your content


um dive down into your audience dive down into your you know in our um in our s


it's not a story supply document help me out uh yeah you talking about messaging yeah so yeah we talk about we we outline


with our um our our clients that we bring on the the five ps right um so really identifying framework


yeah yeah story yeah and then by going through those five ps um which is you might help to help me


hear it down but it's uh what does it start with yeah so it's people


problem perspective plan and payoff pay off yeah so once you start diving down into


those things and you outline those within your audience you know sometimes a movement just kind of naturally arises and you're saying


wow this is like this is staring me in the face this is how i can create my movement you know basically uh


is is helping to serve those five things um so so of course go to our website and find that resource uh


video supply scripts um so video supply dot com slash resources you can find it there um but yeah it'll help you really


outline there so so how does somebody find that that movement within their content down how else would they do that

What is the common message


yeah i love that question discovering that movement within your content is identifying like what is that common


thread and what is the common message um sometimes you know people talk about discovering your brand voice


just through publishing which is a powerful way right you get comfortable with being on camera doing facebook lives where you get all


the mess-ups um you know you practice and that practice


becomes more refined and you start to see a common thread um but through the process you should


discover the movement type content through how you're talking about your


audience because they are your movement the people you


are serving are your movement without those people you don't have a movement


um you have stagnation you have it just about you and it's it's self-centered like it's a


world that's just centered around you and you want the world to be an invitation to others


um and so and going back to this idea of like okay


this is all good right but how do you do this well stay tuned for future episodes


and future content and even you can dig inside of our program video supply video supply


dot com to discover more about what it looks like to do the how yeah you may understand like hey


i want to be this visionary i want to clearly understand my message


know how to communicate it and then grow a movement around it then join us at video supply and we will


show you how to do that and walk you through the education side following our frameworks you know we


talk about the five ps of messaging of your brand's story that's part of it


getting clear on that cleaning getting clear of who you're talking to what story you're actually telling about your audience but then how to


translate that into scripts how to translate that into any type of content you go to create um and then the process of actual


creation to you know the production of that content to then promotion


and distribution all of these pieces play a role from a lot of it being an education side


but giving you the tools to know how can i at the end of the day truly stand


out and that all comes down to movement building content not education content



definitely got to get them where it counts down got to get in the heart the heart to move the mind yes exactly


i hope we don't get slammed for copyright on that or something i mean it's incredible i mean you guys can go


check them out uh they're called story in heart is where i learned it from or maybe still motion it's a portland-based um


company um but uh yeah i mean it's it's a great tagline and it holds true i mean if anything else you know um


that's just an evolution of many other forms of messages that you've heard over the years


you know where we all know there's intellectual uh conversion to a way of thinking


to an emotional and emotional through the heart and the intellectuals through the mind


and uh you know if i if i sold my wife on why she should marry me just intellectually then uh we would


only get so far like here's logically why it makes sense to uh


to marry me but uh but it takes an emotional transformation as well and and that's


what we believe really comes through your ability to invite people into a movement in a story


that's about them definitely well yes like dylan said hang tight for uh for more content


uh we're doing a podcast every week um look for us uh online you can visit contentsupply.com videosupply.com


go to our youtube channel and uh look for more content we share with you guys you know everything you need to know


about growing your your audience and uh you know connecting with them and getting the word out about your product and services


uh we have a bunch of resources on our website and uh yeah down i'll probably go ahead and


turn you loose but thank you again for uh joining today [Music] yep thanks everyone yeah so we'll see


you guys later catch you next week

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