Episode Description

They are bringing balance, moderation and sanity to women’s health and fitness.

Their approach is unique, yet simple: women need to figure out what works for their unique life! This is what allows women to live happily and healthfully with balance and ease.

Because they are busy Moms themselves, Annie, Jen and Lauren know that strict fitness and nutrition plans are not sustainable for most women. These plans are also not appropriate for new Moms, as they don’t take into consideration the post-baby.

Dallin Nead

CEO, Content Supply Co.

Award-winning marketing leader, director, and entrepreneur.

Episode Transcript

hello and welcome to the content supply podcast where we discuss why every brand every company needs to be a Content company and today we're featuring healthy habits happy moms with Jennifer Campbell Jen thanks for joining us today so to kind of get started we're gonna talk a little bit about your company healthy habits that the moms and how you guys and why you guys got started as a new brand so tell us a little about that sure I love talking about our company because I'm really passionate about it and the reason I'm really passionate about it is because it comes from deep desire to change the world in a positive way and I happen to find two women that had the exact same philosophies and desire to change the world as I did and that was Lauren and Annie who you also know so Annie and Lauren and I our mission is to turn the diet industry on its head and to help women pursue their goals in a realistic attainable positive healthful way you know we're an evidence-based group so we approach every woman's goal in a way that in a behavior change way with what we do it is it's difficult because basically our competitor is you know these giants like Weight Watchers or Beachbody or these different diet companies that have these plants that I mean these are billion-dollar companies so but we're just working away at it every day and what we found is that our

company has become a community-driven company it is sort of like this grassroots movement and we've had to build up our fan base one conversation at a time and that goes on daily in our private Facebook group healthy habits happy moments great as we've talked about before you guys are still a pretty new brand you only started several years ago and it was kind of by accident a little bit right that you came together yeah we started two years ago it feels like a lifetime but I met Annie and Laura just inside just online I guess inside the fitness industry so the world becomes very small when you're inside the fitness industry and you you're promoting things like balance and moderation rather than extremes so we found each other and we had the same philosophies we decided to test out one coaching group and we had 20 women sign up and we did sort of a four-month trial to see how it would go it went awesome and after those four months we decided let's launch this as a business we ran another coaching group and 40 women signed up and the next time 80 women and the next time 300 women so it just kept growing and growing and the last launch we just did had our our biggest you know signups that we've ever had so it's definitely a lot of work it's not the overnight millionaire success and entrepreneurs often see online the entrepreneur space is starting to become like the diet industry space there's just too many extreme success stories out there and it's giving entrepreneurs the idea that you can achieve you know Fame and riches overnight and for us that hasn't been the case it's been a lot of hard work we're all moms so a lot of sacrificing a lot of our our spare time and our sleep to get this business going we did have one big jump in our business and income but but besides that one big jump we've just been steadily chipping away every day and growing and we're really proud of it we're really proud because another thing is that we've never taken any route of advertising or done any form of advertising that we would have trouble sleeping at night all right yeah well it's interesting too because with this route and with this growth that's happened so quit I mean it's not overnight and you guys are still there still so much growth that you have and it's gonna not stop growing and yeah i exac well I I think on this path too I mean you guys are not you're definitely not unfamiliar to content even before you came together I mean your mom Alliance strong already built calling for your personal brands Annie and Lauren also yeah I mean I was just consider I was just a blogger is what I considered myself and I started blogging in 2013 under mumble I'm strong and basically I was just at home with my kids and I've been working I've been working in internet marketing you know I knew about blogging I knew how to make a basic website and I knew about search engine optimization so I started blogging sort of what a loneliness I guess as a way to reach out and connect with the world that can be isolating when you have little kids and you're at home with them so I sort of yeah I guess I would had been yeah just building up you know I built up a following on social media but mm-hmm I wasn't this I wasn't selling them anything and so in that way I had built out a lot of trust with my followers I think and so yeah we and I mean Annie and Lauren had smaller followings maybe a couple thousand followers each of them so mama lion strong really was you know hugely beneficial to ask to kind of to leverage your community yeah in doing that too I mean like I said you guys were not new to content you're already blogging I know there's plenty of pictures that I've seen from Annie's personal brand right because she's very much a lifter and she's got arms and you know lay it so with not being new to content the idea of video and other forms of content were new and growing yeah your brand so what kind of ways did you guys start using like what was your content goal or healthy habits well I mean any online business is all about content and we knew that so one thing to say is you know when I was just running my blog and it was just kind of like you know there was no strategy behind it I just I would write a blog post share that I would share my thoughts every day sometimes I would share thoughts that just came to me that didn't necessarily resonate with anyone or and they were just kind of negative like if I was in a negative mood and I don't know if you can say I have regrets over that or what but I just really used it as a platform for my voice which at that time having babies being home my husband to grad school sometimes that voice was a bit negative and and just really emotionally charged and I have some regrets over that I I feel for people now when I when I see them using their page that same way and I'm like oh you're not gonna feel that way in a year and you will regret you might regret talking like this or well and sometimes - like whether it comes off negative or oftentimes it can be vulnerable you know yeah you're sharing like here's my honest opinion I'm being authentic myself hey people it comes off as negativity or vulnerability it's but I think overall you know if my life when it started and I just not sure that I don't mind vulnerability I think that is you know as brené Brown says it's kind of our path to connection and we are very vulnerable with our followers with healthy habits happy bums I would say some of the things I was saying because I wasn't in a good headspace don't necessarily represent Who I am and

yeah so but again I was just a blogger it wasn't a business we're now with healthy happy moms as a business we we we have we think about our content and we have a strategy behind it and we I'm not just getting on there in the morning and being like whatever I want yeah for the day commenting on Apple it oh you know whether it's politics or something controversial from the mom world I mean and actually how they are tapping moms the private Facebook community we have really strict rules because as we have we're striving to be a community that brings people together it doesn't divide them so they're had a lotta t to write so weird there's we have a whole list of topics that we that are against the rules I guess to talk about we don't list them out we basically list out what is inside of our scope of that group and if it's outside of the scope our moderators just delete it and so I would say around our content strategy we try to follow that same that's kind of that same philosophy and so you know if you go into any kind of mom group on Facebook and you see someone post hey you know can you tell me about this vaccine what do you think well then you're gonna have hundreds of comments and it's gonna be this whole storm of fighting and I think and that's what's very stressful when I was on social media as a young mom with very young kids I found social media extremely stressful lots of parenting opinions lots of people telling you that there's a right and wrong way and it just and a lot of fighting amongst mothers and so we just didn't want to be that and now people say that our community they call it the kindest place on the internet and we are so proud of that so and I've kind of tried to shift you know over the last two to three years I've been shifting mom Alliance strong even into being less that's less about my reactionary responses and more thought-out you know does this align with our brand kind of thing because now my mind struck again and I'm also transitioning my maligned strong to Jennifer Campbell my name so I'm an Annie breeze has her page lauren Koski it's her page and those three pages I guess we see supporting healthy habits happy moms the brand and so it's important that us three are all aligned you know all the content we're putting out is aligned with our company there are times when I want to because basically I mean we're running so many social media platforms as I can see right because we have we have the company social media and then we have sort of our individual your personal brand yes yeah our personal brands feeding into it and so it's a lot of work and yeah sometimes I think I just want to ditch these bees but yeah I don't know I guess that's future strategy and it's something to merge into later but I think it's because your person around that you've been able to leverage healthy habits happy moms and those programs there so I think there's been benefits of having both well if you said something really important there to where there's a difference between your personal brand and your company brand in the sense that like there's a branding style and and so like it's how you kind of stylize that content that is specific to your community which they're both similar by it from the personal to the community-based brand right for healthy habits but also it's having a purpose to each piece of content you produce and content being not just written content I think a lot of times people think of content as blog or written content but now it's evolved we're one thing I'm talking more more about is it kind of content fits into four different pillars or types and that's written that's audio that's visual like images and that's video and so under that there's obviously so many different types of those pieces of content and how they show up but content strategy encompasses all four types yeah and actually we weren't utilizing all of them until we started working with you so honestly running a company the way we do it can be labor-intensive I mean our private Facebook group well we have to we have a product Facebook group for our paying customers for the women who have joined balancing 65 our program and then we have our main Facebook group with 30,000 people in it and it's a very busy Facebook group people are very engaged we have awesome stats for our group and so you think about the time we kind of spend just having conversations with people the coaching time we do inbalance 365 Facebook group and then writing blog posts is like insanely time consuming I'm so over blog posts and video was something we all felt really shy about like none of us wanted to do video and podcasting was foreign to us we didn't really we have been talking about starting a podcast for probably a year but just couldn't take action on it because we were so overwhelmed with everything else and you know we've just as you know we just launched yeah but also the day-to-day of just running a company so you children you all are mothers there's eight kids between the three of us and that's kind of where the challenge comes in because when we first got connected the challenges and you can correct me if I'm wrong kind of came in several forms one is that you guys are spread too thin on your content creation because you guys had to operate the business be the business owners and at the same time the content creators initially and then you started to branch out and your first steps at more content building came in forms of hiring freelancers or contractors for contact creation but you had some bad experiences of videographers or other content creators losing different data or different videos that were created or just not responding as quickly and not having that partnership that was kind of the challenge for you guys the other challenge for us is that us three live in three different parts of North America I'm in Vancouver Canada the girls are in Annie is in Des Moines Iowa and Lauren is in Detroit so we can't just meet up every Friday to create content that would be amazing it is you know our location you know although possible because of online business and that's amazing it's also been a huge challenge for us to run a business where and so far we've gotten together three times basically three times in two and a half years to create content so when we get together it is intense and everything has to go right a lot of planning goes into it and when we're together we have to execute and we just have to get that content done so the very first time we got together Lauren and Annie came up here to Canada and I have a cousin into videography she didn't she did the recording and she's super smart girl very organized but also not professionally trained so our audio ended up being a total nightmare and we ended up having to hire an audio engineer after the fact to try and fix the audio and it still sounded awful but we had we had to put our content out that way and that was our first programs went out like that and it was super embarrassing and then the second time we got together we hired another videographer who was very talented knew what he was doing knew about audio um but he was on the disorganized side and ended up losing a bunch of our footage and we were devastated because you know we had paid him a professional rate and it took a very long time to get our stuff back and in the end Annie ended up doing a whole bunch of the editing anyways and that's the other thing is that Annie and I I mean after the first shoot with my with my cousin we did all the editing but that was up front like you know she she made it very clear she wasn't doing the editing so we just used iMovie but I mean again when you're not trained I mean it was just this whole process oh my goodness and after the second shoot which we thought we had paid for shooting and editing yeah and he ended up doing a whole bunch of the editing as well because it just wasn't getting back to us and we needed it and then we found you and you do it all and you're extremely organized and you keep us organized and on track and it's been really good yeah and then when we kind of came together at that point that's when we we sampled out and did a few things I feel like it's kind of like a trial run a little bit you know like I hope kind of clean up the content prepare yeah right things and then we then we really got serious pretty quickly we a series pretty quickly and then yeah well we didn't know what you were really about I think what did we contact you first I think with footage we're like right and then like what you gave back to us was like whoa this guy is like majorly talented how else can we work with him and we were just you know we just what we didn't know before we work with you we didn't know how badly we needed you do you know what I mean but then the first work you got back to us was just so amazing we were like yeah we got it work with this guy first off working with you guys was easy is the word that comes to mind but it was it was comfortable it was natural yeah and that's what made it really fun is that I'm I think we connected pretty easily and our dynamics kind of made sense because we're both we're all very ambitious right yeah it is and so with that being said I we all saw potential for you guys to grow with your content right literally and I was an Alan that point - I was really looking to redefine my brands be that personal and like a business brand kind of like that you guys did and then that's one actually one of the reasons of this podcast is to leverage my personal to more of a community brand right on the idea of a content supply right and so what I was gonna say I mean we made mistakes in our business as everyone does when they start out but one of the mistakes we made is that we came flying out of the gates with programs like we had like four programs and and so when you talk about having a sales funnel and you have programs at the bottom of the funnel we had all these programs and we had no content to support them or lead to them and we we had this Facebook community that we had built but we we underestimated how hard it is to get people to buy to actually buy we were really naive we built this Facebook community we had thousands and thousands of women in it and when we launched our first programs we thought they'd just be lying through the doors to buy from us and that wasn't the case and so we I mean we really knew nothing about professional funnels I mean I could envision what a you know okay here's our sales funnels but we didn't have anything we didn't have any you know professional funnels set up which she now we used click funnels so so yeah we had no middle-of-the-road content it was like we had our community which is the top of the funnel strategy and we had our products we had nothing in the middle to convert people and that's kind of that made our first year and a half really really difficult and discouraging so now since we found you there's just gonna be so much coming you know - that's converting people and yeah it's amazing and there's so much you're gonna build with that - you talk about funnel and there's whether it's to click funnel and kind of a term I'm using more as a Content phone or an experience funnel right it's happen to your community and giving them an experience everything every single step of the way that's right yeah definitely filled more and more of and that makes me really excited because not only do you guys offer kind of an incredible product and experience for your community which is international right yeah totally North America and leveraging that content and just keep on scaling it up so there's more of that constant supply and exposure to what you guys stand for I guess you have to remember the kind of psychology of where your customer or your niche is at we're new we're unique there's you know there's not a lot of people out there doing what we're doing promoting what we are promoting especially in a mainstream big way like we want to you know it's really hard it really is is an uphill battle and our content needs to be around education really is what it is and helping people have these aha moments and converting them to our way of thinking and that is exhausting some days exhausting it's exhausting yet there's so much growth from that there's so much to build around Jen thank you for joining on the content supply podcast one I'm super grateful - I'm super pumped to see further growth for you guys and to keep on helping you to make that impact in the industry of health and wellness so where can people find you on any social media our handle is help cool thanks Jen thanks for listening to the content supplied podcasts where we discover how every brand is becoming a Content company content supply is a Content as a service agency focused on customizing and creating quality continuous content so you can keep growing your brand community and profits to learn more visit w-w-w the and can't wait to share more yeah

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