Episode Description

Join James Nguyen and Dallin Nead on VISIONARIES as they explore why every business must be a media production company to survive and thrive in today's economy.

James Nguyen is a serial entrepreneur who has previously been featured across CNBC, Sky, ABC and been a contributing writer on Forbes.

He is the founder and CEO of inflection Media, a media company that builds impactful media brands for organizations to develop, strengthen, and deepen their relationships with their customers.

Dallin Nead

CEO, Content Supply Co.

Award-winning marketing leader, director, and entrepreneur.

Episode Transcript

Welcome to visionaries where we explore stories, strategies and insights from the world's most inspiring entrepreneurs, brands and creators. Were on a mission to help visionaries like you stand out and monetize their knowledge, influence and message online. Exploring topics like business, marketing, creativity, and personal development. Let's build your vision for a happier more meaningful life, business and community together.

Today, James noyon joins visionaries. James is a serial entrepreneur who has previously been featured across CNBC, Sky ABC, and has been a contributing writer on Forbes. He's the founder and CEO of inflection media, a media company that builds impactful media brands for organizations to develop, strengthen, and deepen their relationships with their customers

of being an entrepreneur. I don't mind that word. But yeah, I've been building businesses my whole life. I've never worked for anybody else, I was able to take off some early success by the age of 23. You know, I've been a contributing writer on Forbes, I've been a talking head on CNBC, Sky News, ABC. So I've done the the media run around, or the media circle, let's say a fair bit. And by a natural extension of that, what I really just built up was my own are my mini brand, and my own personal brand. And so what really spurred me to create inflection media, which is what the company is now is just a real understanding of media leverage. And just understanding that, you know, we're gonna record this podcast is gonna go for an hour, or whatever it is, that's an hour of our time, right? So now, whether 1000 people watch the podcast, listen to the podcast, you know, 10 million people listen to the podcast, still an hour of our time. So media in and of itself becomes infinitely scalable, right? media is one of most powerful forms of leverage today. And the same is true of code. Right? It's a code and media are the two newest forms. And I didn't come up with these different forms of leverage. It was Novell, rava Khan, CEO of angellist. But yeah, that's really informed a lot of what I'm building with inflection media. And so I have two companies inflection media and inflection AI. So it's no coincidence that it's code and media leverage, which are the ones that are Yeah, it really is the force multipliers for today. So for me, like from an ideological point of view, I'm like, Yeah, okay. We if you have something important to say, whether it's, you know, you can help people with content with Content Supply what you're doing there, Dylan? Is that how you pronounce your name as well, Dylan? Yeah, sweet. Yeah, it's, uh, yeah, perfect. So yeah, whether it's with Content Supply, that's the message you're trying to share, whether it's, you know, not for profits, trying to make social impact, whether it's, you know, b2b software that they think they can materially change, and help other organizations or enterprises, or whatever it might be, you know, it's not my place to judge, you know, somebody's mission. But if somebody believes they have something important to say, then I think there's a mandate for those people to find a way to reach as many people they can actually help, right. So I have my own disposition for social impact. And they're the sorts of companies I really like to work with, as well as you know, technology companies, that's given my background. So that's kind of, you know, where I sit with those things. So that's kind of a bait. That's the base plate of where I think the future is going, and why I'm really betting with my feet, similar to itself, with content being such a big play, because, yeah, my assertion is that every single company today is a media company, you know, whether I like it or not, it's true, right? Because when we're talking about we're on the internet now, right? The level of transparency just really means there's just low barriers to entry for all different companies, right? So that's why they can be literally 1000 on probably hundreds of 1000s of different, you know, quote, unquote, content companies, right? So then why? Why is someone going to choose Content Supply, for instance, or for me, what it comes down to in terms of business, it's just like relationships, right? And so that sounds a little trite, a little contrived. But if we really break that down, reverse engineer it well, what are relationships? Or relationships? the precursor to that is trust. And how do you build trust? Like you talked about personal relationships? Right? So you know, it could be you know, a partner, it could be family members could be friends, we've known for a long time, the relationship so much stronger there, because there's so much more trust there. And what was the building blocks of trust as well, it's consistency, consistency of what consistency of congruence and alignment. So that's just that's just fancy words to say, Yeah, I say I'm going to do something and then I show up and I do it over a long period of time, that's going to build trust. Right? So how do you do that today with businesses or the way you do that? Because you know, you can't be on a one to one call with millions of different people and often I it's just the limitations of our literal physicality and our time, right? So it becomes many to one and I don't love using business terminology or jargon all That stuff. But what that means is same as I said before, it's a media leverage idea, right? So we create a piece of content that can show we're actually legit, right? So whether that's through, you know, your, you know, you offer video services, or somebody, the first place, they should really look to see whether you're legit is your videos, right? So they didn't go there. And like our Content Supply, don't just say they can make good videos and watching the videos that their team presumably made, which are dope. Amazing. Well, that means you have one point of reference or one point of evidence at say, for, you know, the people that you're building relationships with. Anyway, this is a super long winded way of saying that, you know, for me, media leverage is super important. But where I'm super excited about what I'm doing now moving forward is

poetry is actually a really big part of my life now. And poetry is becoming an incredibly big part of what we're doing an inflection media. And so for us, really what it's about is were writing the poems sometimes it literally, but also, also metaphorically, we're writing the poetry of brands. And we're helping people tell their story through that. And it's so exciting. Like, we're working with a client now where we're literally reimagining the idea of a website bottom up. So instead of talking about tactics and landing page, you know, construction and all this different stuff that, you know, a lot of us in the marketing space, a lot of us in the business world would have, you know, been well informed with. It's like, No, no, no, let's, let's throw that out the window. And let's reverse engineer this from the bottom up, right? Because for me, what a brand really is, is the emotional resonance you have with with your audience, right? So you think about Nike, as a brand Apple as a brand, you know, the intangibles, what that brand actually means to somebody is the associations that you have, you know, the implicit connotations of what it means when I say Apple to you, or Nike to you, or you know, Amazon or whatever, you know, brands people might identify with, I personally am an apple fanboy. So I like Apple as a brand.

So for me here, at St. Mary's,

we're on the same page for good or good. And so for me, like the associations, there's like elegance, vacation, minimalism, it's like, at a deeper level, it's the emotional resonance of the simplicity of Apple's brand. And so really, what brands for me comes down to is, is emotionality, right? The emotional connection with the brand. And so with one of our new clients, we're literally building a website bottom up. And when I say bottom up, what I mean is like, soul first, and that might sound like, yeah, that might sound like cliche, esoteric language. But what I mean is like, we've literally created poems for companies now. And I'm not joking when I say poems, right? Because I do a lot of spoken word poetry, launching our own brand around that stuff, too. But we're doing case studies of companies based on spoken word, we're creating animated films of based on that, right. So it's a way to really tell a story, which has deep emotional resonance. So what happens when we actually create poetry for brands, and then when somebody goes to the website, they're not going to a website, they're going to a frickin experience. What happens when you go to a website, and no longer is it, you know, a storefront. But it's a portal. What happens when you go to the website, you get taken emotionally to a different place? Because that's what a website really should be. Because we've gone through the stage. And you know, let's call it the phase on the internet, where the website is your storefront? What happens when we're really trying to build brand resonance with people and now the website becomes a portal to something, right? And so when one of our new clients, like one of our clients, one of the people Oh, it's actually a company I'm a part of as well. Yeah, we, we've created it in experience. So when you go to the website, you're taken into a poem. And when you're scrolling through the website, you're actually scrolling through the verses of the poem you're experiencing the poem, The poem itself is actually the story of the brand. So we're creating something that is so deeply connected. And so for me, it's like being able to create this experience for brands helping brands tell their story, because it all comes back to me deliberate. Right? Well, there's actually layers beneath that, you know, I think, you know, at a deeper philosophical level, poetry, I believe, is, you know, it's a medium of expression and creativity. So whether poetry is the medium of expression, whether it's, you know, arts, whether it's, you know, writing, for me brands to be truly expressive of their deep alignment, and their deep values and what they represent and their identity, like that, for me is just a mandate for people to be able to spread that and why I love poetry, and why it makes inflation super unique. It's like there's exponential reach of good explanations is a quote from Novell as well, actually. And so when we really when you really feel into that, Dell, when you think about profound quotes, you think about really pithy quotes maybe said in five words, right? That you like, ah, I just, I'm just never forget to forget that, you know, one of the one of my favorite quotes back in the day, probably ideologically, I feel a little bit differently about it now, but The quote was he who stops being better stops being good. Right? Or another quote, I love The Longest Journey you'll ever play. Yeah, yeah. So another one I love is the 45 centimeter, The Longest Journey you'll ever take is the 45 centimeters from your head to your heart.

Hmm, that's deep. And, you know, it's so powerful to us not to cut you off. But like, What's so powerful with this, in the storytelling medium is that not only are you using something that's so timeless, like storytelling, right, it's like you're the modern day, Shakespeare, or, you know, you name your, your poet from years ago. It's taking literature in its form the narrative form, and translating it into the online experience. And using the word experience, right? Like, you can talk to coders and those who love tech all day long there. Yeah, user experience, UX, and all these things. But still, at the end of day, like you were saying, it is that storytelling medium. So that ability to guide them on that journey. And to do so in a way that stands out. I mean, what you're describing, puts lightbulbs off in my mind around, well, wait a minute, like, I'm already starting to feel something like this feels different. And that means that this approach is a standout approach to the traditional sales funnel that many marketers love to build through a website online, where it's all about heavy selling from the onset. And so it really causes people to think differently, I think around how they build an online presence.

Totally, that's it for me, when you really play it out. And different people have different reasons why they get into business, you know, some people yeah, they're very entrepreneurial. And they're like, arbitrages. And then like, no, that that's the thrill of it for them. Some of them, like really telling stories, some of them really have a mission behind it. Yeah, but for me, yeah, for me, it's just around like a deep. For me, my business is instead of me, right, and it's an expression of me. And so the team I built around me are ones that are deeply value aligned. And, you know, it's the cultural fit, and all that stuff of companies. The poetry is just a really big part of how I see, you know, my unique expression into the world. You know, my specific knowledge, my scarce resource, my expression through poetry is something that can't be replicated. So I'm not I'm not worried about different competitors and stuff like that, because it's a unique expression of meat. And so for me, the brands that I think I most deeply resonate with, now I can see Steve Jobs, his identity in Apple, right? Like, that's an extension of him and his whole culture, his whole company that he's built. And so yeah, it's just my own ideology, ideological stance in terms of business, I'm like, it's fun for me. Because I'm just, I'm just building things that are really authentic to who I am. And what like, feels very fulfilling to me when I'm in deep flow state. And so, you know, building content around that doesn't feel like work. It's just play for me, right? But it's really unique in terms of how people receive it, because that intersection, like I remember the first time I read a business poem, get a business problem. So a poem I wrote on business. I remember I was reading it to my team and my team, like, beforehand, they were like, Oh, I don't know what that would actually sound like. And then I read it to them. And they were like, Oh, that's what a business problem is. And I was like, yeah, that doesn't exist. And so for me, and you really extend that as well Delane in terms of the clientele instead, in terms of even partners that you work with. It's like, that's what you want. That's what you for me, at least that's what I want all brands to find. I want them to find a unique expression, I want them to find their unique identity. And again, that might sound cliche, because of how much it gets. yet because of how saturated in marketing consultants and buzzwords are where it's like all find your unique identity, when you really just peel it all back, right? Like you really think like, all of us are different people. Right? All of us have our own idiosyncrasies, our own eccentricities that make us unique people there's no two people that are like physiologically the same. Psychologically the same had the exact same taste and all that stuff. And that's what makes the human experience so fucking fun. Because it's the interaction of it all right, and I'm sorry if I wasn't allowed to spit swear that's the Australian in me. But uh, yeah, for me, like,

well go ahead and finish I'm gonna follow up with thought.

Yeah, go ahead. No, no, no, let's, let's I'm sure yeah, no,

I mean, like, I just want to jump in because what you're saying completely resonates in an early on, you're talking about this idea of relationships, right? And part of that with identities because within relationships, our identity, identities established, right, whether it's like, a romantic relationship or a friendship relationship, whatever it may be, um, and a lot of people out there out like the know like trust factor. To me, though it goes deeper than that. There's no love and trust, like trust is not developed until You have a knowledge of someone, and then you fall in love with them. And I think it takes you know that it's plutonic, right? It's not like it's romantic falling in love, but it's a falling in love in the brand and what they stand for, and their unique identity and how it resonates with you. And I do I mean, you know, whether you're calling out Apple, or other brands out there, and the identity that they put out there to make it more of a household name, or more Asian or like a business household name to and in the business space, are the ones who really take ownership over a unique approach. That is not they're not used another cookie cutter template, say to a web presence, or online experience, which those tend to be a diamond doesn't anyone can go and download and customize a little bit, you know, a template for a website. But but it sounds like what your approach is, it's digging deeper into that storytelling element, but not doing it for the sake of the buzzword of story inside of marketing, and how you build out your web presence. But story in the true essence of how to make someone feel something when they show up to experience you online. And it sounds like you're painting this all around this idea like this is not it's already been working obviously for years, but like this is truly the future to focus on as saturation in the market happens more and more.

Absolutely. And so when people I get like, that's so spot on. And whether people identify with poetry or not like, that's kind of up to them write poetry for me is just my experience. Because I've been a writer for a long time as well. I've done a lot of writing. poetry, for me is just like a more unique expression of writing. And some for people writing is their unique expression. I've just found poetry to be mine and what my team really build around yours might be video, you know, Content Supply might be able to do video better than a lot of people right might be able to do there's different sorts of video, you know, his animated video, is it, you know, is it talking head video? Is it you know, whatever it might be, right? is a B roll footage. And so yeah, what, when I really play out long term, I'm like, yeah, you can find arbitrages. And you can run tactics and stuff like that. And you can probably get returns in, you know, in a two to three year period. And just really, really take advantage of the arbitrage while it's still there. But if you're trying to build something that is evergreen, and again, this is just, it's up to companies, it's not my place to judge whether somebody wants to, you know, create a company and exited or whatever it might be, versus create a brand that's actually going to stand the test of time. Like for me that just comes from authenticity. Because in the same way, when you read, it's like when you go into a room and like a social situation, and you get to really feel the people who are deeply self assured and deeply authentic. Right. And it's not in a way that they're, they're arrogant, necessarily. It's not in a way where, you know, they're dismissive of other people, but it's just like, oh, they just own their truth. And there's just this, this, this magnetism to that, right? And I feel like that's what everybody's really craving, you talk about authenticity being the new currency of social media, like that level of vulnerability where people like, Oh, I can connect with these people, it's a little bit different from what I've been used to in terms of, you know, the, the facade of like perfection. But when you just kind of dig deeper, it's just like, yeah, as humans, we want to connect with people. And we connect through authenticity, because it's like, Hey, I remember another saying, it's like, you don't really wish to be perfect, because then you wouldn't be able to relate to anybody. So no one understand you just cuz no one's frickin perfect. You know? And so like, when you when you clean

the the perfect, the seemingly perfect people to if there's a distrust with them, yeah.

Because it's an illusion. Everybody knows, when in a felt experience of the world, like, we have different emotions, you know, it's not all one dimensional. And so for me, when I'm really feeling into a brand, whether it's the brands we create ourselves, whether it's brands we create for clients, it's like, yeah, in their industry in what they're trying to do in their mission in what they're trying to communicate your what is the poetry of their brand. And so that's why I really, like really waves infamy. And so poetry quite literally, sometimes he's a poem, but really behind that, it's also a story, the identity, the uniqueness and the authenticity that underlines everything they stand for. And so when we create content, and when we create, like, essentially recreate teams for them, when we really build out, let's call it their media brand, and really build out the base plates for them to continue to build media leverage. Yeah, then they can just be themselves and express more of how they can help tangibly serve their industry, their market, their consumers, and then they can just build a brand and a business off that because that's what we assert is you know, really the prerequisites to building a long term sustainable brand.

Yeah, what what would you say when you go to get to that unique identity? What is your You need to use that word again, unique process, to really creating that poetry for a brand to make them stand out to make them truly different than anyone else out there.

Yeah, awesome question. So, yeah, for all the practitioners out there looking for the practicalities and tactics, my first the first part of my answer might be slightly triggering, because for me, it's actually getting to know like, having a felt experience and having a real relationship with like, the founders, the people who really shaped the brand, right? Because again, if the company is an extension of you, and maybe like, it could be anything, right? It could be SAS, SAS product, it could be, you know, an enterprise company, it could be a sales company, whatever it is, but like, the reason that company's unique in this in and of itself is because the founders see something in that. And really, as an extension of what the founder feels, it could be just a part of that founder or anything, but it's still something unique. And so it's actually getting to know the founding team is getting to know you know, who the brands actually being built around. And having that like felt experience and why you know why that's less practical because they aren't, you know, a number of steps you can walk through a number of questions you ask that allows you to feel somebody like that's, it's more of an intangible, right? And so when I have that process, or from a more practical point of view, that's when I sit down with my creative team, and I'm like, Okay, cool. Like this is, this is how I feel, this is how I feel the company, this is what they're trying to do, here's their mission, here's their industry, you know, obviously research their competitors, all this stuff. But then bottom up, it's like, Okay, what are they actually just trying to communicate? You know, how do they what experience what feeling and another quote I love is like, people don't remember what you say, or what you do, they remember how you made them feel, right. And so with brands, even though our minds we want to think differently, emotionally, like all decisions, or all like brand loyalty is actually created through yet through an emotional decision through emotional resonance. And so when I really feel through that, that's, that's how we create these brands. And so you know, whether that actually means me just riffing on a poem for my team even be like, okay, here's how I feel this, it's in the same way of asking like, two different painters, right, and say, asking a painter to teach you how to, you know, paint a portrait of somebody or paint a nose or pen and I, so one will go in with the tactics and be like, okay, you actually don't know how to illustrate an eye. So for all the actual artists out there, forgive my naivety here, but like, if it's just, you know, start with the iris or you start with the eyelashes, or whatever it might be, versus somebody who's like are, I'm in flow state when actually create these things. So then I just like when you when you think about, and hear stories about like artists, when they're in deep flow state, they could be, you know, they could be dancers, they could be literal painters and all this stuff, it's really hard for them to break down the practicalities and the tactics and the, let's call it the formula, quote, unquote, air quotes being because it really is done for them to be able to, you know, create the quote, unquote, art? Well, for me, it's the same thing, because behind the actual brand of what we're creating is the art of the poetry of the brand. And so yeah, my team will just do a great job of being able to distill that into more practical things, whether it's, you know, videos, whether it's into, you know, the actual brand identity and new logos, you know, website experiences, and even websites are pretty rudimentary, I wouldn't say that's, you know, a baseline offering. For us. It's more Okay, how do you build a brand of this? How do you become actually a media company? How do we make you into an industry quote, unquote, celebrity? How do we, you know, make your name known? How do we make you a household name in your industry? You know, how do we make you a TV show, based on YouTube, based on your LinkedIn based on all these things, there's more of, you know, that's more of the practicalities of what we do. But really the process delen of how we go about it, it's like yeah, I need to get to know or someone senior on my team, or one of our creative consultants need to really get to know like, the founding team and what what are they actually trying to do? And again, maybe that sounds a little cliche, it's like oh, why are you doing this? What's your mission? But it's like if people don't know why they're doing it then they have no real direction. And so you know, something another another principle I really like to operate my company with but also you know, just offer as a seed to plant for for brands as well as a difference between velocity and speed. Have you heard this comparison before done?

No, I haven't. Yeah, no, I love you expand upon it. Keep going.

Yeah, I get super hyped up so feel free to like direct the conversation a certain way if you aren't,

you know what I'm loving is like I wanted you to pontificate so to speak, you know, expand upon these ideas. So I think it's I'm here listening, consuming, and gonna jump in as needed. So yeah, expand upon this idea. I'd love to hear it.

Cool, man. So yeah, the distinction and this actually comes back to literally maths right. The distinction between speed and velocity to speed is you can be running real fast in a circle and end up in the same place, right? So you could go real, real fast and end up in the Same place. But velocity is speed plus direction. So when you actually have a direction that you're running, you could run real fast and actually get to materially make progress somewhere. So when we think about a brand, and we and that's why we reverse engineer and just ask the why question, you know, ask five Why's the whole Toyota until model? But like, when you really boil it down to Okay, what do you want your users leaving feeling from your brand? What do you want your users? Like? How materially Do you want to serve your customers? What like, what difference Do you want to make in their life? Right? So you know, in a business context, maybe that's quote unquote, solving a pain point back to, you know, the, like, overused? Yeah, the overuse saturate and buzzwords, right, but like, it's that sort of stuff. So when you understand, okay, here's someone's actual mission, here's a brand's actual mission, here's why they're doing it. But that really starts to illuminate is some form of direction. So when you actually have some form of direction, that's why when you start to put speed behind it, and actually why you start to, when you're actually able to create content, or pour energy through it, or you know, invest resources in it, that's when you're actually going to start to see progress. But if somebody doesn't have a really clear vision that's aligned with the founders, and that's actually where they want to go, then you can be spending a ton of resources and ton of time, and you're just gonna have a lot of speed, but running in a circle, so you're gonna end up in the same place. That's why it's really important before, you know, creating a brand is understanding why you want to create the brand, you know, are you trying to make a material social impact? Are you trying to heal masculinity? Are you trying to make a real imprint in lowering depression rates or suicide rates? Are you trying to, you know, are you trying to serve sales companies with your, you know, b2b SaaS products, you know, what are you trying to do? And when you understand that from a real material point of view, yeah, that's the actual that's the, let's call it that's the gunpowder that you can actually start to build something from. So yeah, that's the answer to that question.

Yeah, I love that broken down. Well, what would you say? So for people that come to you, and obviously you're based in Melbourne? What does it look like to work with you? And how can people learn more about getting this unique approach his poetic approach to brand identity and becoming a media company?

Totally. So yeah, funnily enough, most of our clients were overseas. Yeah, we work with a lot of clients in the US, we only have a handful of Australian clients. That's just because it's the internet. And there are no barriers to entry. And so, you know, I'm a big proponent of just like asynchronous communication, number one, but also, you know, the ability to work remotely, which is amazing, right? So, you know, the whole COVID situation is moved a lot of companies this way. And but I've been doing this for, you know, the good part of the last decade. So,

you made it cool before, it's cool for everyone. Yeah, yeah, I

was here before, before it became mainstream. So I just wanted everyone to know that so. Yeah, so how people find us is what's really exciting is we're about to launch. Yeah, we're about to make this what we do with poetry just a lot more public. And we're going to do this in a big way towards the end of the year. So we're launching our we're calling it poetic profiles, which is case studies on companies through spoken word, right, and you're going to start to see animated films, and all of this stuff come out from us, based on companies through poetry, right. And so what that's really just going to show everybody is okay, this is the direction that companies need to take, not necessarily with poetry. But with the felt emotional resonance of all, this is a piece of content that people want to share. Because this is a piece of content that's fundamentally unique. When people listen to it, people watch it, they're going to feel something, they're going to experience something that they can't experience anywhere else. Because that's what's really important when I really break down content and differentiation, let's say is, are you providing, whether it's a piece of content and experience a service, a product that people can't get anywhere else, right, no one can get a MacBook Pro from another company. So many companies have tried, right? So many different laptops out there, but nobody can get a MacBook Pro from another company. So they're gonna come to Apple, right? So nobody can get a Tesla from another company. There's all different electric cars coming out. But the experience with that brand is fundamentally unique. So what we're creating is a fundamentally unique experience with inflection where when you watch our content, when you experience our content, when you go to the websites that we create, when you experience the sort of content we're making for other brands, you're going to feel us that you're going to feel that it's different from anything else that exists. And I can say just with conviction, nothing like that exists. Right? And so that's why again, coming back to the idea of authenticity being, you know, the antidote to you know, competition. And because yet once we double down in what's uniquely inflection, which is literally communicating and telling stories of brands through poetry and through animated films, and through You know, the content we can create to create media brands? Yeah, I'm not worried that somebody else will try to replicate that. I'm not worried that somebody else would try to compete on that. And I think that is a pitfall a lot of companies get into when they start competing on commoditize. differentiation, right? So again, fancy words aside, what that means is okay, if you're trying to compete on just price, yes, somebody is going to undercut you eventually, if you're trying to compete on you know, just creating blog posts, great, there's probably a million writers in the world, you know, or more, if you're trying to compete on you know, just videos, how many video editors are there, you know. And so, there's this idea of a skill stack. And it comes from Scott Adams, where it's talking about, like, when you start to stack skills, you start to increase the percentile in which, you know, people can compete with you. So maybe you know, you're a writer, great, there's so many different writers, maybe you're a writer, that also then creates video, okay, well, the intersection of those two things become smaller, and you're a writer, that creates video and can also create music, or Finally, that that circle gets smaller and smaller and smaller. So once you actually start to create your unique intersection of skills and offerings and services, or whatever you want to call it, that is a unique expression of your authenticity. That's when you actually create a monopoly. And so you go back to Peter teal, zero to one, he talks about literally the binary like the dichotomy of having either zero or one, meaning you either have a monopoly or you don't, right. And so when I really feel into that level of authenticity in terms of what I want to build for brands for my own brands, number one, but also, you know, the services we offer our clients, like that's really important to me. Yeah, so to actually answer your question, Delon, yeah, inflection dot media is what we're going to launch it as we're going to rebrand. We're doing our rebrand now, you know, fittingly for our own company. And then we're just going to be posting a lot through our socials. So inflection, Meteor on LinkedIn, on Instagram, and all that stuff in. Yeah, in about six weeks, you're going to see a huge shift, and you're going to see our videos, because those videos don't exist. And for me, like the litmus test was for my team, they were like, okay, even if we didn't work for inflection, even if we, you know, weren't part of this culture, would we want to share this with our friends, and some of the things we've been working on, it's been crazy, because like, because I would even say, if I didn't write this, if I didn't, you know, my team didn't create this, I would still follow this page. Because I'm like, Oh, this is just novel, this is different. But for me, and again, this is why it's an expression of me, because what I really care about, I genuinely love business. But business is a creative endeavor for me, as well. So you start to see what I'm talking about in terms of that unique intersection of creativity and authenticity, like business for me is unique. But everybody loves like, not everybody. But there's a huge amount of people on the internet who love business. There's a huge amount of people on the internet who break down case studies who break down companies and all that stuff. Amazing. Well, I also really love poetry, like disproportionally. So I really love it, right? So how many people have that intersection, who have also spent a lot of time doing both of those things. We've also spent a lot of time building media brands. And then when I start to enter that intersection, I'm like, all right now, no one else is like that. And I'm confident because this is an expression of me. And this is an in an egotistical way. Because I don't see the market as zero sum. I see it as positive sum. Because for me, my unique expression, I know there's no one else out there because I know there's no one else literally who is made. And it's not to say there's no one else that can provide services that are hugely valuable to our other companies. I'm not saying that at all. All I'm saying is that what inflection we're building here as a culture, or what we're building here, is really unique. And that for me, is what all brands really need to lean into. And so yeah, again, show don't tell people are gonna see in the next six weeks, and really onwards after that, why we're fundamentally unique, and there's no one else like that.

I love that. I love that teaser in that ending hook. It's like coming soon in the next six weeks. Amazing though. And I love that I love that use Word intersection of poetry, of branding of that unique approach. And that's something that we all need to lean into those watching or listening is figuring out what you call your unique sauce, right? Like whatever that may be is identify those key things that make you you. And our businesses are an extension of us, particularly that of the business owner and the visionary behind the business. So thanks for tuning in. JJ, it's been a pleasure. Thanks so much for joining me. Awesome, Dylan.

That was so much fun.

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