Episode Description

In this episode of Quiet the Clock, Beth Gulotta reunites with former client Allison to discuss her transformative journey through therapy, including overcoming societal pressures, embracing self-love, and pursuing her passion for storytelling.

Allison shares her decision to freeze her eggs at 41, her approach to dating, and the importance of self-awareness, self-care, and open communication in personal growth and relationships.

Beth Gulotta

Licensed Mental Health Counselor

Founder of NYC Therapeutic Wellness and Host of Quiet The Clock.

Episode Transcript

and I just gone through a gone through a breakup after like an almost 5ye


relationship and I remember immediately like badmouthing myself what I wasn't enough of this I didn't do this


he didn't want to be with me because even though it was a mutual breakup I was giving myself this whole negative


narrative and I'm like what why am I talking to myself this way and I knew


then that I didn't love myself enough that kind of began my quest for like selflove self


care if you're someone struggling or relating to the topics that we're talking about now and you're feeling the


anxiety or the stress or the pressure of feeling like you're running out of time you're behind and you want some extra


support check out my group therapy practice in Midtown Manhattan NYC therapeutic Wellness we have an amazing


team of clinicians ready to support you in your journey to help you feel more grounded to help you feel more grateful


to help you feel like you're just exactly where you need to be so check us out at


www.nyc therapeutic wellness.com I am so incredibly grateful I'm still


giddy because I haven't seen Allison in so many years and she walked through the door and I just screamed um so I'm really excited to be


able to have this conversation it's very different for us because Alison's a former client of mine and we've had many


in conversations but not with anyone there but us but not in front of camera so this is a new new situation for us um


but I was just saying to Alison off camera how I am going to get chills I


was looking through our notes our session notes to prepare for today because I think your journey is so


incredible and transformative and there's so much inspiration in it and so much to share with the audience about


just the power of therapy the power of finding your voice


the power of getting aligned with which is true to you and what you really want and I want to talk about that all today


but I was looking through our notes and I was like holy God like we did some work we worked we wor you worked you


worked but it was just yeah I felt so proud going back through those notes and


we no longer work together life has changed I know we're very sad about we get to be here together today yeah um


yeah it was just incredible to prepare for today and go through oh than all that so welcome here in this very


different space for us but I'm so happy and very grateful it was a journey for you to get here today with the rain and


the traffic and all the things but we're here we made it made it yeah so welcome so lots lots to talk about where I want


to start is where we started together many many years ago and you


know a lot of what we talk about on the podcast is like the societal milestones and like the vision and what it should


look like and and where you when you came to me you kind of well that was


happening in your life and you from outside perspectives had it all you had the fiance you were a homeowner planning


a wedding planning a life yeah and things change so maybe we could start there because I think again like outside


perspective one would say this is the dream you have it you have it at the time you're supposed to have it this is


the way it's supposed to look you know it's so interesting to think back on that time


because I know where I was with having the fiance having the house and all that


at that time in my 30s it felt like it was literally a checklist come to life


yeah like I had made this checklist I was like I want these things and here they are and what I wasn't putting on


that checklist what I wasn't prioritizing was how does this feel is


this right for me yeah is this aligned with who I am


and in the end it really it really wasn't and it


wasn't I don't know that it was necessarily the structure of it but in my relationship we weren't that happy


together we discovered after living together that we weren't compatible and


buying a home together and buying a home Liv home that we bought together and


it's like okay and then there was a period where we were still living together yeah oh my gosh yes oh my gosh


that's right and it was like the break up the movie and it was um it was it was


tough and it was it and I knew for a long time that the relationship wasn't working and I just kept going I felt


like well we've invested this much time I should try to make it work I'm this age you know I should be you know


everyone around me is doing it everyone's and I was like let me just relationships are hard let me figure it


out but I just felt not just in my relationship but in other areas of my life that I wasn't living authentically


I wasn't I wasn't stepping into who I saw myself to be yeah and I and I think


that's what's that's so incredible you've said so many incredible things I think that's where we started and I and


I think what makes me so proud is I know that we got to that we got to you


knowing what was authentic to you listening to your own voice so that that Journey has been incredible


to be part of and I love what you said about checking the list because I think a lot of us live that way until we've


like checked all the things and then we're like wait I'm not happy so I would


be curious like what informed or who informed the list


like that's a good question you know it definitely let's


see who informed that list it was um it was just it was societal in many ways


it was it was uh almost numerical you know


it was like okay we need I need this I need this I and it by this by this age by this time to do this and I think it


was coming from me it was coming from a place of this is what I should have to


be respected wait do you remember the one word I always hated in therapy


should should should and fine all my clients would get so used to be like like sh no no no sh no shs no shits yeah


I was [ __ ] all over the place I was like I was like I should have this you know by this age and um I think also


like in my family that was what was expected of me and you know among my


friends that's what was happening and it felt like I was being left out yeah of


certain conversations or left behind left behind like I wasn't and even


though wasn't fully happy there was there's also such a culture of


misery right in our world that like there's plenty of company there's


there's like there's a there's a there's a place to fall back into if you're not happy and know that you're not alone and


it makes you feel okay but I think there's also this thing too that like other people can't hold space for


your happiness right if you step outside of that checklist or you do something different there's this you know maybe


unspoken Envy or projection because they're probably miserable and they look


at someone that's like brave enough or C courageous enough to like say I'm not happy and I'm going to change that yeah


so I think you're you become like the outlier or your or projections land on you because you're just like I'm not


going to go down this path I'm not happy yeah yeah yeah know I and I I knew that


you know and I I knew it in the way that I would interact with other people in the way that I showed up for myself


creatively professionally like I felt just shy of like this person I knew I


was and so so yeah I knew it was time to make a change tell me about I don't know


if we've ever talked about this maybe we did but your I guess your decision to come to therapy yeah what was that sort


of decision-making process like that Readiness to maybe start to heal or


start to discover who is authentically you it was a long journey really like I


remember the first time I think it dawned on me that I didn't love myself


enough I was much younger I was in my late 20s and I just gone through a gone


through a breakup after like an almost 5year relationship and I remember


immediately like badmouthing myself what I wasn't enough of this I didn't do this he didn't want to be with me because


even though it was a mutual breakup I was giving myself this whole negative narrative and I'm like what why am I


talking to myself this way and I knew then that I didn't love myself enough that kind of began my quest for like


self-love self-care and then I you know this but I


I fell in love with the man who then passed away yeah and I think immediately


following that I I I went into therapy out of desperation out of like I'm I've


completely Fallen apart I've lost my sense of the world yeah and so um I


started there and then and I think I was just kind of grinding you know just I


was in New York I went back to I was I was still working I would say back to work but I felt like I was a I was well


enough to return back to my life as it existed which I think I I still wasn't fully


convinced was for me but I was like it's here these are the things I can glob on to so I'm it's comfortable and it's what


you know and it's familiar and after such grief like you gravitate back to that even if it's not the place that's


like totally fulfilling or making you happy yeah exactly that exactly that I


was like this is good enough and oh good enough good enough it's like I feel like


so many people live in the good enough because it's so scary to go after something better it can be so scary but


this is why your story is so great because you've gone after a lot of things and we'll we'll get to that but


yeah good enough is not good enough it's not no it's not because it It ultimately led me to a place I um so the thing


that's interesting is I feel like what's for you will find you and I was in like


a professional development um workshop and it was really great and we did a


couple of exercises I was assigned a coach and in that um we have this


exercise I think we've talked about this where um she had me list out the things I


value and give them like a numeric value and then in the next column she said give a numeric value to


how much you are living this value oh my God yeah I remember this but also we did a ton of value ton I'm sure you still


have all this oh I I live by I live by so I


I remember how jarring the difference was right to look at it and be like oh my


God I was like I'm not living my Valu the things I say I value I am not


actively living and then I I felt great after the workshop like you know we had like a a retreat like a weekl long


retreat and I felt amazing but I knew inside that this won't last yeah that


this is a fleeting moment because I'm surrounded by people pouring into me but out there in the world there's that for


that in credit okay wait let's let's talk about this because I wanted to bring this up yeah I want you to share


with every everybody here what we came up with to deal with that because I love this this was like so great the bouncer


their bouncer at the door at the door listen my life is an exclusive Club


exactly it is a beautifully designed Chic place to be the place to be and


everyone's trying to get in but you know you need a bouncer need to bounce her at the door whether it's people people's


energy your own narratives your inner critic and I just love that we came up with that because when you would go to


this place where the inner critic was getting loud I'm like girl where's your bouncer she's sleeping yeah yeah yeah


the bouncer had like yeah he hasn't he's not been on his game yeah yeah yeah had


to get a new bouncer but but yeah the bouncer the bouncer really just helped me give it a


physical visual yes a visual um manifestation of it so I was able to say


okay this doesn't belong in my life this doesn't belong in my life and a lot of it was people but a lot of it was also


me my thoughts there's so many and I'm still weeding them out the bouncer is


still working hard make sure he's on overtime get him going yeah like hiring


like a backup too because you know It's Tricky these these voices and they come from you know and and some of it like I


realize is like just passed down from from Generations Family and it's like I see the same my same battles I see it


happening with my mother I see it happening with my sister I see it happening with my aunts and I'm like I'm storting to see it in the Next


Generation with my I was thinking about your knees and I'm just like oh we got to get this we got to we need this


bouncer yeah and all the bouncers friends all the friends yeah well that's


what's so incredible about you doing the work right because then it's you know you can share or you can start to change


the narrative for people or yeah other Generations that was a big thing too in


the family a lot of the work that we did together was setting those boundaries within my family yes and it has really


shifted the dynamic and it's allowed us to talk about things in a way we hadn't before you know and and you and you were


such the driver of that I really think that you were I think that because you've done your own work you were doing


your own work there were ways that you were able to cultivate conversations


within your family that probably wouldn't have happened before and that's


something to be really extraordinary it's so proud of yeah yeah okay so you're healed but


you have this Workshop you're real realizing the values are not aligned at that point I


knew I had to get ser serous if I wanted to break through like the me that's on


the inside that's just like let me out let me out you know and I think it was a


combination of like having that information and getting that Clarity of


I'm not I don't belong in this relationship anymore there's something else out there I need help getting there I need help understanding why I'm in my


way in certain regards and so I you know I I just started looking I


started you know reaching out and a friend of mine recommended you who I


also love She's fantastic and and I just I've had such a great journey with you I


mean you've helped me see so much and helped me like make some major decisions


in my life major and I want to get to that and I it's such an honor to be in


my uh seat because to watch people really commit to the work and then the


Transformations that happen and I and and just the privilege of seeing all these parts of people you know you come


to therapy and if it's a good therapist in a safe space I get to see sides of


people that maybe they aren't ready or feel safe enough to show into the world and just really cultivating that and and


allowing that to to show outside session and I saw all the potential in you but


it's meeting someone where they're at and getting them to the place where they can see themselves the way that I see


them so it's yeah I mean again I was looking at our notes I'm just like oh my gosh everything that we did so yes major


major changes one being you current well we're in La filming now and you moved


from you always wanted to be out here yeah and that was one one of the first big changes that was there was it was


2019 I know right breaking up with


the the fiance well it was Mutual we we we was it consciously yeah what was I I


I'm just curious before we go into the move and the you know the courage to do


that what were other people's perspectives on the you ending


that relationship right so you have this picture you've checked the boxes maybe to a lot of people around


you you're happy you're on the path we're all supposed to take and then you make you make this Mutual decision did


other people have opinions about that or did they support uh I say was a mix um I


feel like there was support from people who excuse me people who know me you


know really well um but there was also this also people who knew me really well


there was this kind of when is she going to settle down we


were so close how I liked them what happened you know


and you know there was yeah there was a little


bit of there was a little bit of boat I will say um I did get I did get enough support though um and I will say like


you know the most important person is always like my mother and she was you know I think she


was sad about it but like what followed I think got her very


excited because I think she's always kind of seen she always wants me to be happy


sure I mean any want you to be happy and so she was


um yeah she was um she was supportive she supported which which meant a lot


yeah of course of course okay so yeah come to come we start our work and then


2019 2019 everything changed yes I end of the end of the relationship and then


I remember this the top of the year and then I remember a couple weeks later thinking like okay what do I do now like


I don't want to live in this house like you know we were like or do we sell the house I ended up selling my share of the


house and I was like so unexcited about just getting another place in Brooklyn I


was like oh my so much and then I was like wait a minute I've always wanted to move to LA what is holding me yeah what


is holding me but now really I mean your family is family and that is still hard


but you know I still go out and visit them but but this was a dream for you a dream for me for a long time I would go


to La all the time for work I work in TV in film so I was always in LA and the


weather's nice I mean you just can't beat it so I was like you know what except for today except today where it's


like and everything I'm like what lied to us right oh sh and I were in all our


Glory yesterday because it was so sunny I was in a tank top I'm you know from New York and I'm like it's freezing


there right now and I woke up and heard the rain and I was like was I was like oh man but hopefully we'll get some more


sun while we're here she need help Sunshine um so yeah I


started looking for jobs out here in LA and I got a job so I quit my job and


this in the same year my parents broke up I know yeah which was like what God


you know as you're talking like I have such a visual memory I'm just like remembering all the sessions and all like the the job interview process and


like the news of your parents and yeah it was the process I mean the job interview process was a bit grueling too


several I remember I was like there's one job I was like so close it's me and


two other people and it took like I'm not kidding like five months of


interviews I even was out here in La for work I like like let's interview in person and like didn't get that job but


there was another job that I was actually a better fit for me that I did get so and then when it was time to go it was time to go and so this was like


August of 2019 yeah and um my mother and I road trip two week two and a half


weeks we could take a road trip across the country so that was like amazing and like that was like everything to me like


like all right it's all systems go I'm leaving one job I'm starting another job I'm moving across the country lucky the


job had like relocation benefits I was able to get support and then it was like you know finding a place getting a car


becoming a California resident like there was so many things to do that I was just like and I was so excited to do


them you know what I mean it was like okay let's let's go let's let's start this new life and like settling into La


just felt like I felt free yeah and I remember that time for you too I know there was some like housing situation


things that came up to that were stressful but I remember that really being a time for you to sort of revisit


like we talked about a joy list you were singing you were getting into your creative you were really intentional


about creating your space and it was really I think like amazing time for you to start to to to attach to like that


authentic self and I think it's important to say like I think it can e and flow right there were moments where


you were really grounded in all that and me too and then there were moments that were not so it's not always like you


figure it out and you're there always like I think it's important to normalize like it's not always we're not always


aligned and attached but that's the work it's like that is the work yeah no it was it was definitely that it was like


constant change and so much newness and you know at being at that place where I


was very aware I was like hyper aware of how I'm living my life and how how it


feels and like taking moments to check in with myself if are challenging and


I'm feeling like like okay what's going on here I'm behaving in an interesting way or I'm telling myself different


things because of this interaction and so I was just very I was I was just in my life like it was not a dress


rehearsal it was very much very was very present yes and with the awareness yeah


which is um just a great place to to be in when you're when you're well and so


transformative too and you and I talked a lot about like that identity piece or roles like what is your role in your


family what is the role in your sister and then you take this big move you have this big transformation and I you know the identity Journey right you're not a


fiance anymore you're not a New York resident anymore it's kind of like this discovery time yeah like even the road


trip like that was just so cathartic being able to literally drive across the


country and like you can I can feel I can feel the energy shifting I can feel things being left behind I can feel


myself opening up yeah and like and it's interesting even like seeing the landscape of this massive country that


you can see like the mountain ranges like how everything is kind of cause and effect and just made me feel like


connected to Nature in a way that well that's so important to you important to me and like yeah just coming coming out


like yeah I would like I started a jam band with a friend of mine yes oh my God that's right and even on the way here we


drove past a place I did like an open mic performance parts of you that were just


coming alive they were coming alive and and I was I was at a place where I was like I don't want to talk myself out of any of them I just want to express


myself and go yeah and it's was like I didn't know and and it was so interesting I was at a place too where I


wasn't even sure what was next for me like I didn't know that I even wanted to stay in film and television because I


had done it for so long um working at you know different networks and I felt like am I over this am I past this is


there something else for me I don't know and I was like I don't need to know I just need to express and so I love that I think it's


important to pause there and like yeah like the not and I think that's what gets so hard because it's so challenging


to live in uncertainty and not knowing and I think that a lot of anxiety comes from trying to know or trying to control


and it's just so stressful and it's so emotional to be in that place and I think it's so beautiful to be in a place where you can just say I don't know what


that what's next and that that's okay and that can be really exciting too if you let it be no it totally can and I


feel like it was yeah let's let's do this and then there was a


pandemic boom like okay


it right yeah that was a kind of a whammy I had like about six months in La


getting settled in my apartment after drama yes after the drama we had a


little drama but I found a place I love like it was literally it looked like my Pinterest board before I got to La it


was exactly in the neighborhood I wanted in the style that I wanted it's so cool to think about cuz I always think about


things like just metaphorically and symbolically and like while you're curating the space like physically the


your environment like you're curating this life like this is what I wanted it to look like yeah and I went all out


like I loved decorating my home making it mine you know putting the pieces of


me that are important asking for help to do that for help so we worked on that


quite a bit we did and I was yeah I got help I got help with stuff and it was


just it was just like I'm filling out this space and it feels like a reflection of me yeah and I well the


space to is symbolic for you because you would shrink yourself in spaces right so


this is your opportunity really to take up space yeah and make your space and


make it authentic to you yeah yeah it


was and it um it still is still there I still have my well things have changed too but I


want to talk about so pandemic happen such a hard time such a hard time for


everybody um but the other I want to talk about the other major change and


transition that you made in your career oh yes so I


as we mentioned I moved out here with the job and you know if I'm being honest the job


was like to get me out to LA um for those listening


that a big cooporation um and it was rewarding like


I I had I did some work that I I did really love like genuinely love and I also felt really fortunate and blessed


to have work throughout the uninterrupted like right because that


was not the case for so so many people especially in my industry timing could not have been


actually better I was like okay this is pandemic I'm staying here like it was you know in


La where it's like sunny and warm versus yor yeah your walks were your your therapy besides our sessions like let me


take a walk let's go outside and um and just being able to you know working from home and like not not skipping a beat on


that was was really was really great um but after a while you know I well I got


really serious about Joy yes our joy list your joyist joy checklist became


everything to me because I you know was like I feel like we should create a manual of all the things that we came up


with because they're so good they function so well the tree the tree The


Roots everything so I'm like okay this I you know the pandemic was hard for so


many of us I was isolated and you know I I just yeah I was like what things bring


me joy what can I do for me that just gets me in a better place and so started


listing them out and and checking them off of that list and you know coming from a place of wanting joy and and like


buoyancy and balance so I can like meet oh I love that word buoyancy yeah wait and see so just um that helped


me believe myself you know it helped me


to um trust yeah that was a big word to we


worked through the values of trust remember too we talked about safety in a


way where it was like finding the safety within yourself yeah so I know safety


was one of our one of the words that would come up a lot when we talk about


you know my values and the definition changed because safy used to mean you know a


good stable job and this and that and it was like I no longer felt safe in the


space that used to occupy that word because it's like it's not safe for me


as a spirit as a person to like limit myself it's actually not safe I'm not happy I'm not


I'm not fulfilled I'm not even my best self here so I'm like let's let's find let's redefine sa yeah and and just


allowing yourself that flexibility to redefine something right just because it was safe once doesn't mean it's always


going to continue to be safe and that's just the the awareness and checking in with yourself and we redefined a lot of


things we redefined Security Financial otherwise we redefine success like we


changed a lot of definitions yeah and like you asked earlier like where does that even come from where did these


definitions come from they're not always intrinsic to self or even how you how you've


experienced life you know I'm like I'm going by this old model the checklist


the checklist like yeah it doesn't it doesn't actually meet me where I am so and that misalignment causes such


turmoil and without realizing sometimes we're just in this termoil and distress and we don't even know why and when you


get that Clarity and say well why misalign with my values like this doesn't feel safe anymore and that's I


think that's just the power of of therapy in any form that you do it or self-work in any way any form that you


do it yeah yeah it is is great yeah I mean yeah it can be so


great so great so yeah so then kind of coming to these new


definitions informing sort of what was next for you in your career yeah I am


I knew I had so it's interesting I was in New


York visiting family during the pandemic and um driving around the streets of


Brooklyn and it just like it just hit me the joy that I


felt just being in such a rich culture that New York provides and I was like it


was like that last 2% of something you know like I was like oh wait this is where I fell in love with film as an art


form was in New York and I think I had spent so much time working in television in this way that felt disconnected for


me but like returning to New York and like getting that reignited love was


like the missing piece of this puzzle and I realized I went back to my old notebooks and old documents I'm like oh


my God I have so many stories yes I have so many scripts that are just sitting there collecting dust you know digital


dust digal dust and I'm like what am I doing with my life I need to I need to


go it's time and so I um I made a plan and i' quit my job yeah yeah but so this


is important part to get before you quit your job you froze your eggs I


did which was part of the plan right because yeah financially there was the


you know means and and the benefits and all and I have so many clients and I think it's brilliant I think it's so


smart you know even when they're ready to leave a job they're like I'm not going to leave yet because they provide this benefit so if it's okay with you I


want to Pivot to the ache freezing part let's talk about it yes so share here so


I'm gonna I'm going to ask as if I don't know but I obviously know the whole journey so so share with me on the


audience sort of what started to formulate the decision to do


that um yeah it started let's see I remember the first


time I started hearing friends freezing eggs I was like in my mid-30s living and working in New York


in that relationship engaged and I felt like oh I don't need to do this because


I'm in a relationship right and we're talking about starting a family so it didn't make sense for me and then


everything you know kind of happening way it did and excuse me leaving the


relationship and leaving New York and all that stuff I was so caught up in


what I had to do it was right in front of me a pmic there was a job there was a this there was a life and I just wasn't


thinking about it and also I had gotten to a place where I wasn't completely 100% on board with the idea of having


children I wasn't sure and that's so normal too I think we need to normalize that more there are so many women that are un unsure and the things they say to


themselves about being inure unsure is so unkind like something is wrong with them shouldn't they have this maternal


Instinct and it's like no you know you don't have to and you don't have to be it's okay to not be sure about it okay


to not be sure and I I knew I didn't want to do it alone I was single and I was like you know


I I would if I do this I know it's a lot of work like the benefit of being like


over 40 and not having children as you've seen so many people do it yeah and there's no


disillusion so I'm like I know how hard that is I know it's a lot of work and


you know I I love my me time I love taking baths and you know you


know going on vacations and you know all this stuff so I'm like is this for me I


I wasn't completely sure and that was okay yeah


but I knew at the same time my clock was ticking yeah CET clock C


clock and so I'm like okay there is a part of me that does think I might want


to have children and so I was like okay well I have to then I have to date and then if I date I'm going to find the


right person and then just we're going to we're going to have children immediately but don't you feel like too


and I've seen this like with so many women I I froze in my relationship so I think that's a a an experience a


different experience but also the pressure it puts on yourself to date and how does that inform how you date how


does that inform how you show up on a date how does inform like the the ability to let the you know the process


full natur like it just changes so many way things about dating I'm laughing because you know this for the


listeners um at the time when I froze my eggs I was in a situation okay so let me


tell you what's so funny I'm I'm reviewing and I'm like okay I I know this obviously but I until starting this


podcast I didn't know that was a term because I guess I'm old and like not hip and not really on social media until


doing this podcast and I'm like writing it out and I'm like yeah that was a situation sh that was a situation was


definitely a situation ship and it started like innocently enough as like a Summer Fling it's like you know what


this isn't serious he's somebody I dated 20 years prior I know and he just popped


back up in my life and I was like oh this could be fun and we talked very


early about what we wanted in life and we I knew we were not aligned I was like okay he's not serious I would like


something more serious I was getting to that place because um you know after


moving to LA and starting over my life and then the pandemic like it took a while for me to actually feel and also


like doing all this work that we were doing together um just to develop myself and just to heal certain things like it


took a while before I felt ready for a relationship sure yes yeah and so I had begun to feel ready for a relationship


and I had started dating there was somebody I started dating um when I was in New York but I was in I came back to


LA and at didn't work out yeah but I remember see my memory I'm like I


remember we were doing virtual you were in the city but we were doing virtual session you're like I'm ready for love I'm ready for love and that was that


that was that situation situation yeah and I think if honestly if we lived in the same city we may have


worked out but we didn't so right it didn't and then I was a little bummed by


that and then Here Comes This like Blast from the Past out of nowhere and I was like you know what


this could be fun you know I me lighten up a little bit let just just let's just time take the pressure off but then it


became one thing after another you know you know he was going through a tough time I was there for him he started


changing his tune about what he might want in the future whole situation so I'm like okay


um am I sticking around to see if he'll come around but I it doesn't feel well


and that was that started to come up for you too right where it's like again this like misalignment like you felt it you


felt like am I am I dishonoring this part of me right am I dishonoring this


part of me that's really kind of clear on what you wanted at least in the relationship sense and like I think you


there was some abandonment happening of of that what you truly truly wanted yeah um no I definitely stretched myself


totally to meet him where he was because there is love there well yeah I was like oh well you know I didn't I didn't think


I never really thought that he and I would last as long as we did we ended up dating like eight months I know back on


I'm like how did that even happen because you know it was like the kind of carrot dangle of like


from him of like maybe I might to be in a relationship at some point I'm like


maybe oh my God I look back and I'm like oh my God but then like there was also


just life was happening and he was going through tough time with his family I felt like this is a bad time to abandon


him and then at I was also gearing up to leave my job and preparing to freeze my


eggs because my job did cover it well somewhat yeah some yeah they like


cover it 100% but you have to pay it up front and then they reimburse you but you get tax on the reimbursement oh my


God I know I'm like I feel like you know did you know that before um I did once


once I started making the phone calls that's what's so hard it's like just thinking about doing the egg freezing


going through the egg freezing and then having to deal with the financial piece of it or the insurance night nightmare piece of it it's just like another whole


layer to it yeah um but I was you know I was like okay but I'm I'm doing this you


know I knew for me like and it was because a friend of mine yes who will be


here on our podcast thanks to you at Haley Hall she she and I were just


hanging out one day and she said Alison have you ever considered freezing your eggs and I was like I mean I hadn't


thought about it in years but she's like she's like do it yeah do it I think that's so amazing I mean obviously this


is the intention of the podcast is just to cultivate these conversations and sort of pay it forward and I think it


can be really sensitive because you don't want to like I don't know plant a seed that someone's not ready to hear or


hold or what does it mean that you're suggesting that to me what does it mean about where I am in my life but I think


it's bigger than that it's like if you want to preserve this option like sorry I'm going just say it how it is like you


have you know like do it you you know or think about doing it or look into it at least have the information yeah so I


think that's she did you a very good she really did there really grateful for her and then I it opened up the conversation


for me to have with other people and then I started talking to other friends and like oh yeah I did it last year


isn't that incredible how that happens I didn't I had no idea so another friend of mine recommended her fertility doctor


to me and she was great and I'm like okay there's a whole community in a way of doing this that like and like just


sharing tips like my friend who recommended she said you know she recommended to me that I hire a nurse


injection and honestly I think for me that was the first time I heard that that from you that that was an option I


thought that was amazing because there are so many women that don't have a partner or maybe even a friend a best


friend that might do the shot like so I think it's so important to build your support system whatever that looks like


and at the time it was actually that same guy he was still around and I was like he lived in New York that's right


yeah yeah but I was like you know what he's here he can be useful so I asked him to come out and he did I remember


that that was a good thing that he did he like I I remember where that


story went but okay I know I know it was like oh right oh it was terrible but he


came out and just was there to just drive me to my appointments and just make me food and stuff so that was that


was helpful I think that's and I know that's something that you had worked on I remember from the very beginning of our work that was like a big thing like


the asking for help and like you know one of your homeworks was like pick one person ask them for something and so I


think it's you know to get to that place where you're asking this person and especially to come out and help you and


especially during this process it's like it's so it can be so isolating it can be so lonely it all these emotions come up


all these things confront you but ask for the help ask for help whatever you need and asking for the help might be


boundaries like certain friends that take energy or certain conversations you don't want to have like I think during


this like always but like during this process it's so sensitive and emotional it's like you have to safeguard yourself


and you have to just take care of yourself and ask for the help that you need or like put boundaries on the


people or help you don't want or need yeah yeah it's made such a difference of like


how I just experience because it was like it's a lot a lot lot of medication it's a lot of hormonal changes it's a


lot of uncertainty a lot of fear and so and I was I have my acupuncturist and she was great just helping kind of be


part of the team and that's such a huge I think um additional resource that is yeah like


even my uh fertility doctor she had they she actually there is an acupunctur who part of the practice oh my God that's


amazing I know and I was like oh that's great I was like well I already I see someone and I've already told her about


this she was like great as long as you're with someone and she was so collaborative about it I was like yes


this is well so you and I were talking about this off camera and I was like let's talk about this on camera but that more of that holistic approach and I


think in certain places it's it's lack I think there's certain things that


medical doctors will tell you or not tell you that could be helpful whether that is acupuncture whether that's


certain nutrition or supplements and I have an amazing acupuncturist in at home in New York and she had shared with me


we're actually having acupuncturist on tomorrow awesome um that they're trained in all like the medical stuff but


medical doctors are not trained in a holistic piece and so I think that's a gap that needs to be continue to be


bridged absolutely I cannot agree more I'm like we it's all medicine and you know we need to work


together and and there's like this misconception that like Western medicine is not plant-based or it's not whatever


it's not holistic and it's like but it it kind of is though penicillin is a fungus you know what I mean it's


like like there's so much overlap and we're pretending that there isn't you live in these binaries and it just like


makes me so frustrated because I think that's like everything we're talking about it's like everything is like it's in its box this is the way this is how


it's been this is how we do it yeah and it's like no we can shift we can be and


that's and even on the other side like sometimes they're holistic healers like go through who kind of roll their eyes at Western medicine and I'm like I want


us to talk yes let's be friends let's figure this out together because you know there's so


much information about the human body and everybody is different especially the a female body a cisgendered female


body it's like there's so it's so complex and it's like yes I'm always asking questions and I'm like I love the


information I love someone who can just like sit with me and explain to me what's going on in my body but I think


that's missing sometimes too like the time like I share with you my experience that I haven't talked about on here yet


but and I will like no one was communicating with me no one was talking with no one was answering my questions


so I think that's an important piece is like the advocation for yourself in these spaces like to make sure you have


a voice make sure you feel comfortable make sure people are answering your questions it's like so important it is


and like like I you know I would just get peace meal from like friends or different um healers I see or Google


searches and I'm like oh my God the Googling the Google oh my God I'm like who I'm not a scientist I'm not a doctor


I'm not an acupuncturist Google isn't either Google isn't either I'm like but there are these people who do have this


information like share just share with us you know yeah I know it's time consuming but like I think that's a big


part of what I do get from some of the more holistic naturopathic practitioners


is that willingness to talk and some medical doctors too will will give that but not not always and I think to be


fair to the medical doctors because I have spoken to quite a few is like there are ones that really want to be able to spend more time and they just can't and


I think that's one of their frustrations especially in the space where it's like because it's so emotional and so sensitive I think there are a lot of


great doctors that do want more time they just don't have it yeah I think that's that's probably more of a


structural know it's like the way we approach Health Care in this country has


so many yeah that could be like a very yes longer episode in podcast but um but


yeah for for me it was um you know I had my acupuncturist I was taking


CoQ10 you know I was doing meditations and yeah you really taking care of I was


really taking care of myself eating eating you know clean very Whole Foods and like just wanting to get myself in


the best possible situation because I'm like I I want to I want to do this and I want you know I want it to go well and


um and it was and it worked out it worked I had a friend um because the guy he had to go back to work so like it's


like a 10day process so I had a friend who was able to I stayed at her house she was able to drive me to and from my


apartment when the retrieval happened so I had a team in place and it it felt


like I was taking care of myself 100% And It Felt Like You know a relief when


it was done yeah I felt the same way reliefed like this huge weight is off and it's not the end of the road you


know but there's this one piece of it that's like off your shoulders and I do want you to share I think this is


important I want you to share how old you were when you froze I think that's an important piece and it's a it's a


hopeful piece because I think we'll share your age and then I want to talk about that so I was 41 yeah I think


that's amazing yeah which is you know older I was I couldn't remember I was like 41 or 42 41


41 and you know according to google google get know Google Dr Dr


Google I think I also had had some uh medical backup with this like 41 is actually an age where your um estrogen


spikes and then afterward like oh see I didn't even know that that's amazing so


I was like okay well I'm 41 now let's try it let's go and I I was happy with


the results you yeah you and and you know we talked about this or we shared this you know over emails like we don't


really talk about numbers because that comparison piece comes in it could be triggering for people but I think it's


important to just say for your Age based on what we hear and what we know and like 35 is the cut off or whatever so


you were very you were very successful in your retrieval so I think that's really inspiring and hopeful for women


that are like well I'm 40 41 I can't even do this anymore like there's still time still time of Hope and I remember


there was discussion of you know whether or not to do embryos or eggs and I had that discussion too I did I just did


eggs yeah yeah yeah it's like


you know you know it's like you do the embryos and who knows you know


with somebody said what about the guy no not the guy who was dating at the time


we had a do the doctor we had and she's great a doctor not brow she said always go egg if like you're not in a committed


she's like always go eggs yeah and I even thought about a friend of mine who you know is is a man has no no plan of


having children I even thought to ask him and I I eventually was like another friend talked me out of it she was like


you know he's gonna want to be in that child's life and if you want to pick up a move to Paris what's he I'm like oh


you're right that like just knowing him and who he is he's such a giving loving person so yeah so I just decided then I


was like the egg the sperm donor thing it just felt like a lot you know yeah


just another layer another layer I was like let me just go ahead and freeze these eggs and yeah I it was it was a


good number especially for my for my age at the time and so yeah now I'm


43 and they're there on Ice okay okay yes and um yeah


afterwards I healed excuse me I I was able to heal


from the retrieval ended the


situationship a moment of silence a moment of silence we learned after what we learned after


that and then I I remember I was and then I quit my job it was like boom boom


boom it was like everything happened so quickly yeah it was like okay I'm done and I remember like I put my my my end


date in you know I gave him about a months no but like I hadn't been reimbursed yet for my EGS I was like on


the phone with I'm like when is this reimburse coming back in cuz I'm not about to be an employee anymore like so


we had to like xite but I got that money back and um


yeah I I quit my job end of the situationship eggs in the freezer and I


I remember that summer I like was like I want to have a proper summer vacation and I haven't had a summer vacation


since I was like 12 so I'm like so I like took my summer I travel I spent


time with my family and I just remember coming back from all


of that feeling so ready in a different way feeling so


ready for love and partnership just feeling very clear


about it and it coming from a place not of like oh I mean yeah there was a


little bit of like look at all these other habit bubbles you know but then there was also like that's real too I


think that's so real too I think that's to normalize that like the comparative pce or you know like i' like that for


myself too or everybody else is doing this and I think that that happens like and it's normal yeah and it didn't have


the pressure on it of like gotta have these kids yeah immediately I mean yes


but like it felt just different it just felt like I remember like I came back to LA


and I just completely revamped my my dating profiles on the apps and I like


research like what's the most effective Google again Google again my


girlfriend like you know I talk to other people who were on dating apps and just heard the different methods of you know


people people use them in all sorts of ways yeah which I think you know people I think they love them or hate them but


I think that if you can find a way that to engage with them that feels healthy for you like they're tool they're tool


but you know I think the Readiness is so important and this is what we want to talk about here is like honoring your


own timeline and I think letting go of like where you should be at what time


and all the pressures because until you're really ready and whatever ready means for you healed clear on what you


want values goals like it's harder to meet somebody and from the place of Readiness I think it's like you can


invite somebody in yeah or see somebody more clearly yeah no totally like 100%


because I CU my first start on the I was like what is this this is this is trash


I was like dating in La is really hard like there's nobody out here for me and it just I wasn't getting that and it's


so interesting because like it's a combination of the universe and the algorithms like I'm like what like I got


very clear it came across on my page my page was much more clear also it was


much lighter yeah was much more like it was much more just like fun and like if


I were to meet someone like out in the world like they used to do in the olden days like it would just IRL IRL that


would be like a light-hearted thing so my page was much more lighthearted but also clear yeah I made it like and I


also knew for myself that I do want kids oh hope so you got Clarity got Clarity


on that I was like I spent a lot of time you know you know working with myself and


with you and figuring out who I really am like the awareness part kind of moved


into the authenticity part and I'm like okay okay I'm aware of what's going on now what now like I'm able to like


pinpoint you know where I'm triggered or where you know this like hurt voice is


speaking or whatever and then it's like okay get that out of the way like it just kind of blows the smoke away I was


able to really see myself it's like I know that I am ready for a partnership I


know that I would I would really love to be a mother I know that I


have I have a lot of stories to tell and so for me that meant like I so long in


television worked in like Creative Marketing which is like when and I still kind of do like professionally like I'll


get hired for those types of jobs as a director which is great but it's like oh but I'm ready to transition into you


know making my own films which I'm doing now you know so it's like okay I want I want to tell my own stories in my own


way yeah and so um yeah I just got very clear and then it was so I mean I tell


you Beth it was like night and day the people who would show up on the apps for me like I got new people I'm like who


are these I think there's so much power and Truth in that right when you just open your vision or you change your energy around it yeah then it invites


something completely different in completely different that's good for anyone listening yeah good piece of


advice daating advice it is and it was hinge hinge was the app people were like what you want was it you know I liked I


liked hinge the most like I felt like it was um like the prompts and like the


openness and discussions and so um I dated one guy briefly it was like cute


but it wasn't quite it and then I met another guy and so yes tell us where you


are now right so we've gone through this whole journey all these Transformations all this healing growth bravery to leave


New York bravery to leave your corporate job to freeze your eggs tell everybody where and me because we haven't caught


up like where where are you now yeah so I met Arend and he like remember I said


before like when I was getting when I was engaged like that was just like a checklist of stuff that yeah you know


with him it felt like I was clear and


what I wanted and also open so I would get these like like you know I like my


my gardening I'd be out in the Gard oh that's another one of our metaphors we always use the gardening always the metaphor and I feel like the garden had


messages for me and I would get these flashes when I was gardening of like a


man who comes with a child who lives further up the coast like I was that's


exactly yeah what I was like okay and this is when your you know gardening is where meditative like open and then I


also knew the kind of man that I wanted and I was just like it was n about like


get the man get the house it was like I got very clear on how I want to feel in


their relationship how I want to show up to to you know for myself and for this


person yeah and how I want this person to show up for me and I think what was so valuable for you too and for anybody


is like the communication piece is so huge and like you just found your voice along the way like yeah unafraid to


express yourself to be vulnerable to up I think we talked about that too because


I found that for myself in familiar settings like my family life friendships work yeah but like the next Frontier is


like in the context of a relationship oh my gosh yeah we totally talked about it in that way yeah oh my gosh and so it's


like you know use all the tools you know the right it was like you have the tool right I remember this it's like I have


and it's helped me because you know we we have this beautiful relationship we've been together about a year and a


half and our communication is really um it feels like the backbone of


the relationship because it's like we're two individuals coming from different areas and like you know couples have


disagreements we have um challenges but like we're able to talk about them and


like really listen and really Express and really get to like where where is


coming from yeah understanding understanding and I think about now like the version


of you that came to my office when we first started and I think if that version of


you was in this Rel I don't know if you would have had the tools to do all of


the things that you or to listen and to communicate and to find understanding


like I just think there's just you've grown in such a way that allows you to be successful in this relationship yeah


no I think I definitely used to run and hide and sometimes that comes out and I'll just do a check-in check it yeah oh


I'm doing okay okay and just reset and just have those cical conversations you


know that's a big part of it all and um so it's helped us and he's you know


we've uh we've moved in together yes excited I know I now live up and I know


that's why it was a journey for you to get here today but I'm so appreciative that you made the track I to come I had to come I'm coming and um he has a a


daughter five-year-old daughter and she and I have gotten really close amazing sweet and like and even his ex-wife you


know she's in she's obviously part of his life and obviously their daughter's life and like we've developed our own


that's so nice friendship because it's like we're all in this together and we're all influential in this little


girl's life and it's like we can talk we can we can go out for lunch just the two


of us I think that's so amazing because I think what can be challenging is you there's these visions that we have of


the way it should be or the way again if we're not clear like we think that we


want it to be and maybe a very traditional vision and so it can be hard to open ourselves up to something that


looks different but something different can be so beautiful it really can I was terrified at first like oh my god he has


a daughter that daughter comes with a mother all I heard is baby mama drama like I've heard so much of it I'm like


oh I don't want I'm afraid I'm afraid and it's just like it's doesn't have to be that way and the more I talk about it


it's another like I think it's another taboo because the more I talk about it the more stories I hear isn't it just


invites people to share it's incredible right because so many people like go through these things in isolation or


silence and so once someone is willing to be vulnerable and share someone's like okay like me too or I've been


through it or I've frozen my eggs or you know I just met somebody that has kids I'm not sure so I think it's there


there's so much power in conversation is it really is and I think people also expect me to be to for there to be angst


and so they're let down when there isn't I'm like you're like no actually it's really great and I'm really great so so


yeah it's I'm not without his challenges you know like anything but like next month I have an appointment oh I knew it


because you tell me you're G to share share some news we are we've just we've discussed it at length and we do want to


start trying for a baby oh my God I'm going to hug you off camera but oh my


God yeah yeah I'm so happy for you I'm so happy me too I'm like I'm a little


like oh my gosh this is really happening because I'm like oh yeah I'm I'm I'm


ready I see he's such a great father you know and the way that we are with each


other we we've seen each other as parent as co-parents already and it's


like that mystery is gone of like I mean it's different obviously with a baby but like we know we're


good good when there's another person around who's little so it's like we can


so you're going next month going next month just to begin just to you know get all the tests done and just talk to my


doctor about it and figure out the the the real question is do I


work with the frozen eggs or do I work with my current eggs okay yeah well I would love I mean I don't want this to


end but I would love for you to come back and share what that journey is like for you because I think it's it's again


right the conversation so helpful to know we talk a lot about egg freezing but I want to start talking more about


what what happens when we decide to do something with these I'm so thrilled for


you you it's so so incredible I'm happy to yeah before we wrap up one thing you


would share with the audience one way you would say how you would quiet your clock to to to all the people listening


I feel like it's a different answer for so many different people let me think about this okay say one way one way you


did for yourself and maybe that obviously came through and everything that we've talked about today but like if you could do a little like snippet of


really what it meant for you honestly I I gotta say


meditation is so important of just being able to quiet your own thoughts yeah


because really the the clock is just another I mean yes there is a biological part of it but if you could it's hard to


like silence everything but you could really just really get quiet within yourself and listen to your spirit it's


a different conversation oh and and I think things can move for you


differently if you're tapped into that territory yeah and it's not you know


it's you're not alone anymore it feels like


it feels I don't know for me it feels like if you're able to tap into something so


authentically true it just it's no longer just what's


in front of you that yeah it's working yeah you know it feels like there's something um there's something I can't


quite explain or place a finger on that that does move things around yeah for


you so I I would say get quiet within yourself yeah quiet your voice so you


can quiet your clock your thoughts yeah oh thank you so much for being here


thank you so much for choosing me as your therapist so honored to know you so


honored to see and proud and happy to see where you are now I appreciate you so much appreciate you so much so good


to see you too you too so I am no longer a coffee drinker coffee is something I


gave up in revamping my diet for my fertility Health which is very hard to


do but luckily I found something amazing to replace it with and that's my morning matcha that I use cooly cooly meringa


for it gives me that same ritualistic feeling of having something warm in my hands in the morning without the


caffeine and I have loved having that as a replacement for my coffee I love this product so much it is delicious and I


honestly don't miss my coffee so if you want an opportunity to check out coly cooly mer


you can use our code QTC 25 for 25% off your first purchase hey guys I'm back


thank you so much for tuning in to quiet the clock if you want to hear more episodes and learn more about how to


dismantle societal timelines live life on your own terms live life fully And authentically subscribe to our Channel


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