Episode Description

Financial freedom and financial success are the driving force behind Brad Gibb, Ryan Lee and Jimmy Vreeland, Co-Founders of Cashflow Tactics  Brad joins the Visionaries podcasts this week for a mind blowing discussion on getting started as an entrepreneur, becoming financially free and investing in oneself.  

“You’re your greatest investment. You are your greatest asset!” - Brad Gibb

Funnel Hacking LIVE was one groundbreaking event that helped the Cashflow guys begin their journey into helping others achieve financial freedom. Freedom comes with risk, struggle and growth. Brad’s desire to become independent career-wise while building an intentional life started with being financially free. Cash flow is the key to financial independence and Brad knows that full well. True freedom is owning 100% of your time. Your income shouldn’t limit your time. This is one crucial step in achieving financial freedom. 

“If there’s a gap between where you are and where you want to be, the problem is you.” - Brad Gibb

Brad talks to those yearning for success, stating, “If there is a gap in the results you want, it’s either a mindset problem, skillset problem or network problem.” Have you ever felt guilty about investing financially? Brad is here to let you know, wealth is actually built on the back of investing in oneself first.

#financialfreedom #economicallyindependent #cashflow #visionaries 

“Rise up and live free” is what Cashflow Tactics stands behind to prove their actionable strategy for financial independence. The guys advocate becoming financially free in 10 years or less (regardless of age, income and experience.) Finding a community to support you is another crucial step in achieving financial freedom.

Cashflow Tactics website

Dallin Nead

CEO, Content Supply Co.

Award-winning marketing leader, director, and entrepreneur.

Episode Transcript

well Brad thank you so much for doing this I appreciate it Alan thank you I'm excited to be here we've had lots of discussions and our circles have overlapped a couple times but yeah I'm excited to get down nitty-gritty here this will be fun yeah likewise well I mean she's jump right into it tell us a little bit about your journey what led you to get connected to Jimmy and Ryan and how you've come together to build the movement you're building well I you know it we talked a little pre-show and just in our conversations and another masterminds like you've really latched on to this idea of a visionary right and that's a fun and exciting marketing term but for us it's it's it's been so new like we get asked to be on lots of shows and we don't do nearly as much because we're we're very kind of protective of the the influence that we want to have and I take very seriously terms like visionary and I know you do as well which is which is why we're here talking to you but really what connected me Ryan and Jimmy was that concept of a unified vision we had for financial freedom financial success and what's required to get there we all have very different backgrounds we were very successful independently but it was really they are the only two other people that I could wholesale trust that that their actions their viewpoint what they would recommend lines up with with what I do and and I think everybody thinks that in their business that like it was it was a straight line drawn in the sand of like the path that we were gonna take but really it's you can't connect the dots until you stop and you look back and then you can see how the dots all connected and I think creating strong relationships are sort of the same thing the strong relationships you have are the ones that are left after all the other ones go away right you can't really pick them you can't foresee them or choose them but it's just over time certain people stay in your life and other people don't and that was really what it was with Jimmy and Ryan that as we all were independently really trying to push the envelope trying to move forward reaching for what that that vision that concept that movement that was out there it was one day we looked around and we're like Oh Ryan you're still here Jimmy you're still hanging out like I we should probably do something together if that's the case right and it really was on a whim when cash flow tactics really finalized and got started it really was like we were little embarrassed Ryan and I were on our way to meet with a consultant who's gonna help us with a specific part of it and in the airport we like called Jimmy right dude I think it's time and I think you need to be here can you drop everything you get our plane and he did and and over that week that that week of both consulting and masterminding that's really when cash tax was born so what pulls us all together is you know our unifying message what while there's lots of tactical differences that we have the one unifying thing that pulled us all together was was freedom I mean really what we're about is freedom like Jimmy was an ex-army Ranger he did three deployments like he literally fought freedom but what always attracted me to finances was the concept of way that this can be a tool to make myself free but then also free lots of other people because one thing frustrates me more than anything I know I'm ranting here and just cut in anytime you want but like on my window I can see the freeway down there and you know not drink ovid right now it's empty still but during normal times it's just back to back taillights I just look at that I can't I refuse to believe that that's what people are meant for everybody out there is living their full purpose life right it can't it can't be that that everybody's full purpose life involves sitting in traffic from 8:00 to 9:00 in the morning and then again from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. like it just it doesn't make sense and so our well yes we do financial stuff yes we do all this other but really it's centered around and this is true for Jimmy and Ryan equally as me we want to free that so that a visionary or or somebody who wants to go make a difference because dude like Dallin you've got skills I don't have the rest of the world has skills I don't have but I need them and if I can help somebody be able to make decisions based on their unique abilities and and based on what they can really contribute like imagine the change can happen in the world right that is what we're all about and that's what brought me and Ryan and Jimmy together it was really long when say no no not at all hopefully it was good that you know and that's so powerful too because there's always an impetus or a catalyst that drives a story forward a movement forward and for you guys to come together serendipitously like you did really mean something and you know you you mentioned it early on and and sharing some of that story in the term visionary is fascinating to me because immediately at least some like when I first kind of playing with that term in my mind imposter syndrome can kick in like who am I to be a visionary or Who am I to do this thing like if I'm stuck in you know a nine-to-five or like an hour commute which I've done that stuff before and like Who am I to think I can do this when all reality like you know you don't have to be build a billion-dollar company be visionary you don't have to be the president of X Y or Z to do that I think in our different forms both in personal you know family and professional lives we have that opportunity to realize a vision for our future even if it's as simple as you know making a few extra thousand dollars a month to afford a vacation or you know for you guys building the financial systems and solutions to create the freedom and flexibility that you know now yeah I'll piggyback two things on that first now this won't fix impostor syndrome by any means but it definitely helped me with mine I think and I wish I could do who I could attribute this to it was not mine it was I pulled it out of a mastermind when I was at one time but I think it was in Russell Bronson's inner circle that somebody we were all this because the the thing that might surprise you is I'm I've been in rooms with hundred million dollar earners and and that and the legitimate ones all struggle with impostor syndrome to one degree or another and we had a whole discussion about this for I remember was a couple of hours we were all going around you know 50 business owners in a room all talking about the concept but then somebody sort of nailed the conversation shot they're like if you struggle with and like Impostors don't struggle with impostor syndrome I was like oh my gosh all right so if I'm struggling with it that's actually a good sign that I'm not what I'm what I'm worried that I am if that makes any sense right it's the imposters that don't struggle with it they're the ones that can confidently get up on stage and lie to you right yeah you're struggling with it that means you're being genuine and that's a good indicator that you should lean into that so I know that won't eliminate it but I definitely help me to be like okay all right if I'm not struggling with or I'll be a bigger red light right um but back to the concept of vision you said something you don't like I thought the same thing I thought that I had to have a you know a hundred million dollar company and I need all this prestige and it's been fun to have tastes of that like I've got to speaking from hiking live and we you know we've been on stage we've won awards we've done really cool things but the the bigot there's two visionaries in my life that have impacted me more than any other and they're not what you would think I have been around pretty big visionaries but it's actually my mother and my wife's mother Mike they my I came from a family of five my wife came from a family of nine and I can still see the impact that our mothers had in the vision that they instilled in us inside of their families right who they wanted us to be how they wanted us to act what they wanted us to learn that set the vision for me and my five siblings and my wife and her eight siblings and the impact in the Cascade effect that that has like no one has had more of an impact on me being Who I am and then my own mother and the vision that she had so you can you can have a vision for just five people and completely transform and change the world because that's what my my mom did for me and my wife's mom did for her and so yeah get out of the mindset of it has to be world-level to be visionary it doesn't it just has to change the course for one other person for you to be a visionary someone someone else's history right yeah each the course of history can be for one other person I I'm so glad you went there with speaking of your mother-in-law and your mother um as far as visionaries go you know one of the first episodes and kind of relaunching this podcast was he grout about my grandfather who passed away six months ago and actually my other grandfather passed away two weeks ago and so these ideas of like these patriarchs so to speak to you know this large family on either side and the impact they had even if like you know my grandfather from six months ago was a tugboat captain on this on the Columbia River in southern Washington State and he had it great education you know like it's not like you have to come from some like it can be humble beginnings it can be proud beginnings either way you know I think there's opportunity for each person to really create a vision that can be bigger than themselves and a family is one of the most important ways to do that how represent yep I'm curious to to unpack so with cash flow tactics and you and the team coming together what was what kind of became the guiding torch so to speak for why you wanted to build this movement and chart your own course versus maybe following someone else's awesome and and that's the other thing to be a visionary most people think that like I can't follow anybody we were very very good followers and that's necessary like we still look for the people that we need to fit into other people's movements so everybody can be a visionary and we can all share in each other's visions and and yes I've stuck a flag in the ground said this is one I'm gonna lead but I follow in plenty of other movements because I I need to be able to do that but for us what it really came down to and our backgrounds are all are all unique but have similar qualities to them so for me I have a degree in like I'm I'm the smart one I'm the mad scientist I'm the Tony Stark of the group we're putting this all together yeah iein is is the the inspirational to freedom fight he's the Captain America of the group right and then Jimmy is the drill sergeant the that no excuses work get things done move move move we call him the Hulk in our in our trio and so we all have different things we brought together but like for me I have I have a couple of degrees I have a master's in accounting I'm an economics degree I started out at Goldman Sachs I was I was ground zero in 2008 when the financial meltdown was happening it was literally downtown New York City in the Goldman offices when that was happening and then I left that pretty quickly to go on to start a consulting firm we were we were basically CFOs and consultants for hire to take companies public so we navigated the account accounting and financial and money raising and SEC and all of that for for clients we took over two dozen companies public in that process but what continued to linger through all of that so and I'll tell my story but Ryan and Jimmy have have similar ones in their areas but for me like being downtown New York City seeing everything meltdown I was like wait a minute safe and secure job is not that's a myth that's not a reality right and and having a 401k or a stock based account that's totally external to me is also never never going to make it I become abundantly clear and so what 2008 did for me is expose that nerve of wait a minute freedom isn't if I'm reliant entirely on something else I can't I can't be freed freedom comes with risk it comes with struggle it comes with growth and so that was the first wave of it then I'd started my business and as that became more successful it it solved the problem of the boss could fire me anytime but it opened up a new problem of freedom that I was like wait a minute I don't I don't own a business I own a job and my clients actually owned me rather than me owning me and so that second wave of desiring to be independent even from my business was was that second level wake up of wait a minute financial freedom is a lot more than making a lot of money having a successful business having income come in the door it's also being able to build and live an intentional life and so the what what we've really identified as what we are fighting for is financial freedom not more money not more profits not more whoa but all of those things lining up to being economically independent from from all things or as many of the things as we can make as possible and so we took from my background of Wall Street and Finance and and the markets we pulled from Ryan's of the experience and the motivation and Jimmy's out of real estate and we pulled all of those together and said what if we just lined up like forget making money like making money is the bare minimum like you should like if I have a big potential loot like if it's not gonna make me money I'm not gonna do it at all right but then it became the question of well of all these different paths I could go down both making money and earning money through an investment which are the ones that maximize freedom right because dude like there's things I could teach you how to make way more money than what we teach clients to do but it doesn't lead to being able to design an attentional life right and so we kind of after we became financially free we were our own experiments so first qualification for me is I'm financially free Ryan's financially free Jimmy's financially free so if you're ever gonna take any money advice only take money advice from somebody who you would switch positions with right that's the first qualifier but for us we then looked back at our experiments we were our own guinea pigs and we looked forward in trying to recreate this for somebody else we just lined up the things that take us from a to financially freebie as quickly and as safely as possible and that's it like we eliminated everything else it doesn't matter if it sounds really cool or fun or it's it's like dude this stuff we do is so boring that you would never talk about it the watercooler like you're you're gonna be but you make it sound cool we try to we try our best yeah right but it's it's not about that it's it's about financial freedom and our mantra is financial freedom in ten years or less regardless of age income or experience that's the path that we're sharing if you want something that's not that that's fine and there might be reasons to do that but it's financial freedom and in a timeframe that's meaningful and for us it's ten years and it requires and when I say it's not for everybody you might be like why wouldn't somebody want to be that well there's plenty of reasons right and and behind me you can see on here our mantra isn't make a lot of money or a huge interest rates or real estates the path or anything that its rise up live free right and that's that's why this isn't for everybody is our path requires personal accountability personal responsibility you can't have the live free part without first accepting and acknowledging that there's a rise up component to this and we can only show the path you can't walk it for you can't carry you across the finish line but that's that's who we're speaking to and who we're trying to win with uh you know I I love hearing that too and what I'm I'm curious to learn more about and you you broke it down in a lot of ways but when you I mean the three of you both kind of you know sat there and be like hey we're financially free what does that realization look like in detail like ten years or less like that's incredible but but how can people recognize that in themselves that I'm yeah awesome so the definition super super simple is nothing doing that worth it has nothing to do with your business income has nothing to do with your job your status anything like that it's as simple as your cash flow from the investments that you own and control exceed your expenses that's it and it doesn't require there's no such thing as passive income we did a podcast episode and I go listen to that but what we call we call it leverage income cuz there's no such thing as passive there's an involvement to some degree but it's not a full time endeavor to create that cash flow like your cash flow from your business exceeds your expenses or you wouldn't be a business it's not the same thing right it's not the same thing as what we call leveraged income what everybody else will think of as passive income so it has to be from a passive nature cash flow to your expenses now I get to wake up and my business can't make my decisions for me right my job or my boss can't make my decisions for me because I'm now I want that income I want that profit I want that impact but it's not required right and when we achieved that that's when we could that's when all possibilities opened up and literally the rules of the game change at that point and that's where we want everybody to be so that I'm you should never just like we're not here to help you sip pina coladas on the beach right that's not financial freedom that's not the idea but it's that you can go out and make the impact that you're meant to make so that's our definition of it yeah and in that impact I mean you Ryan in in Jimmy really come from like a Bal I mean this is how I perceive it right like a lot of times people see the highlight reels it's you know I and I I follow you guys Instagram and what you do see is this lifestyle where you're not like you're with your family like and there's that priority you know or maybe some don't have a family but you're you're doing spending time with those you love and you appreciating those relationships and and that's to me as far as like freedom and what that word means for me is definitely creating that flexibility of time with those who want to spend it with ya we really measure it in not how much money do you have and not even in how much cash well cash flow is the tangible thing but we really hope you understand how much of your time do you owe and I own all of my time 100% of it because I don't have to go spend time to earn money anymore right now I still do but it's not a requirement so that I can then prioritize for me it is family right and for Ryan and Jimmy it is it is family that that's very much anchored into it but we ask the first question we ask when you come into our community is it how much money do you want to make or what do you ask that's what equals its what does financial freedom mean for you and you can't answer in financial terms so and then we we probe on that question a little bit and ask you what would your life look like feel like be like if money was no longer your driving factor like we really want to dig into that that's what we're helping clients achieve and then we bring our unique frames and and financial formulas to bear to make that a reality but it's what does financial freedom mean to you is that the the puzzle that we're trying to solve and then we can bring the solutions in wrapped around that like for me it was you know I gotta wake up and I get at breakfast with my kids every morning I get to have evenings with my family I get to have trips have I get to invest in them now when it matters not hopefully repairing it sometime later on but it doesn't have to be that it can be whatever it can be whatever your intentional life looks like man uh you know and that's that's something that's inspiring and it captures a vision you know I think of I was listening to something the other day and it talked about JFK and the vision he painted for America and you're like we are gonna put a man on the moon it's like hey we're not gonna we're not gonna build like the best space program ever and you know that doesn't inspire people but it's a tangible result and to me like the clarity that becoming financially free in ten years or less what's the timeframe and then you know immediately you identified like what is that what does financial freedom look like for you because it is defined a little differently for each person for sure to me that like there's that clarity and we before hit record too we talked a little bit about messaging as well and so I'm here stimpack that a little bit as far as like coming up with the phrase rise up live free - the clarity of that that payoff for that result of financially financial freedom ten years or less what was a little bit of that journey for for you guys to recognize the importance of message clarity well man and down this is like I said we get asked to be on lots of podcast interviews and we don't take them all and one of the reasons that me you and I have connected and you've cannae with Ryan a couple times as well and in various masterminds and other circles and your focus on what really matters and not the sizzle behind marketing and video and that kind of stuff is one of the big reasons I agreed to be on because that was the battle we went through we came in we joined like well the whole story is a friend of Mike we were trying to figure out this online market we are we're very belly-to-belly business right money and finances you have to shake a person's hand and trust them and we saw what what people were doing online or like oh I want to do this over there right I just want to take this and do it over there and so marketing friend of mine handed me a book called calm secrets written by this 12 year old looking kid it was like all right they handed it to Ryan and he read it you know in like two days and then he booked us plane tickets to some crazy rock concert slash marketing slash tech nerd event called funnel hiking live this was four or five years ago and he booked the ticket without even telling me and then as we're getting on the plane he's telling me where we're going hands me the book and I read on the plane like okay I'm going all-in this sounds awesome and we go through this three-day really transformational event that really shifted our focus to what was possible right like setting a vision man Russell does that so so well and what drew us into Russell's message was the discussion and concept around around a movement right this wasn't a product that this wasn't about rates of return this wasn't about that it really spoke to us cuz it called out of us this this message and this movement and then you know very short time after that we found ourselves in his $25,000 mastermind and we thought we were a shoo-in for this to be totally easy we're like look at all the degrees that I have I can do anything you need with money between the three of us we have there all of the bases covered and so we had our first kind of onboarding interview with Russell and it's all right so tell me what you do were like we do everything money it's like okay tell me who you do it for like anybody that wants more money it's like we were kind of bragging a little Russell like this is the easiest you've ever had it because we're amazing it's super humble but remaining everything we do and everybody needs our services and he just sort of shook his head in sight you're dead in the water what but what do you mean my guys paid you 25 grand what do you mean I'm dead in the water he's like you'll never no one will ever hear anything you had to say because you're everything to everyone like you have to figure out the one thing that you're amazing and incredible out you can still do some of the other stuff but you've got and he used himself as an example like Russell's an amazing copywriter he's amazing it offers he's amazing she's amazing at lot all things marketing but he's the funnel guy first right you go to Russell for funnels first and that so then Matt set us on a journey for over three years where we struggled and searched and reached for what was the one thing that we are gonna do because we had a hard time letting go of all the things that we could do for the one thing that we're amazing and incredible about and when it really converged on this this blend of financial freedom first off like if it can't if I can't tangibly put my finger on why this thing we're doing for a client we used to financial freedom then we're not going to do it even if it will make the money even if it'll benefit them even if I can get paid doing it we're cutting all that out and we just we cut and cut and cut and cut and cut and then I had to overlap with this idea of Rises I blew free of this personal development side that it's I can't make you financially free like you can't abdicate that you can't export that to somebody else then that was when everything aligned all the brand and came together all the messaging all the marketing all the funnels and literally we we tore everything down went underground for a couple of months reworked all of this and we launched and and in less than a quarter we did a million in less than a year we did ten because it just aligned then we could use all the stuff we've been learning and like button colors and testing and tweaking and adjusting this not because it was built on a foundation that mattered that worked that that was that was deep inside of us and so man like we struggled to get traction with funnels we struggled to get traction with video and YouTube and podcasting because and we weren't lacking the external we were lacking that internal unity around a message and so I would tell anybody before you spend time on hiring that person make your graphics better or that photo shoot or that podcast do the deep sometimes ugly all the time frustrating work of what is your vision what is the impact you're going to make with somebody and then the rest the rest is easy the rest falls into place after that wow that's that's powerful you know and with that - like what would you say then is for people struggling with those things and maybe they they may feel like hey my funnel is not working or my message is not right or I want like all of these things and all these problems that we may self identify with what would you say from your expertise built from your own story is the next right step to take to get that clarity and to build financial freedom awesome and this aligns that's such a great question it's ease me up perfectly you're an amazing host I know it actually lines up and we seek for alignment and everything that we do I couldn't be you know talking entrepreneurship and then and then countering that with will give me all your money I'll make you financially free like that goes against that dad goes against the principles that we espouse as entrepreneurs and so really what it comes down to and this is the unfortunate difficult answer nobody wants to hear but if there's a gap between where you are and where you want to be the problem is you you lack something because that the death by definition the thing that we want is outside of our current abilities and the challenging part is to get there we have to let go of who we were to got us to where we are right now but unfortunately the person that got us where we are we're in love with that person because we struggled with that person and we grew with that person we achieve so much with that person well if we want to become the next version ourselves we have to start by letting go of that person and assessing the gap and we talked about this in our investing your greatest asset now I get this question all the time I you know that's what people want to ask me what well you know what's that what's the best management you can make and people are looking for like stocks bonds or real estate or Bitcoin or like whatever the sexy current fun thing is and the answer is always the same your your greatest investment you are your greatest asset your business your ability to produce who you are as your greatest investment and anytime there's a gap between who you are and where you want to go you have to look internally to invest in yourself to be able to bridge that gap then the tools that we talked about are what's built upon who you are now right and so before you ever give me a dollar we go through and we analyze that and we work on there's three main areas that we teach and talk about is our definition of it it aligns with just about any way that you look at it but if there's a gap in the results you're wanting then it comes down to one of three very simple areas it's either a mindset problem a skillset problem or a network problem right so you could have the best product you can see clearly the vision for it but if you and your grandma are the only one know about it and your network is struggling you're never gonna get it out there right the telephone is only good as the network right this is only as valuable as how many people I can call from it right right Network is hugely important right or it might be a mindset problem you still you can't see it clearly enough or your messaging isn't clear enough you've not cast a strong enough vision around it whatever that might look like or in our case like I needed marketing help and I needed it badly I still need it terribly I'm terrible on the Facebook's and Institute's and all the things along with that like it's just not my my thing so we needed to upgrade our skill sets but it's it's generally one or a combination of those things that we need to invest in to become the next level of ourselves and the you probably can't see it here but in our logo our framework is built around there's there's everything in marketing has to rhyme or it's not true right so we made this but there's the four the four PS of the financial plan it's it's produced protect profit prosper produce is that starting with your your greatest asset it's what sits below the surface it's our focusing on our ability to be a producer in this world around our mindset skillsets and networks is where we'd start so if you've ever struggled and wondered I don't have it I normally can go get it out I've saved every lanyard from every conference that I've ever gone to it's a bundle like this big around it's super impressive looking but like it if you've ever wanted to make that investment yourself but then felt guilty because you're like oh I'm supposed to have a 401k I'm supposed to do the right thing like that's the wrong view and investing that comes that's telling you that's telling yourself that financial security and financial freedom is external to you and that's never the case right it all starts with investing in yourself first and foremost so you have the permission to make those investments first because the rest of what we see as wealth is built is built on the back of that so personal wealth in the way of it sounds like mental I mean wealth mentally wealth relationship wise well I mean wealth basically everything unrelated to the money the number and we use a very simple phrase what we call dollars follow value right if we don't have the dollars we have to understand what would drive toward that and and focus on that and the dollars take care of themselves the rate of return takes care of itself the outcome case takes care of itself if we focus on earth understand and implement the right principles that it's all based on powerful you know and I love hearing this this clarity in this direction and and you guys inspire because you live what you preach so to speak right and like you were your best case studies you you've lived it you've done it like rise up and live free and so for others to rise up live free and to take those next rise next right steps how can they learn more about cash flow tactics yeah everything we do I mean everybody thinks like oh you're the real estate guys or you do this or you do cash flow you do that and it's it's it's not those are all those are the easy things to see but it's it's not really what drives it what we really lean into is our yes our outcome is financial freedom but our true underlying goal here is to help you be empowered in the conversation of money right and that comes from clarity and that clarity comes from a plan okay and so everything we do is based on I can't help you in any regard without first I mean there's a couple things we live by I'm in the medical world it would be really weird if a doctor got up on stage or had a commercial that said everybody that hears me right now should take this prescribed medication it'd be weird like we immediately be like oh that guy's got to be a quack like how would you even know that I need to take that right but we see that happen in the financial space all the time right everyone should have this investment or everybody should do this and that's I give us a product in the medical world is called prescription without diagnosis is malpractice same thing hat should happen in the financial space right prescription without diagnosis is malpractice so for everybody that comes into the world we work to get a game what we call a game plan in place and that consists of a 10-year outcome 12-month targets and 90-day objectives the work that we're working under and so we know based on where you're at where you want to go what you currently have what's the next step and the other big myth in money and finance is why should be doing all of the things right now I should do a little bit of everything or have all my bases covered and that's that's not how we make progress in any area of our life yet somehow magically we think that should happen money in finance so really what we do is we line up the next target you should be shooting for we really only working on one or two things at a time and when we accomplish that then we can set new targets and we can work towards those ones and then we set new targets and we work towards those ones and that drastically simplifies the game and increases the speed at which we can move and that's why we can do this and accomplish these these amazing things we have and so little amount of time so the the key to becoming empowered financially and learning to invest in yourself in that greatest asset and build that wealth is getting a game plan and and we do that with everybody we've put it together taury we've got a five day process we call it a five day challenge but it's really just the five parts to getting clear on where you are right now that's the hardest part right I love the saying that it's hard to read the label from inside the bottle and to many of us are inside our own bottle we can't really see what's going on and that five-day challenge is meant to pull you out of that bottle objectively look at what we have in front of us and then and then have the the necessary tools together to be able to put a plan a clearly defined plan in place so where you can do that cash flow tactics calm Ford / five day challenge you can use the number or the word five it gets you in the same place that's absolutely the best place to start is get out of the bottle get clear perspective and start working toward building that plan love it love it and I love there's a clear next step and to me I mean not to generalize to all audiences because it doesn't fit for everyone but everyone who's interested in building a worthwhile vision for their future I would say definitely need financial freedom in that other one otherwise you're you're gonna be you're gonna you you can't you can't own your vision if you're subservient somewhere else right long term we can't we all have to play the game we all have to work our way out of that we all have to figure it out so you can be doing both at the same time but ultimately if you want your vision to take you've got to be free you've got to be independent yourself that's what we're helping visionaries entrepreneurs people with purpose to become financially free I don't care like if you want to sit on the beach like do don't call me don't talk to me I've got nothing for you right but if you've got a purpose if you've got a passion we can build your path toward that I love it any other parting thoughts or yeah the last one I'd say the last they had the last one I'd say about a visionary is I think we all struggle with this and I again just like everybody I thought I was unique in this right but you're going on this path you're going to feel alone in that process like you're gonna feel like you're the only one right you're your friends don't understand your family to understand you're gonna look around and be like why is the world the way it is why doesn't anyone else see what I see that is the definition of being a visionary they don't you do right and so what we've like find a community that can support you in that I can't tell you how instrumental being part of masterminds being part of other groups and we've done this we've created the same thing you find us on on Facebook but that's the intention is we've created a group a movement so that you can come in and feel at home you can share things like I've got a vision for something so crazy that nobody else has seen it and everyone's would be like cool that sounds awesome and set of oh you can't do that why would you want that doesn't make any sense right and and you can you can be part of a group that are all working toward their same vision and solving the financial element of it so that'll be the other thing is do not go this alone for sure join our group and you'll have all the financial support around that but find that the group of people that are just as crazy as you to support you in that process of wise you never never never never not have a chance to make it yeah it's it's it takes a village uh you need that support you know it's that expert guide element well hey this has been incredible Brad I do appreciate your time and you have so much value to share I mean seriously not only from your years of experience but just from your stories I mean exactly it's it's incredible it's valuable it's so cool to hear that though cuz there are times Rice it and even now I sit in my base and I'm like I'm weird nobody wants to hear what I have to say it's all lame but that's cuz it's my unique day it's like this is just like just use my unique ability right but there are times rice I've I've had conversations with you I've had conversation some other people like you totally blow my mind on what you were good at and that's the cool part about being a visionary is I get my one weird slice of the world that I enjoy and love and can impact other people and you've got yours and I want yours just as bad as you want mine which is what makes this all fun yeah hands down agree well hey thanks again yep appreciate you have me on

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