Episode Description

In this episode of Quiet the Clock, Beth Gulotta interviews Ava Lee, founder of the skincare brand byAva, as she shares her journey from a finance career to entrepreneurship in the beauty industry. Ava discusses growing up in an Asian household focused on academics, transitioning careers, and overcoming societal expectations.

She also talks about the development of her holistic skincare brand and her personal experience with egg freezing, emphasizing the importance of sharing personal stories to help others navigate similar challenges.

Beth Gulotta

Licensed Mental Health Counselor

Founder of NYC Therapeutic Wellness and Host of Quiet The Clock.

Episode Transcript

so I also never thought I was going to be an entrepreneur this I built this brand last year purely because I just


like thought there was no brand doing what I'm doing right now and really emphasizing the Inner Health aspect of


things right and I knew this is what healed me so I really wanted to get this out to the public but I think my


audience was honestly the one who told me to start a brand because I was talking about this so organically in my content that they were like please sell


it please sell it to us and that's kind of how the brand came about in a way is never going to launch a brand




ever I am very excited to welcome our next guest Ava Lee to quiet the clock podcast you are the owner and creator of

Welcome Ava


by Ava yes entrepreneur and I do want to talk all things about your business and your your journey and your just career


and egg freezing Journey so welcome and thank you so much for being here thank you for having me it's an honor oh and


you were so generous and and gifted me with a little bit of your products which I was like telling you before I'm want


to buy all of them because I believe in what you're doing and I love to hear like did you always have an


entrepreneurial Spirit did you always KN know you would do start a business like how did that come to be for you um I

How did that come to be


actually have quite the entire opposite uh mindset I don't have a single


entrepreneur in my family never ever thought I would be an entrepreneur to be honest with you you know I grew up in an


Asian household where all I did was study like we didn't do family vacations all I literally did my whole life was


books study study study and it was kind of robotic right you take a test you get


into college you do the same thing and then in college um I actually thought I


wanted to be a diplomat my whole life and then I experimented that and I was like you know what this is not for me so


um I was like you know I'm just going to get the hardest job I can get out of college then so I went straight into Investment Banking which once again is a


very very robotic job right so um I fit that typical stereotype you just go


behind Excel spread you you work your as off you work like 120 hours a week so that's what I did in New York for the


first few years wow um and then after investing banking of course I went to another Finance career I worked at a


hedge fund for a few years and then from there on I went to another private Equity Fund so it was just non-stop


robotic work wow so that was my career and I thought I was I was going to retire Finance that's all I knew how to


do I thought I was the most the least creative person on Earth because all I KN knew how to do was work in Excel


spreadsheet do numbers wow read decks right that was my career so we talk a

Growing up in Asia


lot on here about sort of this blueprint that's already laid out for us and these boxes that we should be checking


and beinged byes or mod and so you did not grow up


in this country right no I didn't I grew up in Asia my whole life the first time I ever came to the United States was for


college wow yeah no family vacations no nothing you were studying you were busy


studying what was what was the blueprint if there was one laid out for you like what was the expectation like culturally


was it different like our blueprint here really is you know College job out of college partnership


marriage babies that was honestly my blueprint too like my parents didn't want me to go to the US because it's


first of all very very expensive but I somehow was like I just need to get out of here I need to get out of this like


Asian like stereotype so I begged my parents to go to the US I went to knowre


name um cool probably the whitest school in America what was that like transition like for you culturally pretty big


culture shock in a way so I was born in Korea Soul big city grew up in Beijing


and Shanghai once again very big cities my whole life and then I went to southin Indiana like that's that's like a


culture shock from New York yeah like I was like why did I make a mistake right


how did you choose Notre Dame um I never even heard about the school I always thought it was going to go to like you


know NYU upen Georgetown George Washington these schools and cities MH


but then I think like senior year or something like struck me and then ad missions officer came to my school um in


Shanghai and he like sold me on like the whole you can have the American college


true American college life watching football tailgating and I was like w that sounds kind of cool and I was like



you know what maybe I just don't want to be surrounded by Asians for college right cuz I always think about it I was


like What if I went to Berkeley or for college I would not be where I am


today my life would justan out very differently in a way um know do you think it would have looked like if you


went to one of those schools I don't know I don't think I would have gotten into like a finance career the way I did


in a way I think like going to Notre Dame and like really getting myself out of my comfort zone I think that helped


boost my confidence in a way too which did help me prepare for a lot of my


interviews and getting into like the hardest field I could get into in a way yeah while as I don't know who knows who


knows right I think that's the beauty of life right it's like sometimes we get so stuck in decision and making the right


decision I'm a big believer that there's no wrong decis decision yeah exactly I probably would have ended up in the Miss


banking to be honest with you but I don't think I would have had the confidence yeah I love what you said

Stepping outside your comfort zone


about stepping outside of your comfort zone because I believe you know as and personally and as a therapist that's where the biggest growth happens and


challenging ourselves that in that way and moving through fear it's like the greatest growth I think opportunities


happened there yeah exactly biggest growth yeah so as you're moving through your career in finance and you describe


it as robotic MH was there a moment where I guess two question was there a


moment where you were like this is not for me is there more and or did you see


someone modeling anything different I know for me like that was the path too like all my friends went into Finance


after college I went into Finance after college and like 2 years in I'm just like this is not for me and but no one


else around me was doing anything different yeah I mean the answer to both of your questions is


no I didn't have a role model I didn't have anyone who was doing something differently every single person I knew


was either staying in finance in like my co-workers or getting an MBA and of course my parents were also very


traditional so when I even brought up the question about potentially leaving Finance they were like oh it's okay like


we can help pay for your MBA we can help pay for your law school they would just like you have to go to school or do


something completely different like being an influencer was something that was like not even an option right for me


and I didn't even think that was an option for me either like as I said I never thought I was a creative person but this kind of was like a very big


um plot twist in my life where this was not in like intended in any way I really


thought I was going to get an MBA or retire in finance but having been the only woman in the office all the time I


think I came to a realization where like I was trying to be like the guys I was doing everything they were doing I was


watching football every single Sunday I was doing fantasy football and like


really getting really emotional over these things because when I lost the fantasy football one week weekend I took


that as a thing I was like I lost to a guy you know that's how I relate to cuz


I was always trying to be like better than them or like competing with these guys who to be honest with you I was the


person who was doing a lot of the behind the scenes work right doing all the models and the spreadsheets and then like my coworker who is like my same


level gets to go to the meetings right so like that was just happening continuously continuously and I just


like lived with it I was like okay maybe that's just like how it is like I just didn't think any differently cuz I was


so young right too and I couldn't speak up in any way because I knew that if I spoke up I would get fired so I just


worked how was it for you like mentally and emotionally to be in that space especially maybe when you started


realizing like this is not right or this doesn't feel good to try to like prove


myself or get it was toxic it was very toxic and like I'm not even kidding like


every Sunday my mood and the Monday after was dependent on like fantasy


football like I don't like sports I don't like watching sports and I was like so sick of pretending to like


sports right cuz I would get like my guy friends um to like help secretly help me


with fantasy football my co- didn't know they just thought I knew everything like she she Lov yeah like I was so like a


pretending to be someone who I wasn't um so I think at around that time


at my last job in private equity um I was going through intense got


issues like a lot of health issues that was just like an accumulation of everything that it has built up I wasn't


eating healthy ever I was just treating my body like a garbage can right I was drinking excessively eating like


seamless meals for breakfast lunch and dinner not sleeping all of that so at one point my body crashed um and that


was when I was looking for more holistic ways to heal myself cuz I got to work


right and that's honestly the reason behind how I started goob with AA my


account in a way too cuz it it is a skincare account for other people but some of my like earliest posts have


always been about like what I eat for lunch as I try to heal yes I I yes I and

Skincare as medicine


I was sharing with you this off camera that I've done like an overhaul of my diet and my nutrition and I'm really


leaning into like a more holistic approach and I know in some of your posts that you you talk about like food


as medicine and you had also shared like coming from where you grew up like that


was kind of the way and then you moved to the United States and you just saw this decline in your health because the


stuff in our products and in our food is not yeah like I was never sick growing up and then I come here and like no


matter what I was always like sick with something to the point where like I couldn't even stomach an apple right I


just it was bad back then so that's how I started um but I never thought I liked


SK care more than anyone else because growing up in Asia like it was just like Norm there's like more beauty stores and


convenience stores in 7eleven back in Korea so I just every time I got a break


from um winter break for like a week or two I would go back to Korea and China and I would just like bring luggages


full of just skincare just because I thought that was like what you do right and I was like and since in college you


know I a lot of my friends didn't even know what a moisturizer was right so yeah it was about SK R I was washing my


face with a bar soap for like all of my friends were doing for as long as I can remember unfathomable to me oh yeah bar


soap yeah and then I come to the US and I didn't think I had an excessive routine or anything like even back in


college I didn't know about skincare as much I didn't even wear sunscreen back then but I just knew that you should


moisturize your face right so my friends were always like what is it that you're using so every break I would bring sheep


masks and like fun Korean beauty products to my my friends um in college and that's how we like bonded same thing


happened to me in finance where like I would share them with like my female assistants in the office because I didn't have any female co-workers or


like my outside group of friends so I was like kind of like that person who was bringing K Beauty to the US just


with my one suit luggage and that's how kind of started and I really wanted to share how to use these products because


this was before like kbd was a really big thing I think like this is back in 2017

Hiding her face on Instagram


2018 where Instagram shelfies were a big thing right but no one explaining how to


use these products so I was like I need to be that person so I would secretly post on stories Instagram stories and


just teach how do use a sheet mask what's a toner but I was never show my face on the feed itself because I was


deathly afraid really my co-workers any of my co-workers find me and I would get fired so I never showed my face it was


only 24 hours on stories oh that's right because the stories used to disappear right wasn't that I mean it still does


after 2 hour that's right it still does you can tell I'm not well ver in Instagram why I hire someone to help me with that yeah um so you so you felt


like so you had to hide this thing you're doing because you felt like you would get fired from your job um I also blocked all my co-workers on


Instagram and their girlfriends no one can find me no one can find me I blocked


every single person um not that I was big I had like 3,000 followers not even


right like I was a very very small account but I still loved doing it so much and that that's when I realized I


was like I am a little bit more creative than I thought I wonder if it was always inside


of you but no one really encouraged it to come out it was no one encouraged me there was no chance for me to right


right you're the blueprint is laid out you're studying you're spending all your time studying right but that's


interesting how you then develop it's unfortunate too you develop the narrative that I am not this thing yeah


but it's inside you it's just not encouraged to come out yeah but I'm but think about if I somehow came across


this accidentally think about how many other people who were in jobs that may not be the best use of their skill set


because yes I was good at my job and finance but it wasn't the best use of my


skill set I can be so much more helpful for other people in a different capacity

Turning point


yeah yeah and not even not only that but what it meant for you to be in that environment what it meant you had to do


or how you had to show up it's almost felt like this disconnect from who you really were like you're saying I didn't


really like football but here am I like so emotionally invested right I felt like like not me yeah most days so where


was like this turning point where okay you realize you're creative you're loving posting these things on stories


where did where was it a turning point where like I'm going to do this I'm going to leave finance and like your


plot twist what's your plot twist my plot twist it wasn't like my account was like huge or anything honestly right I


wasn't making any money I didn't make any for money for over 2 years but my plot twist was I was waking up at like


5:00 a.m. every morning shooting content before work like doing all of this and I


realized that I love this so much that I was willing to sacrifice you know all my income and that's when I was like you


know I'm getting an MBA I'm going to go get an MBA so that I can go be a um


marketing director or something at like an Estee Lauder or L'Oreal or just like a beauty company because I try to go I


try to ask friends like hey can I move to I have a pretty good resume but these


Beauty companies they wouldn't hire me they would only hire me for their finance division I'm like no I don't


you're like I'm trying to get out of that I'm trying to get out but not doing Finance at a beauty company right so um


I was like the only way you can do it is by getting an MBA so I started studying for the MBA um GMAT all of these


interview courses and while I was applying I was also I


was like dating my current husband at the time and I just my life was in New York so I didn't want to go anywhere


really else other than the East Coast around that time um in my MBA


essay you have to write you have to be very specific about what you want to do so I said I want to be the Global Marketing Director for Amore Pacific


which is the biggest which is SE Lauder of Korea okay like they own all the skincare companies there and I ended up


getting a job in a Mor Pacific somehow um before doing the NBA before before the NBA as as like a PR intern okay


something like the lowest entry level job that was like I got my way in the


door I can work on my way in two years I don't have to spend like 300K on getting an NBA when I already got my door into


my dream company so I never went to an NBA I also didn't get in Columbia or like my top school anyways so um I got


in but then I I've got higher because I had my Glo with Eva Channel even though


it was like less than 10K but they said I couldn't post about any other brands which I I get it I get it but


just something about it didn't feel right to me like always trust your gut everything that I did up to now was like


trusting my gut I think that's so important we were talking about that earlier that intuition it's it's a scary


intuition and for someone who was making zero money something in my gut was like


don't do it so I turned the job down oh you never even took the job I didn't I turned the job down I was so happy but


then I end turning the job down I didn't get an MBA I gave up everything and I


told my hus my my boyfriend at the time my mom my dad I was like just give me six months give me six months and I'll


work this thing out what did they say to that my mom didn't talk to me my mom my

Parents support


mom and I are best friends I don't know if you saw my content but we are oh I've seen your content I know I love it I love that so much content with your mom


she didn't talk to you talk to me we didn't speak for like almost six months like were you nervous to tell your parents that you were making this choice


to Pivot yeah yeah it was scary but my dad was very supportive my dad was like


just do whatever you want while he be your support you but of course my mom like she was like very caring she also


was like I was the only person in my hometown who to ever work in Wall Street right so she had this immense Pride so


she was like what am I going to tell my friends now that you're like you know like was not a thing back then it's


interesting too how our parents attached to the blueprint I mean it's the blueprints that's handed down to them and my parents were opposite where my


dad was very much about the box and the blueprints and like the job and you know being in finance was sort of the arrival


of the you know thing and so when I started deviating off of those things and trying to figure it out he was he


was not that supportive and I kind of you know I kind of like laugh now I'm like well see me now Look at me now yeah


it's aw but my mom was more the one that was like kind of follow your gut follow


your intuition like find find your thing MH okay so you so how is that oh God


that must have been hard to not have your mom talking to you yeah but honestly I don't remember it being hard


no I think I was so busy building this and like trying to prove everyone that I don't remember


that period so what was that so you say give me six months and then what's that six months like I told her give me a


give me six months I'll try to make things work and then give me one year I'll try to make half as much as I did


in finance um and I did I wasn't making any money when I quit buing zero money


on Instagram or anything but um were you nervous were you what were you feeling were you feeling I know some narratives


that will pop up for women or people in general when we make these B pivots is like I'm going to be behind oh my God


it's deathly scary it is deathly scary because it's not just like


what am I going to do with my career it's like the public P like how do your friends your family how do they perceive


you they're going to see you as a failure right like that was what I was scared of I didn't tell anyone that I


had glow with Ava for forever like maybe until last year


no way yeah like it was like something that was like ashamed of in a way even though in my gut I knew it was the right


thing and I knew like I was so passionate about it being an influencer is something that is so cringy in the


beginning until you make it and the the process of getting to become an actual like influencer is so cringy so I was


like I didn't want any of my friends to see it at one point I was like even blocking my personal friends on my account because I was like I don't want


their attention I don't want their judgment when I'm building something um


it was yeah it was really tough was there a moment when you didn't feel like you had to hide it or you were really


proud of it it didn't feel so cringey I don't think so until maybe I launched my


own brand like I was it wasn't like cringey thing it was just more like I don't necessarily have to tell people I'm doing this cuz at that point people


were just finding out that they were finding my channel but I'm grateful for for a lot of friends


because I would never tell them that I have this channel but they would find me they would see it on their for you page


or whatever right but they didn't tell me cuz they knew that I wasn't ready to talk about it oh that's amazing and then


later on when I talked about it they were like yeah we knew for years you're like I thought I was really hiding this


very I thought I was hiding it but turns out everyone already knew yeah so I'm like really grateful for like my friends for like letting me do my cringy period


and just grow and just let me be yeah yeah how has it been to be an

Being an entrepreneur


entrepreneur like what have been some of the challenges what have been some of the major successes like how do you see


your life now coming from somebody that was so structured and robotic to now you you create you create things you know


what it is I if I had to do everything all over again I would still do Finance


all over again really say more say more I think it gave me such a strong work


ethic I am already someone who works really hard right I'm a Virgo like I'm


very structured and scheduled but I don't think I can do this job to the


level that I can if I didn't have my um Finance background where like all all I


knew how to do was work hard like I was working 120 hours a week even weekends like everything right WT it was very


intense but like now to this day like because of that I have that work ethic that I can Implement into things and


this is something that is underrated and I thought I didn't know this until like recently when my managers were like yeah


most of our talents don't know how to write a email no yes because when kids


these days yeah out of school they go straight into being an influencer right they've never had a proper job so first


of all they're they can be very entitled right because you're making so much


money by without having like an actual job but they lack the business Acumen


they don't know how to write a proper email they don't know professionalism right so I learned all of that by having


an actual job and I do think like being an influencer is great if you have the


work ethic and like the skill set and everything but I do think like having some kind a real job I agree with you so


for like a year is so important I agree with you so much I think there is so

Running out of time


much to be learned to be being in those settings and like you said the professionalism and um one of the the


themes that come up and like trying to name this podcast a lot of narratives that came up were like the Running Out


of Time the you know pressure and wasting time wasting time was a big one and that one came up to me as you're


talking about the gratitude for having this Finance background right so some perspect Ive could be like oh I wasted


all those years in finance so true yeah but but the way you shift it is so


meaningful because it's serving you now in this career that you've cultivated for yourself and similar for me like


I've done a zillion million things and I bartended forever and I feel like wholeheartedly that makes me a really


great therapist I feel like I got that training there I think it gave me the endurance to like see so many clients in


a row or do two days of filming so I think that nothing is a waste and I love that you have that perspective too that like you don't reget at that time spend


in finance mhm not at all what are some of the challenges that you face as you


or want or an influence influencer and kind of in the public eye and two like as an entrepreneur running your business


right so I also never thought I was going to be an entrepreneur this I built this brand last year purely because I


just like thought there was no brand doing what I'm doing right now and really emphasizing the Inner Health


aspect of things right and I knew this is what healed me so I really wanted to get this out to the public but I think


my audience was honestly the one who told me to start a brand cuz I was talking about this so organically in my content that they were like please sell


it please sell it to us and that's kind of how the brand came about in a way I was never going to launch a brand ever I

Is it worth it


CU I knew it would kill me is it killing you it's killing me


yeah it's worth it but it's killing me but I just love how how with your


story and a lot of stories I hear on even my own these things just organically came to me it's not beauty


of it yeah yeah I think we got so stuck in how we think it should look yeah that


we don't see all these other opportunities and if we kind of like lean into it a bit things come to us


yeah and I don't think that like the timing is also I think people are like I need to be doing this by age like 35


like I need to be doing this by age 45 I need to have a house and kids you know like I really don't think there is like


a good timeline for anyone everyone's timeline is so different you have to go


at your own pace right like yes maybe if I started my brand like three years ago


when like my Tik Tok was like booming maybe I could have sold more products but at the same time I was not


ready my audience wasn't ready I wasn't ready at all so I think just having the


grace and waiting it out until like everyone around you and yourself most importantly is ready is very important I


love that so much the idea of Readiness because yeah I think we're racing to the next thing so much because we one we


might authentically want it or two we think we should want it and we're not checking in with the the Readiness and I


have so many female clients and male clients too where in their dating they're just hitting the wall and


they're repeating the patterns and I'm like I you're you're the Readiness isn't there you're not ready to to be dating


in a way that's going to make it very enjoyable and successful so I love that you bring up the


Readiness MH yeah the struggles beyond that is just being a female founder


right and the thinking you can do it all I know when you can't I think I really


struggle with that because um I still struggle with this I really feel like I


can do everything when I'm like I I really can't like killing my body over


doing this but um delegation is I think the hardest thing ever mhm really really


really hard um because I'm someone who's such a control freak with everything that I do that I think that no one else


can do it better than I can when actually they can or like I need to be able to focus my time on the things that


I'm really good at that if anyone can do it 80% as good as me or like if someone


is much better at something than I am then I should 100% delegate like for


example like this setup for podcasting right it would take me probably like a


month to figure out camera settings and microphone settings like oh this is why you see all these people in the room


here like I can't do this without them every single day for a month and I still wouldn't really be able to figure it out


but old me would be like I'm trying to save money I'm going to do everything myself right like I'm learning to Tate


it's hard I really struggled at the to and even starting my own practice I was doing everything for the practice all


the administrative work seeing a case load of 30 clients and and it was killing me too and I think there's this


idea and I I work with my clients on this a lot is like yeah we could probably do it all but what are you sacrificing what does it mean to be


doing it all and for me it was like endless hours in front of the computer like not sleeping not eating well like


not spending time with my boyfriend you know like just there were there's a lot of sure I can do it all but there's there's things falling to the Wayside


yeah yeah the sacrifice knowing what you're sacrificing yeah and being yeah our heal our our health which is your


focus can you share more about the brand and the products that you offer yeah so my brand name is by Ava we are a


holistic health company that um focuses on Inner Glow Inner Health outer glow is


kind of like a tagline it came out because I was struggling with my own health journey and I really relied on


the concept of food is medicine so you know when I left Asia I completely


relied on the American diet and in the most unhealthy way growing up I didn't


know what a calorie was I didn't track anything like I literally didn't know what calorie was until I came to college


that is so interesting but that's so heavy in our culture in Asia there's no calorie count on a package but now you


see what here it's like it's yeah you go to the restaurants and they have them on the menus and like well now I don't want to eat that thing I anything because I


was like you I knew how to intuitively eat when I came here I got obsessed with


calories it was not healthy really yeah because it was a completely new concept I was like oh you know what if this


pizza slice is 500 calories but this chicken bowl or steak is 600 calories


I'm choosing the pizza because it has lower calories I didn't know the concept of good calories and bad calories for a


very very long time and and then you know if I'm in finance I'm just eating


something that can get me full very fast cuz like I didn't have even like five minutes to eat right so I was just


relying on like fast food Patti all that all the time so I think from then on I


just completely forget forgot about like well my mom was feeding me like the


really nourishing food once I got sick I was like you know what I just can't take


Tylenol all the time I'm going rely on a lot of the Chinese herbs so that's kind of what I lean back on I have this


powder that's actually the reason why I started by Eva because I was talking about this amazing powder that helps


with your gut your skin brightening all that so I would have in my finest job at


my desk I would have like eight different jars with these powders these super powders and Prebiotic powders and


I was like doing this little Scoops every single day from that into like my yogurt or like um my bowls and my car


like what is she doing what's happening over there what's happening but that is


my very first product the Brazilian skin booster you'll see it in like the small box oh I can't wait to thank you so much


I can't that one is some it's like our all-in-one it's got vitamin C vitamin E


zinc ninite prebiotics everything to like really heal your gut and I really think gut health is skin Health cuz when


I started doing that practice not only did my sibo and IBS like get cured but


my skin it was like not Dull looking all the time yeah you you're mentioning how



you didn't even know about calories I knew so little about nutrition and health before my fertility journey and


after really so in your 30s I'm 43 now in my 40s really I thought I was eating


health healthy and I I considered myself like healthy person but after my miscarriage I dove so deeply into


thyroid things and I want to get into your egg freezing Journey thyroid and gut health and I started working with a


nutritionist and a Hol a hormone specialist and I'm like I'm doing all the wrong things here listen I'm not


perfect even though I own a wellness brand I'm still learning so much and it's mindboggling it's exciting and


being going back to the gratefulness thing too you know if I'm not going


through if I didn't have my gut issues and like my health issues back then glow with Ava the channel would not be here


right if I'm not going through all my health issues I'm going through again right now I don't think I can talk


properly about like Woman's Health so in a way I am grateful in a weird way that


I have all these health issues going on again right now because now I'm treating my body as a guinea pig to see what


works what doesn't so that I can properly give advice to people right if you haven't gone through acne once in your


life you can't give advice on like acne products necessarily right so I I've had


the same experience I think I shared it today earlier so people are going to hear it a couple times but um I really


leaned on that after my miscarriage because I was like there's a bigger purpose here and now because I've


experienced it I can speak to it differently I can relate differently I like I said dove into learning so much


so it's just I wouldn't say I'm grateful for that I see a purpose in that and that's sort of


helped me you know I like the term better purp yeah there was a purpose to it um yeah so I think there's like again


the mindset shift or the way that you look at things yeah can you share because you shared oh there's a fly


right here um you shared very openly on on YouTube about your own egg freezing


Journey can you share a little bit more here about that and curious to cuz you


did get married and you you froze after you got married um were there any


assumptions made or by other people as to why you were doing that if you were married or any narratives of like why do


you have to do this God of course everyone on the internet judges you for anything that you do I know you're brave


to be out there like I just thought it was very important for my content I'm trying to be very transparent about


everything because I want people to learn and make their own decisions I'm not saying you should freeze your eggs


right but for me it was a personal choice and I explained like why I was doing it and um everything too but for


me going back on things um I've been on birth control for a very very very long


time honestly only because my periods have just always been IR regular and I when I came to the US in college like


all my friends were taking birth control and I didn't even know what birth control was cuz in um in Korean birth


control if you translate it if you want to buy it Korea it's called anti- pregnancy pill really yes so it's not


called birth control it is called like anti- pregancy so it's like very taboo


to ever talk about it so I didn't even tell my mom that I was going on it it wasn't because I was having like a sexual like life or anything it was


purely because my friends were like taking it they were like it's helping with what their acne it helps them lose


weight or all these symptoms I was like you know what like I have a regular period why don't I just go on it and it


was so easy to get on it in the US that was anyone explaining even now I'm


learning more about birth control but was anyone explaining to you like no yeah nothing I just got on it and then I


just loved the fact that I knew exactly what my period wash that's why I was on it and it was just such a habit that I


was on it for over a decade like without even thinking about what it was doing to my body I had zero idea of birth what it


was doing you know and it wasn't like I was ready to have kids even even when I got married so I'm just going to be on


this and I went off of it because I was in Korea for 2 months and I didn't have


my backup for birth control I didn't want to go to Korea Korean doctor and be like I want an anti- pregancy pill so I


naturally just had to get off of it when I went off of it and get my period um a


very long time wow it was three months and I was like oh that's and then every doctor I went to was that's totally


normal 6 months go by I'm like something is not right keep seeing doctors here


they're like it's normal I did my blood work they're like nothing is wrong with you nothing is wrong with you a year


goes by and I'm like something is wrong what was that like to keep getting I feel like it's that's part of the


problem is it's like so I went to so many different doctors and they were like it's just normal just give it a


while give it a while like I I was just so lost I was why am I not getting so then I was like should I just go back on


the pillow because I'm like I feel like my body is just dry of not bleeding or


something so I literally went back on the pill because I was like I think if I


don't bleed for such a long time my it it's just going to be bad for me too


were they saying like it's normal because like were they giving you any like no my doctor was like you should probably just get back on the pill so I


went back on it and then it was when I got my period I was so happy but I was like that's not


real period right right on the pill again so that was just like a cycle and


then um after that I I think one of my friends was like


freezing hers I was like you know what maybe I'll just like go see a doctor for the future so I just went to go see him


and then that's when I got diagnosed with PCOS I thought I was immune to PCOS


over like any fertility stuff like I just never thought I would get that I


don't think anyone does think like even me now I'm like I I'm in this camp but I


I I just didn't think I would be in this Camp I never thought I would be in this Camp that's how I found out I PC I was


like oh great and I that's why I did egg freezing because it could have


potentially be hard for me to have naturally right so who yeah I guess was



there some relief in sort of disbelief that you're in this camp but would there's was there some


relief to have an answer to there was relief yeah M and what was the


overall like I know you share it and I watch your whole YouTube but share here like what what it was like for you what you felt doing it what you felt after


doing it and maybe where you are now in your fertility journey I am this I just


didn't even know what to expect because honestly cuz I travel so much I went to


go see a doctor not because I was going to freeze my eggs okay I just wanted to get in consultation because apparently


my friend went to him he was great and I just wanted to get an appointment for like the future um when I went to go see


him he was like you can just do it right now and honestly I would I was traveling


every month that that week was the one period those two weeks were the only period that I could potentially just do


it and I didn't want to do it in the summer because I don't want to be bloated and all that so it was in March when I did it was like you know what


it's kind of cold I'm going to Bali in two weeks so might as well just get it out of the way before wild how that it


was it was wild like I went for a consultation and like I think like 2 days later I started freezing so I like


it was not mentally prepared for this sure at all didn't tell my husband I was like hey I'm actually going to freeze my


eggs like no one knew that I was going to do this it was very sudden MH but when I went through it I realized like


this must be very lonely for a lot of single woman and it's very brave at least like my husband was there to


somehow help me I'm deathly afraid of needles so there's way I'm doing this to hire a nurse to do this for you is $200


a time yes oh and you do this what for like 10 days right so that's also a lot


of money I had my best friend do it for me one day my husband like he's freaking out he's like I don't want to like just


injure you or like poke you with needles and it was very emotional like 10 days


for both of us yeah especially like you said not mentally prepared I was not mentally PR I mean you can't be fully


prepared for it but to have a little bit of time and space to think about it kind of get grounded emotionally maybe I always say like line up your support


system but you had like no no time no time at all mhm but I'm very very glad I


did this I know every woman thinks differently but for me um as someone who's not really ready to get pregnant


soon either like I just don't know when I can I don't really have a timeline per se which is amazing I mean this is the


entirety of the podcast is like let's get rid of the timelin let's live our ownly I'm turning like everyone's like


you should have baby when you're before you turn 35 I'm like I'm 35 very soon like I don't think I can have babies


before then I had my son at 40 and for me you know there was so much angst of like not knowing if I would be a mom or


like feeling like I wish I didn't hold these narratives but feeling like you know I'm running out of time but now


having mm40 it's like the biggest blessing it's the best time it was meant to be at that time it's it all lines up


the way that it's supposed to so we did embryos because um it was like the better option if you are married we did


that it was a success um but I remember before I even went through the um the


process I told my husband I'm not doing this again I don't care if I get zero eggs I am not doing this because it was


just so emotionally draining it is emotionally draining yeah I think it's really amazing when women can set those


boundaries before going into it because it can be really hard if you are not successful in that


first round to do another or do another you can very easily like just keep going at it and I think it's really important


to set those it very much is boundaries we're not doing this again I don't care


yeah but you were you were happy you were successful with yeah apparently I mean maybe with the PCU or something but


I got 42 eggs oh wow you did document that yeah yeah did you always know that you were going to document your


experience and share it publicly tell me what that decision was like I share


everything on the internet but for me like I don't share like if I have an


argument with my husband like I don't share that I don't share like the super personal things but for me this was such


an important thing to share for women like I didn't even question should I share this or not it was like of course


I have to share it with all my female followers because I know that I get questions about fertility when are you


going to have kids like I get asked those questions all the time what is it like for you to get how do you feel when


you get those questions I think it's a natural question I'm like very open to it I don't feel weird about it at all


but I just think like people look up to me or like they want to do what I'm doing like to a lot of women out there I


am somewhat of a role model right especially to a lot of Asian women out there too so I think that's why they're


keep asking me these questions when are you going to have a baby it's it's very weird like I get that question a lot


interesting interesting but I love that what you're saying if you are this role model like you are creating a different

Health Issues


blueprint like you are showing that it's possible to Pivot and have plot twists and to start a company and do something


different and live on a different timeline so I love that you are you are the model for that that's amazing yeah


you'd mentioned earlier that and I don't you said you're an open book so I'm just going to ask you um that you're going through some health issues currently


yeah I I think the biggest irony of starting a wellness brand was I started


this to share everything that I've learned and like just help people heal from the inside and out because I really


believe like good skin health comes from the inside and what you nor


right and health equals skin health so that that was the motivation behind starting this brand I was so passionate


about but by starting this brand and being the only person who worked on it I


destroyed my health I was so busy I wasn't eating well I was drinking I was


just eating croissants and fried food all the time I wasn't sticking to my the


lifestyle that I preach and Beyond just the eating I was so stressed my body so


stressed I was living on a plane all the time so like all of that adding up I was


so excited about building this brand that honestly I never felt fatigue you're like running on adrenaline


adrenaline all the time but that's not good and my doctors were telling me if you're running on Adrena like that but


you don't sleep like this your brain is over working if your brain is


overworking your liver and your other organs are dying right oh my gosh so that was what was happening for like


over a year of just building this company and last year at the peak of when I was busy I got diagnosed with hyp


um hypothyroid me too yeah yeah yeah yeah and um once again I thought I was


immune too this I was like wow I have PCOS and hypothyroid and just every gut issue out


there because if you think about it everything is Interlink yeah and I didn't know that either as I'm diving


deeper into to what causes were like remedies for my health I'm realizing that stress is the root cause of


everything stress INF causes inflammation causes everything mental health I thought was separate from gut


health but it's so related now it's crazy um so yeah I I have hypothyroid


but honestly even after I found that I was busy I found out in Korea when I went MH and like ah you know what I'll


just take medication or something and I just continue to live the lifestyle that I was didn't do anything didn't even


Google what what can I do for I both like completely ignored it for a year a


year yeah I completely thought I was like thought it would miraculously go away it actually worsened everything cuz


I didn't do anything to cure it and I think this year I was on a flight to


Korea and I was reading a book on on thyroid it's like a medical book and I


started crying on my flight cuz I was like I felt so heard and I was like why am I been ignoring everything for what


like for all the sacrifice to do what right if I don't have good health I can't do my job right it's interesting

For What


to think about and we have been talking about this like the for yeah the for what question like what is the for what


that is allowing us to overlook our health and I think so many of us get caught in that like the purs in the


pursuit of ever it is we're just so Tunnel Vision on that thing that we're


we're we don't give ourselves permission to slow down we don't slow down enough to take care of ourselves we over schedu


ourselves like I I've been similar to you I've been asking like for what like for why am I like have 8 million things


to do on one day like why yeah yeah so it's been what two three months now of


on a new Ava 2.0 or 3.0 journey of just really trying to slow down taking care


of my mental skin and gut health it's like a 360 approach getting help asking for


help that's a big Del I know that's a big one having me time I relate to all


of this so much I'm similar to you like again I was hard hard to delegate hard to ask for help and then after the


miscarriage I'm really proud of myself because I have like asked for so much help after that right like just having


you know people that are specialized in things that I don't know about helping me and supporting me and and that's hard

Staying Grounded


yeah yeah I I never did that I mean I'm and I'm a therapist like like I'm doing it for everybody else like maybe I


should get someone to help me with this but I think it's so so important and that was my question to you was like the


how to stay grounded when things get so busy how do you stay grounded or not


susceptible to pressures or comparison or timelines or stressors or things that


are pulling us in all these directions and it sounds like in the last two or three months you're kind of getting clear on what those things are but is


there do or people listening I think the


biggest thing that I try to do is like a um like a mindset shift where you know I


work with a lot of like skincare Beauty Brands and I see these Brands growing at like an astronomical pace and I keep


comparing myself to a lot of these Brands I'm like well if they're growing in an astronomical pace and I'm like why


should I be doing the same things right but what I don't realize is like we just have different philosophies as a brand


too like I don't want for example like investors right now but all these brands have like you know millions and millions


and millions of funding which is why they can grow in Asal pce and I learn


more about the behind the scenes of like you if you do that you have to give up control over your company like all of


these things but for now I'm like my priority is so that I can formulate the projects that I want without outside


pressure at my own pace and I think it's really just like what you want as a Founder for me right now this year that


is my priority yeah to really establish my brand the way I want it to without


any outside pressure so of course I can't grow at the pace that other companies can but I'm okay with that so


being okay with standards that you set for yourself is so crucial and that has


been like like a light bu moment I'm like yeah I love that so much and I


think you know you're talking about in the context as a Founder but I think it applies as a person as a woman as a what


do I want what is my priority right now and drowning out what everybody else is is doing and staying totally connected


yeah to what you prioritize and value yeah exactly oh my gosh thank you so much for being here this was an amazing


conversation I loveed and resonated so much with everything that you shared here and it was wonderful to have you and wishing you all the success


continued success oh my God thank you and health for you you and me both yes good health for yes and and sticking


with our habits and all the things that we know to do and yeah thank you so much for being here I really appreciate it


you it was lovely if you're someone struggling or relating to the topics that we're


talking about now and you're feeling the anxiety or the stress or the pressure of feeling like you're running out of time


you're behind and you want some extra support check out my group therapy practice in Midtown Manhattan NYC


therapeutic Wellness we have an amazing team of clinicians ready to support you in your journey to help you feel more


grounded to help you feel more grateful to help you feel like you're just exactly where you need to be so check us


out at www.nyc therapeutic wellness.com

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