Episode Description

One of the most creative people Danielle knows, Janai Wray is not only a designer and the founder of the Broken Land brand but a successful NYC attorney. A true master of her crafts, she joins this episode to share what a day in the life of Janai looks like, why she keeps no secrets when it comes to business, and what she sees in the future of fashion.S

o tune in and don’t miss how Janai is designing for the new age of entrepreneurs and changing the trajectory of what women are “supposed to do” through fashion.


“I'm always just trying to share information that can help people because when I look at my trajectory from law school and getting my first job and all of those processes, I see how many people were involved. It wasn't just based on academics and stuff like that. Getting these positions is always based on relationships.” - Janai Wray

Key Points:

  • The inspiration behind Broken Land (5:42)
  • What drew Janai to become a lawyer as well as a designer? (9:34)
  • Who does Janai design for? (17:08)
  • How did Janai learn to collaborate with big stars? (21:20)
  • Does Janai believe in keeping trade secrets? (26:59)
  • Where is fashion heading? (30:45)

Guest Information:

Janai Wray

IG | instagram.com/llawyerlady broken-land.com

IG | instagram.com/brokenland.co


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Danielle Leslie

Owner, Culture Add Labs

Danielle Leslie is a believer in infinite possibilities and the founder of Culture Add Labs. She helps people uncover their Culture Add, collapse time, and launch an iconic online course or business around it.

Episode Transcript

My creative process is not going to change like I'm going to continue to create. I'm not trying to like just hold everything in and not really show people because I feel like the more that you show people, the more that you can learn, be open and be positive about the learning process because it was a learning curve. For me. I don't come from a big background and fashion and then go to fit. So someone said, I don't know that I feel like it would be a little selfish that if I seen someone else that's literally in my same position, I couldn't try and help out, or point in the right direction, at least. Welcome to send 3000 I'm Danielle Leslie, and I'm so excited to be here today with janai re she is incredible. She's writing. I'm actually wearing her designs. In today's conversation, you're going to hear how the inspiration came about to create original designs like this. We're gonna get into how is someone able to have their clothes worn by Mary J. Blige. So Ed, Angela Simmons. One thing you're going to hear in our conversation today is the power of generosity and how she really embodies generosity, and also being a master at her craft. And being one of the most creative people like I fell in love with her before I knew who she was by just seeing artifacts of her creations all around. So janai I'm so excited to welcome you to SIDS. 3000 Thank you for being on the show like you. I'm so excited to bring you today's episode. But before we do, I need to make sure you've heard about member up. So community driven products are the future. But Facebook groups are a thing of the past. And after 10 plus years in the online education space, I've taken all my learnings and I've built this incredible platform member up. It's a customizable easy to use all in one platform where you can build a premium course community or membership site without the tech headache. Gone are the days of having to duct tape together, your content, your community, your payments, all on different platforms. I want you to do me a favor, do yourself a favor and head over right now to member up.com Ford slash Danielle. And you can get started for free today. I promise you, I can't wait for you to see this platform. It's beautiful. Okay, the design is amazing your community is going to feel at home here and you are going to take pride in your online business. It is the place to start, head over to member of.com Ford slash Danielle. Now let's get into the episode. I'm so excited to be sitting on the couch with each night. Thank you for having me. I remember when I first met you. And it was before we knew each other before we knew we would be in each other's lives and actually know each other. And I got to see your home, I got to see all the remnants and representations of like who you are, who your husband is, who y'all are as a unit. And I was like so inspired before I even met you. And then I was speaking at the blogger conference. And it was like a couple years later. And I remember I opened the elevator open because I had ordered some food and you were right there. And I was like oh my god. And we had like a five minute impromptu conversation. Because I was thinking about getting into fashion starting a line. And in that like five minutes, we jumped right in, like we went into the deep end. And we talked about like your fashion line. We talked about what was possible for the future. And then we went to brunch. And at brunch. I remember I was like, oh my god, I was so nervous. And I was waiting in line for you to come and I was so being so awkward. And then we sat at the counter. And in that session at brunch, it was like a masterclass for me. And I was like this woman is so generous with her knowledge is so knowledgeable about the fashion industry. And again, so generous Thank you. A lot of people have a lot of knowledge that people who have mastered their crafts. And I would say there's like a tiny percentage of people who share that openly and honestly, and I'm just like so grateful to you like we've only been in each other's lives for like a short period of time. And I've been so inspired and so just like inducted with your knowledge. So I just want to like thank you for that and thank you I'm so happy that we met so happy that we got to connect you are amazing as well. And for everyone watching so I am wearing broken land which is Jeunesse brand. And if you notice, the thing that really stands out to me is your curation. So when I look at this pattern, I don't look at it and say I've seen this before this is like a remix of somebody else's. No, no, this is like truly original. And I think that's what drew me to you is your originality. And I just want to know like where did the inspiration come from? Like have you always been this like original mind but what is the inspiration behind this pattern and everything you've created? So with creating a brand, obviously, you know there's so much to look at as far as the Before you even think that'll come after, so I was really inspired to like try to create something that was unique, that was different. And I did a lot of research on different concepts that I came up with to see if there was anything like that in the market. Because I know that every all creatives sometimes have like minds. So even though I feel like maybe I was the first person to, you know, think of something is probably not the case. So I did as much research as possible to make sure or to see if there was anything similar in the market, just so that I could stand out because I wanted people to be able to look at a print, see the brand and immediately recognize the brand. But without it being like too gaudy. Or like with a logo that's just repeating, repeating, repeating, I didn't want that concept. Not like at first at least I just wanted something that was like really striking to the eye where you knew, as people can notice, now they can see that it's the brand, but it doesn't say like broken then all over. So that was a boom. So even what you're wearing right now I see the pronounced shoulders. And one thing I love about where in my mind, women's fashion is heading is taking up more space. And when I think about you, I would say that growing up, I always idolized the people who were the loudest, most outgoing who commanded the attention through their voice. And when I think about you, you command a presence, and you command respect, just through being and being present. And when I see these like oversized shoulders, I think about how women are taking up more space, in culture in the conversation. And that was a part of the inspiration for like the sense 3000 brands. And when we're thinking about what our like physical, physical digital fashions are going to look like. So this to me is like the embodiment of Gemini, which is like walking into a room and taking up space without having to say a word. I'm curious, as the young Gemini we're gonna take back, okay, the young you to the past, because since 3000 is all about binding the past, present and future you now so I'm curious as a kid, what was your identity? If you were to describe yourself in three words, who was like the young janai I was outspoken. I was I was I'm the oldest of five. So I was very outspoken. I also, you know, had to be there for my siblings. And I'm the oldest grandchild as well. So I'm just the oldest, I'm just I feel like I'm just there to defend everybody probably why I ended up coming a lawyer. But um, I would say outspoken, I would say unique and creative. Hello, I used to draw a lot. That's what kind of led to my sketches now. And like, just in everything that I did, like, I just went super hard with like all of my own school projects, anything where I could be like the slightest bit creative, like I took it to the extreme next level. So yeah, that was kind of how I was that even at I want to say in like high school. I had to get a surgery on my foot. Yeah, it was like cosmetic because I was a dancer. So the cosmetic surgery on my foot, but it was really bothering me. So it's kind of partially cosmetic, partially like really in pain. But in any event, I got the surgery, I painted my crutches like three different colors. I put like all this lace on them. And that's how I went school for like two to three weeks. So that was me. Wow. So you're really unique because of this dichotomy, like you are a lawyer. And you are a designer, and you have a whole last line. So tell me what about being a lawyer attracted you? What is it about the law profession, the legal profession that attracted you, I just liked the flexibility when I was it's something that I started to pursue from really young, it's like, you know, you in grad school, you kind of choose a career and it kind of stuck with me. So when I went to high school, and then when I went to college, I stayed on that track. But I liked the flexibility of being an attorney. And I felt like it was kind of like your way of getting an MBA and a sense, but you kind of just have more options. You can go into real estate, you don't have to take the exam, you have the option to, you know, be an agent in sports. So you have all this flexibility. And then obviously you have control of all of your bills, business dealings, for the most part, because you have that perspective as an attorney, and I also feel like it has helped me logistically, like how to run things. You know, like just thinking as an attorney when I'm navigating through things, so it's kind of helped me, that's wild. So now you have your own legal practice and you're running your line and I'm curious, drop us into like a week in the life of janai. Like, what does that look like today? Well, for the most part, Mondays like Monday mornings, I usually try to spend a lot of time I'm connecting with production to make sure that they are on track, because most of the production they only open between Monday and Friday. They open on weekends, but very rarely. So I try to connect with production on Monday to make sure that they are on track, make sure that my team is going out there and set the schedule for that. So that our policy, which is a production, I know you work with a factory in New York, like so for who watching, like what is production mean? Oh is like production, I would say it's like the cut and sew factories where they actually making the garments. And then all the other vendors, whether it's a vendor for this fabric, or that fabric, I checked in with all of them to make sure that everything is on track for the week. So that you know, there's a constant flow, and then I'll probably check back in around like Wednesday, Thursday, because you know, we get into the end of the week. But definitely Mondays is when I make sure that everything is on track with production, make sure that my team is in place, for them to have everything that they need, then I usually head to my office. And from there, it's just based on what my for the law practice what the schedule is, like, where I have to jump in on hearings, I will say that, with COVID, everything is virtual. Now most things are still virtual. So that has helped a lot. So even if I'm in between going to a factory, and I have to jump out, you know, run into my office or run into a office to jump on a call that can be done now because everything is virtual. So it's like a it's a toss up is certain days when I'm like, have a blazer on and a button up and sweatpants on the bottom and snares. Because, you know, I just got to be wasted up ready. Yeah, for a conference, and then I'll just jump back into whatever else I have to do. Wow, what really impressed me was fashion week happened recently. And I remember you told me, You prepared for that in I think two weeks. Yeah, it was like not even a while if the show was on the shows on the 13th. And we had committed on the first. So but I will say I didn't own I prepared for the show in two weeks as far as getting the garments together. But I started preparing back in December, for the upcoming season as far as sketching, and just preparing for the future. But I didn't know that those particular pieces would end up being you know, the pieces for the actual show. But I have been sketching from December for the upcoming collection so that I can, you know, have like an idea of where I wanted to go with 2022. So I sketched it prior, but we had to make all of those pieces in that small amount of time. I believe that Yeah, I do have a lot of people crazy. I probably had like four or five different factories working on everything, but they made work. So that's unbelievable to me, because I have attempted to make a garment. And it's one garment that is taken like a whole year. I told you I'm like, yo, it's taken me a whole year to make a jacket, which is supposed to be here. But that's not uncommon. It's really not uncommon that you work on a piece and you keep on working on it. But we can we can make some progress. I love it. That makes you all the more impressive though for me to be like wait, we'll wait. She did this in two weeks. And what I loved is I saw the innovation in the line. In my own business, I had been recreating and re identifying myself shifting from CEO chief executive officer to see IO chief inspiration officer. So me having myself stay inspired and inspiring my team and then Chief Innovation Officer, and then Chief Investment Officer. When I see you I see the innovation because when I saw the pieces you debuted at Fashion Week, and y'all gotta check out her IG because there's a record of this and you can see it live, you can see it walking, walking the walk. But what I saw was different from this. And it tells me you're truly like tapped in like you're a vessel of new ideas. So I'm curious, how would you describe the transition that's happening with your line? Like, how would you describe where you were and where you're going? Well, I recognize from the beginning, like we're introducing something new. I feel like it's important for a like everyone to feel comfortable in it for it to be wearable. And I feel like some some things when they're labeled couture, it doesn't seem like it's accessible, or it doesn't seem like somebody will want to wear it on everyday basis or it kind of feels like it's not like you can't touch it like oh, it's couture, it's runway. You only wear that if you're going to such and such event, you know, so I kind of wanted to start to introduce like the different patterns and the different silhouettes on a more casual level. And then now I'm like okay, I want to actually show what I can really do with these items how I can really push the pleats and push the structure to the next level. So that's kind of what I wanted to introduce. For the newer pieces, I wanted them to be more for occasions. So we'll always keep, you know, the original pieces and those original silhouettes because people are comfortable and it when they're just gone to the store or doing something casual, but I wanted to introduce the newest silhouette. So to really show the range of the brand and the you know what my goal is because there are so many different avenues and no avenue, I would say is like the wrong way. There's very casual brands that do amazing, obviously. And then you know, there are consumer brands that do good, but I kind of wanted to show the range of my brand and just introduce it slowly. So now that people have like a trust in the brand, they trust, the quality they trust, you know what they see, they trust. I don't know, even like the, the aura or the aesthetic of the brand. So now that they see something else, they like, Oh, that's nice. They don't just see something that's like, it's kind of just like, oh, no, that's not for me. And it's just like a little bit too much too fast. So I kind of wanted to start introducing the couture pieces a little slowly. But that's the space that I'm in now, if I could say is giving is giving like it is giving. And I'm curious, like who you design for. So who is the person you are designing these pieces for? Obviously, when I design this, I'm looking at like my own style, I'm pulling from, you know, things I would want to see myself in, but I'm designing for I was like the hard working woman I'm designing for the new the new age of like entrepreneurs and the woman in business, the women who are just trying to like, change the trajectory of what women are supposed to do. You know, I'm just putting on designer for just those, those women that really work hard and want to play hard and want to look fabulous. While doing it. I see that when I see you. And I see your designs. It's aspirational to me and also accessible, but it's also like aspirational. And I'm like I got to show up as my best self so I can put this on. Or when I put this on, I will feel like my best self. So it definitely gives all of that. I've seen women all over mascot and name drop, because I've seen all sorts of women who are the masters at their craft rocking your designs, can you just drop for the audience who has been in broken land? Well, just recently, I was really excited. We had our first folk feature with the city girl they had on the same item in a different colorway. I was very, very excited about and that was their first time I think they did a Vogue article. So it was on vogue.com. So that was amazing. And I drove with Coachella when they like performed like a cello. So it was like all Oh, yeah, it was perfect timing. And also, who else Mary J. Blige. So we ad. A good friend of mine, Lady London. She just did a performance like brain fog, right? Oh, yeah. Angeles. He did a really how could I forget? Collaboration that's one of the pieces from the collaboration with Angela Simmons. And yeah, a lot of people that's also like speaks to you know, the type of woman in the brand. Absolutely. But they're they're all on point with that. How did you learn all these collaborations? Like for someone coming to the game, they're like, how do you even get to the Mary J. Blige and the Angela's like all these collaborations city girls, like how did you make that happen? Well, I guess it's really just been relationships and people that are have been believing in the brand. I know from the very beginning. Claire summers from fashion bomb daily. She was one of the people that helped us out a lot. She when we had just launched, we sent her some pieces. And she also ended up sending our lookbook to a lot of different stylists. So that opened up a lot of doors for us, Jason Ranbir and his team. They're super, super amazing dads who put Mary J Blige in the items and some other people as well, but they're really, really supportive. I think he's just been people who over time, they just see the brand and the stylist they reach out and as much as we can we try to help and you know, everything doesn't always work out. But when it does, it's great. And they just, you know, they see the brand, they see the quality, they believe in the brand. So that's how they ended up on their artists. I love it. Oh, actually, Coco Jones of the Valeo show, she just, that's another stylist who has been very supportive. His name is Jay. But he's helped us with that, too. Hey, this is Danielle Leslie, and I have a question for you. If you are a creative entrepreneur, and your business is unique, why are you working with a generic accountant? One of the best decisions I made was who I would partner with on my taxes and my accounting. So if you're creative entre minore you are growing your business you're scaling your business I want to introduce you to revel. 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Entrepreneurial, has a store, restocked in Las which is like one of the most coveted locations. I recently went to a board ape event there, which was so amazing, made sure I was taken care of like, it was so good. And the store is beautiful. And we talked a lot about just like meeting your partner calling in your partner. And I'm just curious, like, how would you describe like, Y'all is dynamic? I guess it's a little cliche, but it's just, I guess, like, it's just undeniable support. Like, in all regards, like, whatever he's working on whatever I'm working on, you know, he comes home, like, Oh, I was driving. And I thought about this, how can we do this, it's like, it's not really like, of course, we have our different careers and what he's working on and what I'm working on. But when it's about like reaching a goal, or like what he knows I'm trying to do or what I know he's trying to do, it's not separate. It's always like us and we and what we need to do to get, you know, such and such done. So I feel like that's what keeps us connected, because fashion and music is who I mean, artists will wear the fashion but he works with mostly males as far as the, like rappers and stuff, two totally different things. But when it comes down to it, and we were trying to like, you know, strategize and figure out how we need to get things done. It's always like a collaborative effort. And it's all it's always like how like, what do we need to do to get to the next level? Like we're always working together? Do you have like a structured time where it's like, I remember I had friends when I was in the Bay Area, and they would do like family planning sessions, where they would open up the spreadsheet and be like, this is where we're heading like, Do you have any structure time when you guys dream together? Goal plans together anything like that? Not really structured time, because we spend so much time together? Um, no, I wouldn't say structure time. It's just, it just kind of organic when whenever we're in a house together or when something's going on, or is a lot of eavesdrop. And I hear him get off the phone like, oh, wait, let's do this. Or did I introduce you to such and such or, Oh, let me call this person. Maybe they can help with this. So it's a lot of that. But it's not really like, okay, let's sit down and discuss I mean, we do do that for like other things. But what the business is just like more like, Oh, I heard this so let's do this. Or oh, like even sometimes, some of his friends they work with some female artists and you be like, Oh, can I take this and try to give it to this person? See if they wear it, maybe they won't. Maybe they're not they will not but you know, in any event, like you're just like, Okay, I'll give it to this person to see what happens. So there's a lot of that. I love that. It's, it's just reminded me of like the power of proximity and it's like when you are in the same space, you are going to be overhearing the business. conversations, and then be inspired by an idea and share that with each other. Or he'll be on a call and say, Oh, actually, I thought about you like, let's make this collaboration happen. I really love that. Yeah, I can't even count the amount of group met group, like group chats we have with different people like, Hey, me. Oh, yeah, so many like dozens. I love that. Something I really love is how generous you are with your knowledge. I think I have. And I guess I get this from my mom, like she's just super honest and transparent about everything. There's nothing that is smaller or bigger than the next thing. There's nothing that should be more secretive, or less secretive than the next thing. Like everything is the same meaning like everything should be out in the open in her mind, normalize everything. And that's what I loved about you. And it was like so inspiring. And in a industry like fashion, which can be competitive in a lot of industries. But in something like fashion, especially when you know, you're going to be in the top percentile. It can be tempting to keep the like trade secrets close to you. And you were just so open and generous. And I'm wondering, where did that come from? My mom is also the oldest and Aleo, like me. So we have we share a lot of trade. She's very, very, very creative to him. She has a blossoming wonderful balloon company, paparazzi balloons here in the tri state area. She does balloons, like all types of corporations and celebrities travels, she's made some weight anyway, like she is like, she's really like, like such a resource to her friends to our family. So So I've watched you know, growing up, I've seen so many people look to her for so many different things. And she's always just like any information and she gets it and she's just like, oh, well, I heard that this job is hiring, let me tell this, this, this and this person, you know, so she's just that type of person, my dad as well. So I feel like with that, I'm just always like trying to not only learn myself, but I'm always just trying to share information that can help people because when I look at like my trajectory and going from, you know, law school and getting my first job, like all of those processes, and I see how many people were involved, it wasn't just, you know, based on academics and stuff like that, like, you know, getting these positions is always based on like relationships. So if I can help people, knowing my journey, especially going from being an attorney to fashion I always try, because I'm still in a learning space myself. Everything that I've learned from, like the past almost two years, it's been because I met someone who connected me with this person and this person connected with that person. And then I kind of like navigated it myself, and seeing what worked and didn't work. But it was always from someone, you know, just trying to help out. And I have so many friends that are in fashion like a NIFA from Hanifa, who's super helpful, all of the stylists that I mentioned, they always just sharing information. That's how I connected with one of the factories I'm working with now. So I feel like I'm just I'm not so coveted. And like my, like all of the vendors and stuff that I work with, because I know like my creative process is not going to change, like I'm going to continue to create. I'm not trying to like just hold everything in and not really show people because I feel like the more that you show people, the more that you can learn, the more that they can help you like you never know, you may show somebody a design, and maybe shouldn't show everybody but you tell somebody that maybe they'll have some pointers and they can help you. Or maybe they won't, they'll just give you some, you know, good or bad feedback that could help you down the line. So I'm just more about like trying to just be open and be positive about the learning process because it was a learning curve. For me. I don't come from like, you know, a big, like a background in fashion. I didn't go to fit. So someone said, I don't know that I feel like it would be a little selfish that if I seen someone else that's literally in my same position. I couldn't try and help out or point in the right direction at least. I love that. And I think a lot of the gifts knowledge connections you've got is because you are so generous. It's like God universes like list is bringing on back to her. Like, let's multiply that for her. One thing I'm curious about because you are to me such an original mind. So we have where fashion is now. And it was so dope. I like texted you one day randomly. And I was like, Hey, do you want to do like a dream planning session? Do you want to come over and we were right there and we had like the whiteboard and we like plotted everything out and we like just dreamscapes. And it was so fun because I got to get some insight into like your mind and where you see things headed. So what I would love to know is kind of you know, where do you see fashion now and where do you see it heading? Fashion now I feel like it's changing so much with everyone's online presence. It's and all of the tools you have now to like really build, like, fashion houses, essentially just, you know, from being online and selling virtually, I think that that's going to change things a lot. As far as like, you know, like, traditionally people have their pre their fall collection and spring collection, and everything is really like to the tee. Most of the larger brands are planning all of their collections like, you know, to one to two years in advance, and it's just, you know, like they're selling, you know, ahead of ahead of time for the upcoming seasons. But I see that changing a lot. Because of the demand, and because people want things now. So I feel like that's going to be a shift in the way that all of the collections are presented for the different respective seasons. And I feel like it's gonna be a lot more direct to consumer, with the brands, like, obviously, people are still using, like large department stores, and large retailers. But I feel like less than less people are really doing well on their own without using the large retailers. And then obviously, we see retailers like Barney's, which like our rip to Barney's that have closed down. So it's like really shocking to see that because I don't think that a lot of people seeing that coming. So I think that's going to be a shift of how things actually sold and how the consumers look to get the items. Whether they are going to continue to have to go through retailers or not. And then like how the collections will go with the seasons. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. And it's interesting, because like, you've been in Nordstrom, I went to your pop up, which was like so dope. I feel like you've done such a great job of penetrating like online and offline. Your online campaigns are amazing. The people you've partnered with and then offline. And I'm curious about what you think because I in our dream session, I was like, Yo, we got this 3000 brand. And in this entity collection, we want to create these digital designs, and then translate them into physical designs. And I was like, Are you down? Like what you think? And so I'm really curious, like, how is NF T's like digital designs for digital taking digital to physical? How is that landed for you? Is that in like the future? Where you see like fashion going? Yeah, definitely, I guess I'm gonna be totally transparent. I'm not 100% in the NFC space when we were talking. And when we do speak about it, I'm still learning about it. But I am definitely eager to see how it will translate into the physical items. Because even when we spoke, I was like, Well, how do people you know, display their entity that home? Like, I'm just trying to like conceptualize things to see like, how the NF T's fit in to our real world. So I definitely see that for the future. I definitely see like, you know, even for boutiques of NFT, I guess collabs that are brought to like the physical space. I definitely see that. Well, that's a dream of mine for when we launched the collection, to partner with even broken lands, to design things, starting from like a digital space. Because what I think is beautiful about going from digital to physical, is there are really no rules like including gravity, which we take for granted. Like when we design we have to think about gravity, we have to think about like how's it going to hang? What are the elements, and what I love about designing for the digital five d all the things world first is like there are really like no limits like it's infinite. And so I was like what would that be like to be like tonight? What if you could create No, no bounds? No Limits? Yeah, that's such a dream of mine to see like someone like you with your skill set to be like, Yo, okay, let's make it like super big like over the top or like, let's do this line. Like, let's do this. And then from there, figure out how to bring it in the real world. Well, I'm definitely down for that. I love creating. I love being extra. That is my lane. Yeah. I love it. One thing I want to ask you because we talk I think a lot about time travel and like collapsing time and doing things that take most people 10 years to do it in like one year. And I feel like you've really done that. So how have you collapse time and done something that most people it may take like a lifetime. You've done a lot of that already. And I'm curious Like, what do you think, set you up to do that? Like what gave you the audacity to like, start this line, name it broken land, like make all this stuff happen. It's probably my family's upbringing again, my mom. So she's a balloon artists now. But originally her career she was a NYPD sergeant. So that's what she spent 20 plus years doing. And I learned in that, that there's no, there are no like boundaries to like, what you can really do like throughout your lifetime would ever have. Because that's two totally different things. Like to be a sergeant, you know, in like a government job that capacity to now having this amazing balloon business like nobody really believes it when they hear it. That's kind of how I was brought up, I graduated college. No, I graduated high school at 16. So I was in college at 16, I was out of college by 20, before I even have a drink legally. And I was an attorney by 23. So for me, I just was always trying to stay ahead of the game. And even though you know my parents would be doing my parents are doing, I just stayed super focused on what my goal was. So when even when launching the brand, I didn't have any actual time frames on what I wanted to do. It was just what I what I wanted to do with just how like what I needed to do, I will put that on the list, but never like a timeframe. So I didn't feel like constricted to anything. And then everything just really started falling into place. It was God's will ordering my steps. But I just kind of like operated in a way that go, I don't have to wait to do another collection. I don't have to wait to try and introduce another fabric. I just was trying to see what works and what sticks. And it's been it's been good so far. Amazing. So good. So, on the show, I've been asking each person to share truth. So essentially doing our own intelligence session. So I'm wondering what is a truth that is present to you now, something recent, that maybe you haven't shared with anyone else that you want to share? One of the biggest challenges is being that I am an attorney, and also pursuing design now. Kinda like in between whether or not I actually want to make a transition into just doing design full time. And that's kind of something that I'm I'm struggling with, because obviously I went to school for a very long time to become an attorney, I do love being an attorney has opened a lot of doors for me. But I also love designing I love the trajectory of the brand and where it's going. So I'm kind of like in a limbo space of like, do I will do I see myself within the next few years or so actually making a transition because so many people think I've actually already transitioned but I haven't. And it's, you know, it's weighing on me, it's not the easiest thing to do to be to be able to do both, and other things on top of that. So that's that will be my truth, that I'm now in a space where I have to actually think about the next few years. And if I do want to make a transition into running the brand full time. Thank you for sharing. That's huge. Yeah, it will be a big step. I feel like that's where I am now, which is having this identity with this course business for so long, and then welcoming in that next phase. And I know it's for me, it's taken a lot for me to like get to the point to like welcome in new things. So I know that's that's, that's huge to share. Thank you for sharing that. Yeah, that was good. Yeah. So we are going to do is tell our futures in third person. So where is janai? Who is janai? Let's say 10 years, 20 years, however far you want to go into the future, where is broken land? What is your life look like? And tell me what that is? In third person. Who would you're not doing what you're doing? And so you're Yeah, in the future? I will be 40 Yeah, 10 years, I will hopefully be a mom. I'm still married. So as the business I hope that there'll be some vintage because you know, after 10 years, things become vintage. I hope this vintage broken Lin selling for 1000s of dollars online. I hope that the brand is blossoming. Elle has blossomed into the Actually house that I want it to be and know that some aspects of my life was still I was still being an attorney but in like, you know, we just discussed I don't know. But yeah, I hope that the brand continues to grow out of the brand expands into unisex and some men's and even children's items. I hope that you have some store friends around the country and maybe even globally and maybe even nifty space. This has been incredible. Thank you. Like I said, when I first encountered you, I couldn't have seen this moment was sitting across from each other on the couch. I feel like so blessed to have you as someone in my life. You inspire me whenever I see you whether it's in real life online. I know you inspire so many others I know anyone who's tuning in will want to know where they can find more. So where can they find you? I am online the website for the club Yvonne is broken. Hi finland.com The Instagram for the clothing line is broken lands up comb in my instagram handle is lawyer lady with two L's love it in lawyer. We're gonna have all that below because like y'all are gonna want to seriously like, just you'll see the things we have created on social are just like a glimpse at the level of creativity. So like y'all go check it out. Thank you so much for choosing do one word, which is into the future. Yeah. I love it. Listen, sometimes life be life in and we do not know what's coming down that road next. Well, that's what happened to me in 2016 when I was unexpectedly laid off from my job. And I was six figures in student loan debt, I had no savings. And I didn't know what was going to happen next. Now luckily, I had this little voice inside of me at that time that I couldn't ignore. And it was telling me to take the leap. It was saying use this as your opportunity to build your business. Use this as your opportunity to create your dream life. And so I believe that life happens for us, not to us. And that nudge in my spirit, I should listen to it. Luckily I did. Fast forward to today I have a business that's made over $20 million. And I've helped over 10,000 people create their online businesses and their dream lives. So do you want to learn how to turn your story into an online product and launch in 30 days, head on over to course from scratch.com forward slash since 3000. I want you to join us on this journey so you can listen to that little voice inside of you too. So go now Do yourself a favor course from scratch.com forward slash since 3000.

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