Dallin Nead

CEO, Content Supply Co.

Award-winning marketing leader, director, and entrepreneur.

Episode Transcript

i want to welcome everyone to visionaries where we believe your powerful message is the best way to grow your business impact the world and live a meaningful life i do want to get into practical and let me know too if you can't hear me or you can't see me super well but um let's get into just some practical techniques um around podcasting i i guess in fact before i do that i want to talk about kind of history of podcasting um why do you think podcasting is relevant now more than ever today now uh more than ever

yeah and it's it's an interesting question because um it's not like a platform it's a medium um it's almost like email right like it's just something that you used to communicate to people and it's a list something that you can own you know we usually call podcasts like an audio email list yeah it's an asset that you can always you know they'll listen as long as it's but it's more themed around a show well email lists can be general just communication um so the history i mean history starts in radio um it's just radio didn't is for a different technology it's not for smartphones it's not for computers um it's it's for radio devices podcasting is just the evolution of radio where it can interface with apps and the internet um so there's a lot of different podcasts i mean obviously people are listening we're more in the you know using it to grow your business and your brand but there's many the biggest podcasts aren't that it's around entertainment it's around uh news et cetera so yeah for sure well yeah and it goes back to the podcasting and my thought even goes back into before there was even kind of a broadcast channel available to podcasting where the the something that makes podcasting unique to say video is that um it uses the power of voice versus just a visual medium and you know back before vid radio or any kind of form of podcast was available people still used similar techniques whether it was obviously the storytelling aspect or the side of like adding sound design in some ways you know to communicate different uh different messages and so i to me it's uh it's podcasting and the medium behind it that has existed um as one of the longest like standing types of of content out there to get a message shared yeah and i my favorite part about it is that people could fit it into their life as they see needed um because other um because you can do it because i mean not saying this is good but we live in a world where people multitask more and they're they're busy you know very busy so the fact that they can listen on their drive you know because that's the only time their drive to work because that's the only time they get to you know be inspired or motivated to do something more and you get to be there you know or help them and like they can focus on you um it's it's really powerful you know so a lot of people listen to when they work out most people listen in their car um other people listen when they're doing the laundry etc so they're able to still live their life and listen to you with voice this doesn't need their visual attention um which is which video is great i'm sure you know yeah yeah video is a big part of my world for sure but but yeah i mean you're completely right and and i love the the side of past consumption because i feel like the commitment level doesn't need to be near as high like say when someone's tuned in for like a webinar or a workshop where you do have to be fully committed to both the visual and audio experience to actually learn something um but uh but podcasting is like you know it i think it removes that excuse or um or that time factor for people where they can passively do i mean i remember road trips all the time growing up and this like predates the popularity of podcasting but obviously radio and and audiobooks for example were very popular then and i think we tune it we tune into like harry potter you know and other audiobooks on these long road trips with my family and uh or i remember doing puzzles too you know where it's like it's you can do other activities that um that you can kind of split your time but yet gets get two forms of satisfaction both with like the activity you're doing that may not require a lot of focus but also at least learning and listening to storytelling and other um other tips and and help you can get through like business podcasting too yeah it's just a lot of consumption it's easy um i i will say be even though there is that convenience factor the most important thing is is the know like trust factor so mainly the psychology piece and how to get people to like you you know the personality piece um that's what needs to be like the emphasis not necessarily because it's not like other stuff is harder to get people to commit to like you're saying um like webinars like i think a lot more less people are like they're becoming more kind of blind to that and uh even like books in some way um even though a lot of people read books like the masses and if you think about it like if you just change your perspective like i've had a lot of downloads in my podcast and a lot of consumption as far as hours um we've been trying to quantify that more the importance of it you know we were even giving soon uh clients like we called the 3m award so a million minute member so people hit a million minutes because like that's what you want with a book that's what you want with you just want consumption um so like i i wrote many books if i look at my consumption and people like uh but i haven't wrote a book but as far as the consumption way um so it's just uh it's definitely a big asset if you're a marketer so oh yeah for sure well and i love that you pointed out the fact that like you haven't necessarily written a book but you have spoken a book you know and that you know if you yeah like if i wanted to put it some people do that too yeah like a lot of books are ghosts from their podcast content because you can just get the transcripts and it's your voice um and i know a lot of people who ghosts write books where it's literally they just interview you um and that's it because who's writing their book a lot of big people aren't you know yeah so oh man it and then i love the aspect too that uh it you know it really becomes a body of work you know not only that legacy element but it uh i think audio more than video and other forms although video is becoming far easier to record as well uh how easy is it to remove the barriers say of like looking good right when you have to often feel like you look good or we're talking before like hey are there any boogers in my nose or things in my teeth you know doing video but you don't have to worry about any of that stuff um you just need to know like oh what am i going to talk about that is actually relevant uh to the audience and i did that is a hindrance for a lot of people because like one of our clients initially wanted to video everything but then she realized like it was a roadblock she would have to have her makeup ready yadda yadda while she was like with the mic her name's allison prince her podcast is like doing amazing but with the mic um just her talking to this it allows her to get her message out quicker and make it easier for her less stressful um and yeah yeah no and it's so true and i think i you know i so i i think it's one of the best forms of content to use and we we have even fewer excuses to to do it right i think it just comes down to having making sure you have confidence in a clear message uh something to attract to the right people who you want to serve so so for those who are like okay like i i feel like my message is ready um maybe i've tried a podcast in the past and and didn't really work out or i want to step into podcasting what would you um present as like a simple three-step plan for someone to get started and grow a podcast yeah so uh i actually just did an episode on this i called it like like the full growth strategy for a podcast um some of it we covered like going down to the the fundamentals like you know what do you do like what do you help people with and then knowing who you help people with it's a simple question but a lot of people aren't clear on that um and then how do you like get find those people so knowing who those communities are um and we could dive into these each so it's like what do you do who do you help them with uh where do they exist so what communities are they in how do you engage with them and then why will they listen to your content how do you make content that's good for them um so each one of those uh is crucial i don't know which one you want to dive into first um the first one i think as far as getting traffic to your podcast yeah which one oh i i think the first one is like you know it's it's really one of the first steps it's like identifying some of those initial questions uh yes so that little bit a lot of people already know that what they do what services um and when you're your podcast you want to kind of blend it into your business we always make that a big emphasis people are doing a podcast that doesn't fit their business goals because then they're both headed towards the same kind of north star they're trying they're almost taking different routes people's podcasts with their business and it's becomes too much friction and people stop it or they quit it but it's if it's not and i mean this has to sometimes do with people not having the right business goals you know like they don't have okrs or objectives um to reach to and how is the podcast strategically helping you get there some people you know it's a tool some people use it for networking some people use it just for brand authority like me personally i use it mainly for authority i'm not necessarily selling anything i've i use it mainly just to get my content everywhere i use it as a like a top of the funnel content so the podcast exists for me to break it up and make me still have a presence online essentially because if you don't have a presence then people forget about you um and sometimes i just people need to need uh to remind people about me and they'll remember to work with me yeah happens all the time it's as simple as that people would message me not even related to the content but the content reminded them about something or they have another question um so i i think i i i want a different route from your question there no no actually it's good though well like and i love that you brought that up because there's there's a process that i pull people through in the marketing side of what we do with content supply and uh you mentioned no like trust we call it no love trust um because no i like that better is an early phase of of a sales funnel or of a customer journey where you initially must get people to first get to know you before they can fall in love with you think of it like a real actual relationship right and eventually they trust you by paying you and so that initial no phase of marketing uh it comes down with exposure and attracting people and it could be as simple as like they don't need to actually hear your message they may already know that but if they just simply see your face or see your name and have any kind of cue to you then um the relevancy of the timing of that message or that exposure will be like you said it's like oh daxi equals podcast i'm ready to do this or i have this question or i want to buy a podcast related product and it's just that that quick queue of like getting to know and then you're going to progress them to that next step yeah because everyone's at different phases as far as where they want to work with you or how they relate with you um and i actually love that i'm gonna use that now uh no love trust because uh i think there's a difference from being liked and loved you know uh and i've actually learned this recently i had an epiphany you know something has to do with sales but it's always easier to sell when you're interested in them trying to make them instead of trying to make them interested in you so you kind of thinking about the other person way more than you care about what they think about you um and i think you could tell when people do that in content whether they feel like oh they're speaking to me or they understand me um instead of you trying to be like oh look at me look at me um and it takes more effort and creativity i think it's it's really it's really hard uh and i i think and i just did it there but i think it's tricky to not use i or or me or my you know like those those possessive words or those what you can do if you're saying a story right if you're saying a story but but it's it's still really tricky though because it's easy to turn the content to be about ourselves when ultimately it's it should not be about ourselves uh and i think when we first start creating content a lot of our content looks fairly selfish um and so i i believe you know kind of like if you're interested in growing any kind of relationship i mean i think when i when i first met my wife she was never gonna fall in love with me uh if she actually never got to know me first you know and then she's i'm not gonna get her to trust me or to say yes to proposal until she um you know she falls in love with me so like each one follows the other but it's it can be a very simple three-step process that you have to recognize okay what step in their journey uh can i deliver this message through podcast that gets them ready to move to the next step and i i will also say so initially you're saying you know what if people weren't having success with their podcast or they're kind of hitting roblox um people also have to understand the function of a podcast um i'm still assuming uh most people listening are in the education space um they're trying to speak to people and you know tell them make good content around their industry right right not necessarily entertainment that's a whole different route like if it's comedy entertainment then you just need to make people laugh right that's more creative like subjective um but in this space you have to know that uh it's not gonna be your best first interaction with someone your podcast it's more for nurturing so after you've already delivered some value or or they're aware of you somehow through you know a facebook group or a lead magnet or something and then they go to the podcast to go deeper um because like that's like i mean do you ever listen to podcasts of someone and you have no idea who they are like if it's a solo episode or something no no i mean it's actually through unless it's word of mouth yeah word of mouth yeah yeah if it's word of mouth which is most podcast growth word of mouth but if it's like um not word of mouth like do you no it's like i'm trying to think like i think there's maybe initially when i first got out download like the apple podcast app or you know wherever i listen now i'm trying to other apps too but uh i think about once i went through the browse section and started looking at a podcast where it's like then you have to commit like okay can i trust this person based on the cover image you know their thumbnail image you go through a vetting process but yeah if you look at a few things oh yeah you're saying what's relevant to you what i mean what psychology wise like what do you think some of those cues are that are important as far as like the thumbnail to the podcast title yeah we uh so i it's it's it's very dependent on the brand we're working with and kind of their style um and also what phase of business they're at um usually when it's bigger people if you already have an audience you want to go more after identity or movement type names like you know plant the flag in the ground like allison prince like because i can she's going for a big message um and she's also trying to put a wider net and then narrow it in but that's because she's experienced i wouldn't recommend that if you're starting out if you're starting out you want to make it clear as day why someone's listening you know um i'm trying to think of an example uh

all right so we work with a with a client who's in the real estate space um and that traditionally is a very boring industry um all the real estate podcasts feel like they're for other real estate people even though their goal is to talk to not real estate people which is funny just that's how their mind operates um they do done-for-you real estate both so we had a position around um replace your income something that the average folk can relate with and oh by the way we help you do this by automating your real estate so they the angle that they enter the market is based off of curiosity um and it also presents like a result you know something that people want so that there's longevity built into like the theme of the show um so that's usually the things you could tell when you look at you know the artwork or looking at the titles or the description you could tell you know does it make you want to like listen you know is it is there curiosity there or i guess desire desire in there so yeah for sure you know it's so fascinating too because i think you know with the barrier of entry it can be so easy to be like hey i'm just going to hit record and publish a podcast but the strategy behind launching a podcast is really interesting that you've hinted that because it shows the it sounds like kind of two areas um of identifying where you're at one like allison prince who she's actually a former client of mine so i know allison pretty well and she's amazing with her movement uh and so but yeah with allison like she already had yeah she's so awesome art you know she already had like you said a captive audience that she's growing and so there's clarity there but for those who need to do a little bit more attraction initially like it's there's two different identities you got to speak to and uh and so i'm so glad you pointed out because it's recognizing well where am i in my own journey um with my my messaging that i'm putting out there yeah and i and like i i don't talk about this a lot because like when you talk about branding it sounds so boring like just the word and you could do bad branding um but like it's so important to know like why you're different and kind of your angle or unique position to things um so that you can like you know have your space the blue ocean is what they call it but um it's very under like even all the new clients you work with who don't launch a podcast with we have to rebrand a lot because after we go deep we're like um this isn't really like inspiring or motivating it doesn't look like so we just really try to like think of like first impressions you know someone who have no idea who you are like to be able to be like hell yes or hell no i usually think about it in extremes yeah totally well and and i i think so from from that moment where they identify where they're at and they i guess start to publish or get some kind of uh system in place like what would you say is that as a next right step for them to begin publishing and get familiar with that process

um as far as for getting better results for their podcast yeah or i mean you kind of talked about identifying early on like hey what's my intention where am i at like what style podcasts don't need to set up here are some guiding questions yeah and what are they a lot of it has to do with uh like what i was saying earlier making sure that it hits your business goals and you know knowing your value ladder how people naturally already ascend in your business and how does the podcast bring up that next step you know how do you promote your things you know think of every episode you want to have you know a lot of value but also where people can go to learn more or work with you further et cetera because that's naturally they'll want to do that if they like it um if they don't like it then they won't want to do that but um i would say initially you want to know you want to focus in on one platform for redistributing and like promoting and etc and make content that's relevant or good from the podcast there you know there's a lot of different types of content you can do if it's just audio it's a little tougher to make good micro content um you might have to focus more on your copywriting skills heavily more than like you know audiograms are nice for stories but like for feeds like square with the the square with the sound and the just the graphic they don't perform as well usually um but you don't want to focus heavily on the copywriting um if you're making just audio and having like good hooks like that's everything like really knowing ahead of time like the intention of what is this episode about like what's the promise the hook and really trying to make it sound like it's relevant to your who your specific audience and specific problems and solutions so copyright is really really important i'm so glad you had you hit like that that aspect of it and another thing that came to mind too that i wanted to pull out is this idea that like just don't publish for publishing sake necessarily i mean you didn't put it in those words but but uh connecting your podcast as a medium back to um a clear purpose right like whether it's you know hopefully the offer you know or an offer or offers that you have in your business um because you know one thing we we talk about content supply are these three simple phases of your content journey so you need to develop a clear message so people can listen you need to build a marketing plan that works and then create impactful content or medium so we break it down to messaging marketing and medium and your medium is far more impactful and actually effective when you can have the messaging and the marketing set up and in that marketing area that's where you start to connect like okay what types of content or medium will work best for me to grow this part of my business for have marketing work and so uh you know plugging podcasting into to that uh i i mean you you got you gotta have a product you know if you're in business you gotta have a product easier than people think like you can get like pretty high level as far as how you develop content but essentially you just need to know what is your audience's questions and then how do you position something like a sexy answer or a sexy kind of like something that alludes to the answer um or can help you solve that thing that's based on a result or something that they want it's what it is like we have a client who has like success a few successful local i just interviewed him actually um and we do two podcasts for him he has one that's a local gym and everything they do is just whatever people ask them in the gym everything they say and do and then people love it because they feel like you're literally using their words as ammo um so just really if you know what people are asking your market the questions just make content around that and then figure out how can you get those people to engage with yourself and that's it yeah so and then obviously there's a you know the good content piece and that's very subjective and yeah yeah you know and it's yeah the good good content valuable content right it's and and i mean you usually spend the time clients right yeah where you can you can make something and this happened i was talking to one of our friends recently about this kevin hansen um and he was saying like you can make something that's good that you know is good but if they don't like it they don't even want to put it on the market or test it even though we know like oh this is something we've done before it like looks good it sounds good um and you know the creative element is subjective but it's super important the creative element you know a lot of marketers understand that you know making things look creatively pleasing so yeah because then people on the other side they're like oh this is something that i can enjoy it adds to the experience and they could tell that there was effort so then in their mind they're like oh i should pay attention because this is something serious you know um so yeah yeah that's that's powerful uh and one thing that i i love with that too is um you know i think it's easy to dismiss creative the variable of creative when it comes to say advertising or marketing because sometimes something as simple says like a cell phone video for for video advertising can perform well you know you put a simple message out there and it connects um but adding more creative into it and so you know in the context of podcasting what do you think more creativity looks like uh when you go to build out a podcast yeah and i will also say that it's very tangible like that's always the it's always the best reaction when we have a client they just send us content and we do the creative stuff to it and then like the reaction is always like whoa this sounds way better or like than what i originally said it just kind of amplifies thing right um so the main things like so obviously i have a good team so there's a lot of stuff that's in their brains um i just try to communicate well between them we're like we have designer i'm not a designer or anything i'm mainly from the audio space i'm more around making things sound good um but the main things is having a a brand theme like colors fonts and being congruent everywhere so people feel like they're getting the same experience even whether it's a youtube thumbnail or you know their website they feel the same when they see your thing right um so there's congruency there um having like a headline that pops out um so having that text element um even if it's video or copywriting and um there's a lot of factors for the copywriting piece i would say like on how to do good copywriting um and sometimes it's dependent on the audience and your voice um so i i don't know that doesn't answer your question too well there's so many variables yeah yeah yeah and i also have people who are better at me than in a lot of things you know i can tell when something's not interesting um so when i when i'm writing so that's one thing i'm probably decent at writing copywriting i always try to think about like making every word impactful like if i don't need a word i'll try to remove it especially for an episode title like i want to make it condensed so that every word like evokes a feeling i'm gonna try to get straight to the point sometimes those are nouns sometimes those are numbers people get attracted to numbers um and really trying to get to me to things uh with headlines and hooks so yeah yeah you know that's the most important part of any anything the first sentence the headline you know the headline or or what you say in a podcast and things like that uh as the hook uh well so how you cheat up yeah yeah how you teed up there's uh there's a powerful side of podcasting too that happens after you hit record uh and that comes down to distribution and syndication or repurposing i just three ways to say it in some ways how do you think uh that plays a role in like scaling your podcast and getting more exposure to it yeah so the redistribution piece it plays a big role but only if you're active on those platforms i mean we don't really live where in an age where you're just organic content can go viral out of nowhere unless you're you know it's something very politically charged i feel like or something that's uh something that's around something that's more universal if it's if it's niched your things don't really go viral if it's niched yeah um you have to be doing active things to get people to follow you like you and sometimes like i have a virtual assistant who helps me with this now because i know the importance of it but initially like i was in facebook groups of other podcasters or marketers people who would know or like me love me or trust me and i would answer their questions where i would you know like and reply to their stuff and add 50 to 100 people a day so that when i do start doing this read distribution stuff people will engage or they'll share it or they'll react so that's that's kind of the groundwork and then i mean so you scaling and growing some people that might not be like you know you don't need a huge podcast for some people to hit their goals right like the other client i was mentioning she's more about depth he helps gym owners so he's just trying to talk to the right people um and then have them work with him and as long as he's doing that like it doesn't need to be a huge huge podcast it just needs to talk to the right people um so it the podcast is a puzzle in how people generate leads um like the podcast should be a big part of that if you are going to do a podcast um and and then that's when the redistribution piece comes comes into play so yeah i mean we can dive deeper into that if you want yeah i mean i mean i and i think simply uh you know we talk about this in different trainings and i think it's a hot topic as far as like content repurposing goes among va's uh freelancers yeah it's very it's very techy and it's very totally there's a lot to it yeah yeah and it's it's simply this idea that you can take your podcast and turn it into a ton of other new types of uh of content pieces whether like you've referenced earlier audio or wave waveform graphics animations quote cards emails social you know posts just ways to syndicate or re-share um a very similar message across different platforms but it i think it maximizes those who are the hosts and the experts behind the podcast to get more exposure to it uh and so you're more likely to share it etc yeah yeah and uh and also i'm assuming people listening know like what an slp is or like how to like hire someone and tell them step by step what to do i'm assuming i don't know if that's the wrong assumption to make um yeah or something so that's our standard operating procedure uh for those who you know don't know what sop is but but many do right like systems and um getting your business around like clockwork is is definitely a powerful part of of what a lot of these people are learning a lot of those listening and watching are learning so yeah so like you want to have that for all the type of redistribution you can do um initially if you don't know what to do um i'd recommend hire someone who will also create the sop for you um but you have to like what they're doing obviously uh for it to work but you want them to like you know pay them to train you on how what they're doing to your content um and then you want to we're clients are always surprised when we show them our sops that we create for their content there's a lot like it gets very detailed like do this don't do that click here don't click here and then you know there's a lot of details to someone's like style so yeah um yeah and a lot of times i mean you can you can standardize it for many clients um but would you say there's quite a bit of customization based on the type of client in industry that you have to do for these um overall when when um the mindset when people are creating content is different depending on the client which people if people listening and they have a team like the main things you want to consider is like have them sound like you and a lot of that has to do with like what are the words you use do you use emojis do you not use emojis you know do you use all caps like little nuances like that um because some people we run into this a lot like how they speak is not is different from how they write you you might be the same if you're listening to this and you want to make sure that people know that who are doing stuff for you um so a lot of it has to do around that sometimes you can do it but some people suck at doing it actually i wouldn't say everyone do it first themself um but i will say it is interesting if people do things themselves whether it's audio editing video editing i'm sure you know because you get to really think about um it's almost like if a basketball player watches replays and they see how their game was you know if you're creating your content you can really like see like you know the raw the rawness of it and how you can improve et cetera um because we're all if you're doing a podcast you're trying to become more of a personality become more charismatic you know make better content right so um so yeah yeah i i i love it too and it's i the thing that's interesting to me about sops is that uh it does really standardize a a checklist or a process you follow but also a service offering as well like you know you do done for you services um and uh and so when you can you use that same process plug it into each new client and so a team can follow like hey do this check that off move to the next thing check that off and that is the successful like you know from that one audio file of a podcast it's moved on from hand to hand like it's a baton in a relay race uh yeah until the finish line um where it's distributed and it starts to get the exposure that it needs and and like if people think that it's a lot like don't try to do everything at once like just figure out like all right how do i get write good show notes like that's it like how do i make my podcast up get shown sorry once we get that dialed in we have the process um i kind of know you know the length i'm shooting for or you know the focus of the show notes um how do i you know make it graphics and then you build that and then all right now how do i use the graphics to make good audiograms and write good emails and then blog posts should i do everything at once it could be overwhelming to people um so yeah yeah that's a really good insight well i i love these different you know we talked about kind of early guiding questions you ask yourself before you hit record and start a podcast and then um we didn't get too much into the production side right where you know what microphone and all these pieces and we can definitely list those resources and i'm sure you have plenty as well um in the description of this video in this episode um but just a simple note to that um you know the best mic you have is the one you have on you the same way with recording videos the best camera you have is the camera you have on you and that's often your phone you know you can do a quick voice memo um and it may not be the highest quality but it's still uh a good enough quality to get your message out there as long as you have a solid strategy in place yeah people and i see this all the time like a lot of big for still just use their phone for a lot of stuff even their ads people making a lot of money from their ads literally just their smartphone yeah because it's like just about like yeah which i mean it's still a skill i think like how you kind of command the presence in a good ad or something or you know using stuff for your phone like you have to be you know animated in a way um which is the main thing you know it has to be animated and also you know have something behind a message some weight behind a message um yeah i'm always about like we have our minimums we recommend people atr 2100 is a good one just to sound good enough because if it is really bad then it could be like to the point where uh it will actually get people away from your content um it's distracting like you know like if you listen to a podcast and it sounds like it's on a dial-up phone which i've seen a lot um i it causes cognitive dissonance you know it's almost like watching a going to movie theater and the movie's like in you know not 1080p right it's in like it's buffering or there's 360 like you know um it just takes you off the content yeah which you don't really want to do so i mean it's not but it's not that expensive nowadays like you can have like a good setup with video for like 150 bucks like just a good webcam good mic and then maybe a lot of softwares are free so yeah yeah completely yeah so i mean and and literally it's like i would say majority people have a smartphone to get decent audio and video um but it's it's understand yeah it's understanding i would say just start publishing without without those massive barriers and you you hit on a really important piece too is like add in the other bells and whistles uh you can call it you know over time whether it's like hey let's improve the design or let's get a better microphone to record this um but but i would say the tools uh although important are the least of your worries to making sure that you can actually launch a successful podcast yeah like you people like they'll know when they're creating good content so i have a rhythm they'll they'll naturally want to start doing more you know you won't want to go to waste just like focus on like and getting good at that and then uh you'll and if anything it will strengthen how you uh kind of think a lot of times when i create episodes like i have to think like i don't just like record all the time like i mean at least me like i like to think about you know what are the points i want to hit on sometimes i do research or sometimes i i have to reflect on what i've done i've never liked um and then that helps you strengthen knowledge of your business and your marketing et cetera yeah hands down that's well where would you um where would you send people who are looking to improve their podcasting if they're already doing it or are looking to launch their their first or next podcast uh as a resource yes so yeah we have a facebook group with a lot of people uh podcast success secrets and then uh our website legacypodcast.com that's what we do all of our services um we do free strategy sessions and uh those are the two main places yeah love it well hey daxy you're a powerhouse when it comes to podcasting i appreciate your time and we'll talk soon thanks bro appreciate it thanks so much for listening uh once again if you would like to learn more about how you can use your unique message and share with the world through video and create videos that actually are professional and perform bring you money and all of the results and influence that you want to make then i invite you to learn more by going to contentsupply.com thanks again for listening and we'll talk to you very soon

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