Dallin Nead

CEO, Content Supply Co.

Award-winning marketing leader, director, and entrepreneur.

Episode Transcript

welcome to the content supply podcast I'm Dallin need and each episode we bring you an inspiring brand creator or message to help you discover how you can experience success in your business as we unpack stories and strategies about all things content and growing a successful brand so this is just a hole discovery process for all of us we feature a variety different brands on the show from entrepreneurs caterers copywriters marketers coaches athletes to designers filmmakers photographers and many more all brand owners all creators so it's my belief as with many others that every company is a Content company and has to be one to stay relevant and competitive because let's be honest the internet is so full of brands that it can be very easy to get lost in the crowd so quality and effective content really separates you that's why content supply was created to supply brands with ongoing custom content so they can engage with their customers by providing value telling stories and making more sales and when we say content I'm talking about video and audio and written or image all and everything in between all those content creation and building a business is really hard you never finish the building and creating even after you experience some success you have to keep going on in the journey content supply was created to be resource a community and a solution to fill that large gap of content so thanks for joining the show now let's get to the interview everyone and welcome to the content supply podcasts and welcome back on today this interview is a little bit different we're featuring MO Vidya George who's one of the cofounders of Mo video this is a creative marketplace online both on mobile and desktop where you can discover the talent you need to create content but also be the talent to create content and it's connecting brands and agencies with the right talent to produce content and to not only do that but be involved in every step of the project management process from sourcing the talent to creating the creative briefs to getting paid to networking and sharing your profiles I think Facebook and LinkedIn and Vimeo married together to support a creative first platform it's a way that you can share your portfolio and be found and also hire for work one way that I am constantly finding value with it and always will is the ability to simply go on go to the search feature type in I need a cinematographer or a videographer filmmaker in Maine or in New York or in Seattle any region of the world really and it geographically places you there in that city or in that state or in that part of the world any part of the world and it puts a pin as to where that right talent is located and then you're able to contact them message them right away and you can hire by your region Grandin not every creative skill set requires location specific talent but regardless having that specific way to pinpoint the right talent all around the world mo video they're located their main offices in London the UK and they've grown quickly I initially met Alex one of the co-founders at NAB which is a conference in Las Vegas every year which brings together all companies brands and talent from broadcast video and the tech side of this industry and my ears were just ringing after talking to Alex in meeting for the first time several years ago and seeing the potential for a marketplace a community like this to connect all of this talent together so I'm just super passionate about this this platform and I see my involvement with it just everything creasing in any form and so as it's a creative first platform it feeds in the ability to source the whole spectrum of creative skill sets and doing it very easy and user-friendly way so George was so gracious to provide some of his time and his busy schedule and share some of the ideas and a little bit of the background of the video so without further ado let's get into the interview with George from mo video thanks for joining the content supply podcast today George hi done in it thanks so much for having me great so move idiom to the audience that I speak to it's a new business it's new platform it's something they've probably haven't heard about before so show us a little bit more about movie neom okay so movie diem was actually born out of a production company a production company that was making films all over the globe for a range of different brands and businesses like Samsung Electronics Vodafone and Google and we identified a whole bunch of pain points of how we actually pull teams together with the demand set that was actually required for um for for customers new customers were asking us very challenging things and we needed to find better groups of creative and production people are people with real deep knowledge about very niche subject matters or people with you know expertise in flying a drone or a DOP based in Beijing in China for example so as the landscape of briefs changed so do did our requirements for access to talent so we thought well let's build a profiling site that helps brand this agency's production companies and freelancers collaborate and find built build an ecosystem where they can find time to collaborate with and actually use to a certain extent workflow tools to help streamline that process solid so George you were involved in the early days and getting all the started knit you were with these original production company exactly yeah well yeah I started that production company as well solid so how have you seen it evolved in so you you have the idea you saw the demand in the market to create a platform to connect the brand's connect the agencies to the freelance the filmmakers and the other creatives how did you go about sourcing the talent and sourcing the technology to build this platform well I think what's interesting is that the the need actually came from you know the customers asking us as a production company so we had insight of how to build teams you know I was a producer in that production company as well as Alex vo the other co-founder in the video and you know because of this need we understood how to find people and work earlier what what a good producer what a good director or what a relevant director or producer for the brief that we received was life and so we had a we have it we had a small network much like you did before kind of the internet came along and changed things in other areas so we looked at other areas of business that were using the Internet very effectively and thought let's apply the possibilities that the internet offers the the global creative production landscape and apply it to a model that we know very well and so you know there was a day one one individual DOP from Manchester in the middle of England on the platform and it was a very lonely spot for him because it was him me and Alex on the platform yeah totally and and then we went from there and we asked others to come and join us and we asked others for feedback about how to build such a thing you know obviously week week we had our own way of working and what we discovered very quickly is that there are a number of different ways of working and workflows and still we discover so many more almost on a daily basis people feedback to us about tips and tricks and this is how this works and you might take a look at this idea so lots of different challenges around building not only the technology but also encouraging and asking people to join you know what we saw as a very necessary thing for the industry to progress and and be able to service the changing formats of production and content that was required so what I mean by that is perhaps a shift from the traditional 36 or 60-second TV spot commercial to a more branded video or event film or Facebook or LinkedIn feed video completely speaking to that - let me give you a little bit context - content supply and what this new brand is and why something like mo video is I think a perfect platform to help support and grow it as with other brands is content supply is a content as a service business so yes it's a production company but also it for the Internet of today the the social content that's required from video to blogs to podcasts to other forms of content the high demand of ongoing and high volume content creation yeah is there and at a scale that the right talent needs to be discovered and hired for the brands and you know for the clients and discovery in that right talent is hard and that's obviously where mo video steps in is because sometimes you need it by region by location other times you need it just by the style or you know the talent so I found move idiom incredibly valuable with sourcing talent where it's so simple just to type in I need a scimitar for in New York and then it's geographically places you there on a map it pinpoints specific talent at different parts just exactly these the things these are things that we had struggled with ourselves and production companies it's what we we needed to build these things completely what and what were the challenges with building this tech heavy platform you know with all the moving parts that go into it well I think you know I think challenges are all part of building a business you know and you've got a we've got to actually enjoy that process and you know the technology build is one building the supply-side community building the demand side community and obviously that's very exciting when that starts to come together but really you've just got to eat up challenges get through them get over the move on as quickly as you can it sounds like you've built as you source the talent the right talent you've you've been able to build the professionals in place to get thrown of those challenges I think definitely I mean you know we have a very sophisticated team you know of engineers here at my video and we have a great team of marketeers we have a lot of filmmakers and production people and so yeah I know Cecilia as we don't think as the platform built so did the team as the business built and become a bit of a profile out that people sort of got in touch wine to kind of join join something with a bit of momentum definitely and how do you see it evolving cuz with content supply you know with the the need that I see within my business and tapping into talent not only filmmakers or photographers but also other forms of content creators like bloggers you know the kinds that aren't as associated with the film industry beauty and evolution into other creative skill sets like copywriters or something like that well I think it's a very interesting question it's a sort of natural question because meridiem at this stage looks as though it can accommodate that yes of course it can but at the moment the focus is the creative advertising world for video production because that is a niche that we understand implicitly and therefore getting that right first it was essential to us to actually understand that those learnings before we can a venture into other areas of New York on a daily basis we get requests for photographers you know or concept artists or audio engineers and we do have a number of them on the platform and they are finding their own way of using it which is fantastic and we love the feedback we give them but it although the initial focus is is video production we actually view it as a full of creative industries as a whole I like that it's so it's a more complete creative marketplace versus just a finicky marketplace yeah I mean I think I think you know marketplaces is obviously a word that people use because you know people come together and there is a you know a commissioning element brands natives come commissioned talent on the platform but meridiem is also a lot more than that and it's a professional social network there's a lot of a learning going on people are blogging on the platform and learning off their peer community you know so there's discovery so although matching is the the fuel that drives the business and the marketplace drives the business there's a lot of ancillary things that people do think about in the first thought when they think about my video because it is the commercial thing that comes to mind first but there's a lot of other things going on on the platform aside from just the matching well and that's one thing I think on the surface that until people dig into it the capabilities are constantly evolving is is what I see and I think and like I said like what I found valuable is just the search capabilities alone and how that's constantly changing but beyond that is building out your own profile and building out your own way to be found but also to find the right talent and and to be within that community of like-minded professionals as I'm sure you've heard many times before it combines I think a lot of strengths that come from other social networks from Facebook to LinkedIn to Vimeo and can kind of combines it into a more holistic experience well I think you're talking about something very interesting there which is I think is pastiche or combinatorial you know review and I think I think you know a lot of creativity which is the background that we came from comes from just slightly recombining something in popular culture that causes it to have a little bit of a viral loop and if we look at what we've done with NVIDIA we have been very very focused on the actual community of creative production and creative people you know across the globe and how we can make it relevant specifically for them but with things that they feel familiar with that they might use on other surfaces around the web completely as the obviously the visual design is very professional and very easy on the eyes with Nvidia both on the mobile and the desktop versions it's a familiarity that people can get into and to quickly dive into to learn and to apply to their business both in sourcing talent and and you know tell me a little bit more about your business so content supply and creating content for online brands and entrepreneurs it's less of those massive brands and agencies it's more of those who are finding corners of the Internet to build a community and then to monetize off those communities through paid programs paid communities and other forms of content so that the content when I speak of that it's it's primarily video but it's also podcast in other forms but it's content that sits in three forms both within the free realm across social media like Facebook YouTube and Instagram but also paid ads across social and then the content that exists within a paid wall and so that's where we partner with these online brands who are successful and definitely have the cash flow to invest in evolving and scaling up their content and providing that constant supply and that ongoing effort obviously the the world of being a creative supplier so to speak you know a service provider is the ongoing demand and need of content for any brand have constant tension and maintain attention is you need that frequent access to talent and I think that there's a big struggle on the internet for creatives to find the right talent and to connect with them I think Facebook groups I've kind of evolved that you know have provided that but I think on a whole nother professional scale that's why I once again I go out to move idiom and I see the +1 you guys are building and I just see that the value constantly being a high demand because content supply it's a distributed agency model where the talent is not all underneath one roof which has its benefits for sure but the talent is sourced worldwide and so to find that talent and sometimes you need it by region you know let's say you need a filmmaker on site to actually film you know a bunch of content then you can source local talent within that network and so content supply yeah it's a content as a service agency it's distributed across any region and so hiring for talent and so it is yeah that's a quick breakdown of what it is and it's it's evolving and so I think tapping into what once again like tapping into what move idiom offers and I'm really excited to see how it evolves and how it continues provide value and how I dig deeper into it sounds like a good natural fit fuel business totally I mean like I'm a big advocate and I just remember my ears reen after meeting Alex and Vegas a couple years ago I mean I've seen platforms kind of start and die it's kind of similar to move idiom but at this scale and in quality I mean that's the quality like the design quality was is important I know that sounds like it shouldn't be but the design is so user-friendly that it just it's very helpful and intuitive so I see a natural fit there and I'm super glad we just were able to connect us able to learn a little bit more about your marketplace in and and I would love to see it evolve to include all creatives because skill sets as it is right now yeah well I think I watched this space coming well it's kind of like I'm I'm sure as you're familiar you know there's he's got the social media brand you know you got the gary vaynerchuk's or the other you know social media guru so to speak marketers the other stuff and a big push to become to maintain attention online and social is to have ongoing content at a you know high quality but also high quantities scale but it's happen to that content far beyond just video but in other forms that is preferred by the customers or the audience viewing and so the natural fit is there and it's definitely a creative first platform yeah that's what that's what we're showing a spotlight definitely well it's fantastic to have been on your podcast oh it sounds like you've got a really interesting business I think it's very applicable for move video and I think there's a lot of customers that need your help actually out there as well I think you're in understanding about always-on and producing a lot of content that's how you get share of my attention so yeah no I wish you all the best with it Thanks search for being on the podcast ed I'm definitely excited to share more of a movie team with with the creative world thanks so much your time hi George bye so we mentioned content in brand building throughout this episode if you're overwhelmed with running your business and you know you need more content especially an ongoing constant supply of content that's custom all in order to take your brand to the next level then make sure to learn more and check out our website of content supply at content supply that I owe so thanks for listening everyone and we'll see you on the next episode

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