Episode Description

One of the best ways to supercharge your sales process is with VIDEO!

A simple message that guides your audience to take the next step in their journey from cold prospect to happy buyer.

And believe me, this buying journey can be either very quick or sooo long… so why not speed it up and make it genuine with intentional messaging from you and your team so they can trust in you, your mission, and your products by buying what you offer.

Here are six ways to use video in your sales process...

Most people and brands struggle to get the visibility and attention they need to stand out and grow their business. Often, this makes them feel overwhelmed as they try to do all the things to grow a business that matters while serving their audience with great products and a powerful message.

It's difficult to be successful with video without a clear plan and knowledge about how video, marketing, and messaging actually works to attract and genuinely sell an audience of buyers.

Josh Crandall, Dallin Nead, and other guest experts explore many actionable tips, strategies, and behind-the-scenes secrets from their most successful video marketing campaigns inside the Video Supply™ Agency — all to help you grow a brand that people love using the power of video.

Topics include creativity, messaging, scripting, marketing, gear, film production, editing, and many more stories and strategies in between!

At Video Supply, we teach you everything you need to know to grow your business with video — VideoSupply.com

Dallin Nead

CEO, Content Supply Co.

Award-winning marketing leader, director, and entrepreneur.

Episode Transcript

hello everyone welcome to this episode we are going to talk about six ways to use video in the sales process so if you're tuning in with me live let me know in the comments but i would love to just dive right into it um for those who are not super familiar with who i am i love all things video i love all things messaging all things marketing i truly believe the power of content and your messaging especially with video will make or break the success of your business because when people can see you and connect with you in this genuine way whether it's a live broadcast a pre-recorded video on a sales call with your video on whatever it may be video has that unique ability to play to everyone's senses from the site from the sound from the emotions that you can create everything so we're gonna dive in and walk you through what it looks like to include video throughout the entire customer experience that sales process that they go through so to do that let's uh let's talk about what that first step looks like so a lot of these you know especially if marketing is your thing a lot of these types of words are going to resonate with you and immediately create all sorts of connections um if marketing is fairly new to you um all use different language as well so that way you know you can better understand what it may look like for you so i'm calling this first way to use video in your sales process attention so the attention phase of your customers experience with your business is all about generating as much traffic as much attention as possible to usually people who don't really know you that well so you may look at this video you know if you're watching this video maybe you're listening to it in an audio experience this may be one of my first introductions to you my business to you and so this is a form of attention and so this first phase with attention is also about ads so a lot of times ads whether it's paid ads or just free ads out there are there to capture your attention and then send people to what that next step looks like in their journey a lot of times they literally say click on the link below or visit this website they give you some form of a direct response call to action that gets someone you know your audience the person watching to take the next step and so the reason why i i call this out first is because one it's gonna you know the the traffic form of video content in the sales process is going to be the majority of video content you go to create because i would even mention just say 80 of the content you go to create the other 20 that exists is going to fit within the other ways to use video in your sales process so think about what this looks like for you how can you capture the attention of your audience and then guide them to the next step and what's so powerful by the way about using video and not just still images you know and po like non-image posts is that video uh establishes that first step that first connection so they can see you they can hear you and experience you and your message but then when you use video in the next step they take after they click through on that ad they just visit your website go and download that resource use video in that next step and that way it feels like a continuation of that journey and it's like hey here i am again guiding you to this next step so attention is that first step to take the next part is remarketing okay so what does remarketing look like a lot of times like if you're running a facebook ad it can be called a retargeting ad it can look like several things one is if someone's watched a paid ad you can re-target them with the follow-up ad that says hey thanks for watching this video if you haven't registered for my webinar or if you haven't gone and download this free resource or if you haven't bought my product then go do that now you give them a sense of urgency so that's one form of re marketing that exists from a paid ad side but another way i like like to look at it too is remarketing can exist through email or through other places that you interact with your audience so if you've already delivered a message they already know you they already are grown to like you and even love what you stand for love your business then when you remarket them say an email you know they've already become a lead at this point you can literally send an uh like a gif in the email or a link to a video to be like hey i recorded a video message for you uh for those of you who may be on the fence with buying my product or accessing this resource or just simply to provide more value to you with no hard call to action in mind but you can invite them to watch a video that you created specifically for them and then you can link that up to your website and so that's a form of remarketing also inside of your group so maybe it's on facebook maybe it's a private community elsewhere you can remarket them with a message that is for those people who again already know you and are starting to like you and and want to follow along and see what you have in store and what you can offer them and then after or during this time of remarketing a third way to use video in your sales process is through lead captures so in my business because my business is called content supply video supply is how we use video for our clients we like to call by the theme of supply we like to call our our lead captures lead suppliers because it supplies you with leads but the way that you can capture a lead which simply means capturing that name and email that contact information of a potential customer you can do so by having video that exists on your website or wherever they may go to learn more about you and download or access some kind of free resource this may look like a pdf this may look like a webinar some form a way that they can learn more about what you have to offer and try to see if they're a good fit to what you do offer as far as a paid product or service and on this lead capture page you can literally have a video message that you may be wearing the same clothes from what they saw in the ad or the remarketing messages but on that lead capture page you can present them with why they can benefit from downloading or accessing this free resource and then they're like yes i'm resonating with this person i like this message i'm going to put my name in email and get access to it and so once they get access to it right they put their name and email on the next page you can have another video and it says thanks for downloading this free resource here's what you can do next first off this free resource is going to be available in email so check your inbox but you can also get further results with my business or with our business by doing this maybe you invite them to book a call within your team maybe you might invite them to go and join um a free community you have but more so i would say focus on selling them on the next right product or service that they can benefit from with where they are in their journey so this is where you capture leads again your email list which is a powerful part of the marketing process to really engage with your audience to guide them on this journey because this journey is all about them if you make it about you then you're gonna lose and you're not gonna win over customers so lead captures another way that you can use video in the sales process is with demos so demonstrations of what it looks like to be successful with your product or service in this video it can literally be as simple as a webcam video uh something from your phone whether you have a digital product like an online program or membership or mastermind coaching what have you or maybe it's a physical product you can demonstrate what it looks like to successfully use this product or service in three easy steps and that can become one of the shortest videos you've ever made can be an instagram story you mean quick facebook live but it can also exist on the product sales page on your website so in this video what it can do is say hey my product does this uh and you're gonna paint out paint the picture oops paint the picture of the end result that your product or service creates for them and then you you can say to be successful in it or successfully implement or

be yeah to be successful with this product or service step one you can do this step two you can do this and step three you can do this a quick example could be for example we are in the middle of launching a brand new consulting and service program called video supply you can learn all about at videosupply.com but what we say let me let me literally take the words from the website because what i do on the website on the main sales page is i want to just simply walk people through what are the three steps you need to take to be successful in taking the next right step in implementing video supplied inside your business so this is literally what i say on the website i say your plan to create videos that stand out and grow your business start with step one apply so you click and then i have a little um kind of subscript to that where i say click below to apply for a free strategy session with our team to see video supply is the best fit for your business so step one is apply step two is implement and step three is transform and then i have a button below that says start now and so three simple steps granted you may have a lot more implementation and comprehensive materials that exist within each of these steps but you want to keep it as simple as possible for your audience so that way they're like oh that's all it takes is first i apply then i implement the information and all the resources then i can transform my business and it gives them a sense of a simple path to follow so that's what some demos can look like you see that i just walked you through very simply the example of mine on my website and i would even recommend throwing graphics on the screen to help communicate that um it's even more simple with a physical product that says hey step one open the book step three or step two read the information and step three uh implement it or apply it to your life and business me simple as that so demonstrate what it looks like to be successful with the product then uh the fifth way to use video inside of your sales process is through your sales calls so this obviously is most applicable to those of you who do take sales calls if you sell a physical product this may not relate as much because people can literally go watch the product demo feel like hey i can be successful with this product i want this for my life for my business by now good to go but if you sell something that costs more it's a premium price oftentimes you take sales calls this includes a product that may be a membership a coaching program consulting offer or a service you do through agency or freelancing work and the like and so if you do sales calls at all in your business then what you can do oh by the way sales calls can include customer service calls in that kind of interaction but on your sales call make sure that you have the video turned on and on top of that is have great looking video turned on so for example this one this is literally plugged into my computer right i'm doing this live stream um i've been on sales calls client calls all that lately and i i guarantee every single call one of the first comments that are made is how do you make your video look so amazing um they usually comment on their webcam is not so great they're lighting their audi you know what whatever it may be and it's a lot more simple than you think just with a few quick tips and strategies uh and so you can literally go visit videosply.com workshops and there's a solo creator workshop that i'm hosting in about a week and a half that walks you through how to create videos professionally from the comfort of your own home or office and do so by designing a video studio yourself and so very powerful way to stand out on your sales calls or your live streams with just some very quick simple wins so on your sales calls don't um for the sake of you know unless you're taking on the go and you can't have your phone out or can't have your camera on any way take your sales calls with video on this is the step in your customers journey that they're going to need to have more trust in you uh they want to interact with you whether it's your you know you on the sales call whether it's your sales rep they need to build that human connection know hey am i going to be further supported if i buy in to this product or service that you're offering and in doing so you're going to win over your customers far far more easy than not um because there's that aspect of looking into someone's eyes watching their body language reading their body language um and just having that one-to-one uh human interaction that does the selling for you i mean what this is one of my the favorite things that i enjoy about sales calls um as i've taken them is how you simply just have a conversation you figure out whether you can help the person you're talking to you figure out what their goals are and get them to talk about themselves because the more they do that one it's great customer research for your product and service uh upgrades that you may have but two you can be like hey we are a perfect fit to work together here's what you need to do next or we may not be the best fit and that's okay and then you can maybe provide an alternative solution but most the time if you qualify them correctly and this can be done through additional sales messages done with video is they should be right and you know the right fit for your business by the time they're on the sales call so have your video on if you literally have to um make sure you're not on the road you're not doing some other activity have focused time for these calls with your clients uh to give them that confidence turn your camera on and have that interaction and they'll appreciate you for it because they're gonna have that further trust to know that hey i can buy in i can literally buy their product or service and be confident that i can be successful with it just because this human i talked to has helped me understand that for myself okay and then another piece so that the sixth way to use video in your sales process um is with product education videos okay so product education what does that look like this can exist in multiple forms if you are an online service provider or or coach consultant someone who offers a digital product this becomes easier because this project education literally lives with within your online course or your membership and this program that you offer but if you have some other form of product or service that you don't necessarily need that education that comes after they buy in oops i keep hitting my microphone after they buy into that product or service then you can have it live on your website the product education exists as youtube content uh tutorials on there that educates them on how to be successful with your product or service it can live on the blog on your website where you embed that youtube video but then you do a longer form write-up of what that video what you present inside that video it can also exist which is basically the form of a blog but what other people call it other businesses call it oftentimes is a knowledge base so that's where it's just a whole library of video tutorials whether it's screen walkthroughs of how to use a a product or service or maybe it's other demonstrations but an easy way for someone to get the access to those tutorials and get that confidence that hey all of the resources are available to me to feel confident in using this product or service so investing into that product education side is going to be huge because if people don't understand what it looks like to be successful using your product or service then they're not going to have the confidence or the trust in you and your business that they can be successful with you and so make sure to invest in that okay so let's recap on what these six ways are for using video inside of your sales process and this by the way this works for every single type of business out there uh no matter the industry because customers need to have that know love and trust factor that relationship in order to confidently buy from your business okay so the first one is attention this is where all the ads and all that traffic generation happens usually with people who don't know you super well and are becoming more familiar with you and your business and then the second way is remarketing this can come in the form of re uh retargeting ads like on facebook instagram or in messages in email or in groups ways to deliver a second message to your audience to guide them on that next step in their journey in working with your business or buying one of your products and services the third way to use video sales process is through lead captures so this is where they visit your website they see a sales page or they see a a free resource page and you have a video of you or your team on there presenting why they can benefit from what they're about to download or get access to the fourth way is with demos demonstrate your product or service in three easy steps and then the fifth way are on your sales is on your sales calls so turn your video on on those zoom calls those skype calls and interact with your potential clients customers using your smiling face and then the sixth way is product education so this is where you're educating people on what it looks like to be successful it's kind of like a continuation of the demos that you can do but how they can be successful with your product or service and to demonstrate that in as much detail as possible that's that can become an incredible resource by the way uh for the longevity of your business because when you can educate people on your product or service and they come up with a question be like hey i got this question if you have a project education video that you created months or years ago that answers your question very clearly you can literally point them to that that page where that video exists and they can learn about you but then guess what they're already on your website so if your website is done well and engineered to generate more cells then they'll understand what that next step looks like um and so they're educating your product they get their answers their questions answered and then they can understand what it looks like to take the next step with the call to action button that exists on that project education page so and you know these are just six of the most powerful ways to use video in your sales process there are so many more incredible powerful ways to do so and all of this to say that video is the most powerful form of content you have at your fingertips to connect with your audience and guide them to be successful with using your products and services and being a loyal fan and paying customer inside of your business and really is the perfect marriage by the way of the marketing and cells that are essential for business growth because in the marketing phase right it's all about generating that attention and getting all that traffic and then it's guiding them to the cell face of the business through that sales process and so when you can marry the marketing and the cells perfectly with using video then you know that you'll be set up for success and that you have that supply of video content to really empower your customers to feel confident in working with you so i hope this was helpful i will jump it down into the comments after we end record on this video and if you have any follow-up questions as far as what it looks like to use video inside of your sales process and how to even script uh those messages in a way that really connects well and helps you look more professional more confident on camera then do let me know what those questions or even ideas may look like so thanks for watching this episode make sure to go to videosupply.com series to join the wait list for upcoming documentary series it's a free five-part series that helps you understand how to transform your business from invisible the best kept secret to unforgettable and be that visionary business owner that you know that you are and do so with the power of video content so thanks again and we'll see you on the next video or the next message or the next episode whatever it may be talk soon

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